package org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3.dto.account.BTCEAccountInfoReturn; import org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3.dto.account.BTCEWithDrawInfoReturn; import; import; import; import; import; import; import si.mazi.rescu.ParamsDigest; import si.mazi.rescu.SynchronizedValueFactory; /** * @author Matija Mazi */ @Path("/") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public interface BTCEAuthenticated extends BTCE { /** * @param from The ID of the transaction to start displaying with; default 0 * @param count The number of transactions for displaying default 1000 * @param fromId The ID of the transaction to start displaying with default 0 * @param endId The ID of the transaction to finish displaying with default +inf * @param order sorting ASC or DESC default DESC * @param since When to start displaying? UNIX time default 0 * @param end When to finish displaying? UNIX time default +inf * @return {success=1, return={funds={usd=0, rur=0, eur=0, btc=0.1, ltc=0, nmc=0}, rights={info=1, trade=1, withdraw=1}, transaction_count=1, * open_orders=0, server_time=1357678428}} */ @POST @Path("tapi") @FormParam("method") BTCEAccountInfoReturn getInfo(@HeaderParam("Key") String apiKey, @HeaderParam("Sign") ParamsDigest signer, @FormParam("nonce") SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> nonce, @FormParam("from") Long from, @FormParam("count") Long count, @FormParam("from_id") Long fromId, @FormParam("end_id") Long endId, @FormParam("order") SortOrder order, @FormParam("since") Long since, @FormParam("end") Long end) throws IOException; /** * None of the parameters are obligatory (ie. all are nullable). Use this method instead of OrderList, which is deprecated. * * @param pair the pair to display the orders eg. btc_usd (default: all pairs) */ @POST @Path("tapi") @FormParam("method") BTCEOpenOrdersReturn ActiveOrders(@HeaderParam("Key") String apiKey, @HeaderParam("Sign") ParamsDigest signer, @FormParam("nonce") SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> nonce, @FormParam("pair") String pair) throws IOException; /** * All parameters are obligatory (ie. none may be null). * * @param pair pair, eg. btc_usd * @param type The transaction type (buy or sell) * @param rate The price to buy/sell * @param amount The amount which is necessary to buy/sell */ @POST @Path("tapi") @FormParam("method") BTCEPlaceOrderReturn Trade(@HeaderParam("Key") String apiKey, @HeaderParam("Sign") ParamsDigest signer, @FormParam("nonce") SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> nonce, @FormParam("pair") String pair, @FormParam("type") BTCEOrder.Type type, @FormParam("rate") BigDecimal rate, @FormParam("amount") BigDecimal amount) throws IOException; @POST @Path("tapi") @FormParam("method") BTCECancelOrderReturn CancelOrder(@HeaderParam("Key") String apiKey, @HeaderParam("Sign") ParamsDigest signer, @FormParam("nonce") SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> nonce, @FormParam("order_id") Long orderId) throws IOException; /** * All parameters are nullable * * @param from The number of the transactions to start displaying with; default 0 * @param count The number of transactions for displaying; default 1000 * @param fromId The ID of the transaction to start displaying with; default 0 * @param endId The ID of the transaction to finish displaying with; default +inf * @param order sorting ASC or DESC; default DESC * @param since When to start displaying; UNIX time default 0 * @param end When to finish displaying; UNIX time default +inf * @param pair The pair to show the transaction; example btc_usd; all pairs * @return {success=1, return={tradeId={pair=btc_usd, type=sell, amount=1, rate=1, orderId=1234, timestamp=1234}}} */ @POST @Path("tapi") @FormParam("method") BTCETradeHistoryReturn TradeHistory(@HeaderParam("Key") String apiKey, @HeaderParam("Sign") ParamsDigest signer, @FormParam("nonce") SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> nonce, @FormParam("from") Long from, @FormParam("count") Long count, @FormParam("from_id") Long fromId, @FormParam("end_id") Long endId, @FormParam("order") SortOrder order, @FormParam("since") Long since, @FormParam("end") Long end, @FormParam("pair") String pair) throws IOException; /** * POST to retrieve transaction history from BTCE exchange. All parameters are nullable * * @param from The number of the transactions to start displaying with; default 0 * @param count The number of transactions for displaying; default 1000 * @param fromId The ID of the transaction to start displaying with; default 0 * @param endId The ID of the transaction to finish displaying with; default +inf * @param order sorting ASC or DESC; default DESC * @param since When to start displaying; UNIX time default 0 * @param end When to finish displaying; UNIX time default +inf * @return JSON like {success=1, return={tradeId={type=sell, amount=1.00000000, currency="BTC", status=2, description="BTC Payment", * timestamp=1234}}} */ @POST @Path("tapi") @FormParam("method") BTCETransHistoryReturn TransHistory(@HeaderParam("Key") String apiKey, @HeaderParam("Sign") ParamsDigest signer, @FormParam("nonce") SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> nonce, @FormParam("from") Long from, @FormParam("count") Long count, @FormParam("from_id") Long fromId, @FormParam("end_id") Long endId, @FormParam("order") SortOrder order, @FormParam("since") Long since, @FormParam("end") Long end) throws IOException; enum SortOrder { ASC, DESC } /** * Author: Ondřej Novtný * * @param currency Currency to withdraw * @param amount Amount of withdrawal * @param address Withdrawall address * @return */ @POST @Path("tapi") @FormParam("method") BTCEWithDrawInfoReturn WithdrawCoin(@HeaderParam("Key") String apiKey, @HeaderParam("Sign") ParamsDigest signer, @FormParam("nonce") SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> nonce, @FormParam("coinName") String coinName, @FormParam("amount") BigDecimal amount, @FormParam("address") String address); }