package org.knowm.xchange.campbx; import org.knowm.xchange.BaseExchange; import org.knowm.xchange.Exchange; import org.knowm.xchange.ExchangeSpecification; import org.knowm.xchange.campbx.service.CampBXAccountService; import org.knowm.xchange.campbx.service.CampBXMarketDataService; import org.knowm.xchange.campbx.service.CampBXTradeService; import si.mazi.rescu.SynchronizedValueFactory; /** * Exchange for CampBX. * <p> * WARNING: Please heed the CampbBX's note: * </p> * <blockquote> * <p> * Important: Please note that using API and Website interfaces concurrently may cause login interference issues. Please use different external IP * addresses, or pause the bot when you need to use the Web UI. * </p> * <p> * Please do not abuse the API interface with brute-forcing bots, and ensure that there is at least 500 millisecond latency between two calls. We may * revoke the API access without notice for accounts violating this requirement. * </p> * </blockquote> * * @author Matija Mazi */ public class CampBXExchange extends BaseExchange implements Exchange { @Override public ExchangeSpecification getDefaultExchangeSpecification() { ExchangeSpecification exchangeSpecification = new ExchangeSpecification(this.getClass().getCanonicalName()); exchangeSpecification.setSslUri(""); exchangeSpecification.setHost(""); exchangeSpecification.setPort(80); exchangeSpecification.setExchangeName("CampBX"); exchangeSpecification.setExchangeDescription("CampBX is a Bitcoin exchange registered in the USA."); return exchangeSpecification; } @Override protected void initServices() { this.marketDataService = new CampBXMarketDataService(this); this.tradeService = new CampBXTradeService(this); this.accountService = new CampBXAccountService(this); } @Override public SynchronizedValueFactory<Long> getNonceFactory() { // CampBX doesn't use a none on their authenticated API return null; } }