package com.marshalchen.common.demoofui.recyclerplayground.layout;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.View;
* A {@link} implementation
* that places children in a two-dimensional grid, sized to a fixed column count
* value. User scrolling is possible in both horizontal and vertical directions
* to view the data set.
* <p>The column count is controllable via {@link #setTotalColumnCount(int)}. The layout manager
* will generate the number of rows necessary to accommodate the data set based on
* the fixed column count.
* <p>This manager does make some assumptions to simplify the implementation:
* <ul>
* <li>All child views are assumed to be the same size</li>
* <li>The window of visible views is a constant</li>
* </ul>
public class FixedGridLayoutManager extends RecyclerView.LayoutManager {
private static final String TAG = FixedGridLayoutManager.class.getSimpleName();
private static final int DEFAULT_COUNT = 1;
/* Fill Direction Constants */
private static final int DIRECTION_NONE = -1;
private static final int DIRECTION_START = 0;
private static final int DIRECTION_END = 1;
private static final int DIRECTION_UP = 2;
private static final int DIRECTION_DOWN = 3;
/* First (top-left) position visible at any point */
private int mFirstVisiblePosition;
/* Consistent size applied to all child views */
private int mDecoratedChildWidth;
private int mDecoratedChildHeight;
/* Number of columns that exist in the grid */
private int mTotalColumnCount = DEFAULT_COUNT;
/* Metrics for the visible window of our data */
private int mVisibleColumnCount;
private int mVisibleRowCount;
/* Flag to force current scroll offsets to be ignored on re-layout */
private boolean mForceClearOffsets;
* Set the number of columns the layout manager will use. This will
* trigger a layout update.
* @param count Number of columns.
public void setTotalColumnCount(int count) {
mTotalColumnCount = count;
* This method is your initial call from the framework. You will receive it when you
* need to start laying out the initial set of views. This method will not be called
* repeatedly, so don't rely on it to continually process changes during user
* interaction.
* This method will be called when the data set in the adapter changes, so it can be
* used to update a layout based on a new item count.
public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
//We have nothing to show for an empty data set but clear any existing views
if (getItemCount() == 0) {
if (getChildCount() == 0) { //First or empty layout
//Scrap measure one child
View scrap = recycler.getViewForPosition(0);
measureChildWithMargins(scrap, 0, 0);
* We make some assumptions in this code based on every child
* view being the same size (i.e. a uniform grid). This allows
* us to compute the following values up front because they
* won't change.
mDecoratedChildWidth = getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(scrap);
mDecoratedChildHeight = getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(scrap);
detachAndScrapView(scrap, recycler);
//Always update the visible row/column counts
int childLeft;
int childTop;
if (getChildCount() == 0) { //First or empty layout
* Reset the visible and scroll positions
mFirstVisiblePosition = 0;
childLeft = childTop = 0;
} else if (getVisibleChildCount() > getItemCount()) {
//Data set is too small to scroll fully, just reset position
mFirstVisiblePosition = 0;
childLeft = childTop = 0;
} else { //Adapter data set changes
* Keep the existing initial position, and save off
* the current scrolled offset.
final View topChild = getChildAt(0);
if (mForceClearOffsets) {
childLeft = childTop = 0;
mForceClearOffsets = false;
} else {
childLeft = getDecoratedLeft(topChild);
childTop = getDecoratedTop(topChild);
* Adjust the visible position if out of bounds in the
* new layout. This occurs when the new item count in an adapter
* is much smaller than it was before, and you are scrolled to
* a location where no items would exist.
int lastVisiblePosition = positionOfIndex(getVisibleChildCount() - 1);
if (lastVisiblePosition >= getItemCount()) {
lastVisiblePosition = (getItemCount() - 1);
int lastColumn = mVisibleColumnCount - 1;
int lastRow = mVisibleRowCount - 1;
//Adjust to align the last position in the bottom-right
mFirstVisiblePosition = Math.max(
lastVisiblePosition - lastColumn - (lastRow * getTotalColumnCount()), 0);
childLeft = getHorizontalSpace() - (mDecoratedChildWidth * mVisibleColumnCount);
childTop = getVerticalSpace() - (mDecoratedChildHeight * mVisibleRowCount);
//Correct cases where shifting to the bottom-right overscrolls the top-left
// This happens on data sets too small to scroll in a direction.
if (getFirstVisibleRow() == 0) {
childTop = Math.min(childTop, 0);
if (getFirstVisibleColumn() == 0) {
childLeft = Math.min(childLeft, 0);
//Clear all attached views into the recycle bin
//Fill the grid for the initial layout of views
fillGrid(DIRECTION_NONE, childLeft, childTop, recycler);
public void onAdapterChanged(RecyclerView.Adapter oldAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter newAdapter) {
//Completely scrap the existing layout
* Rather than continuously checking how many views we can fit
* based on scroll offsets, we simplify the math by computing the
* visible grid as what will initially fit on screen, plus one.
private void updateWindowSizing() {
mVisibleColumnCount = (getHorizontalSpace() / mDecoratedChildWidth) + 1;
if (getHorizontalSpace() % mDecoratedChildWidth > 0) {
//Allow minimum value for small data sets
if (mVisibleColumnCount > getTotalColumnCount()) {
mVisibleColumnCount = getTotalColumnCount();
mVisibleRowCount = (getVerticalSpace()/ mDecoratedChildHeight) + 1;
if (getVerticalSpace() % mDecoratedChildHeight > 0) {
if (mVisibleRowCount > getTotalRowCount()) {
mVisibleRowCount = getTotalRowCount();
private void fillGrid(int direction, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler) {
fillGrid(direction, 0, 0, recycler);
private void fillGrid(int direction, int emptyLeft, int emptyTop, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler) {
if (mFirstVisiblePosition < 0) mFirstVisiblePosition = 0;
if (mFirstVisiblePosition >= getItemCount()) mFirstVisiblePosition = (getItemCount() - 1);
* First, we will detach all existing views from the layout.
* detachView() is a lightweight operation that we can use to
* quickly reorder views without a full add/remove.
SparseArray<View> viewCache = new SparseArray<View>(getChildCount());
int startLeftOffset = getPaddingLeft() + emptyLeft;
int startTopOffset = getPaddingTop() + emptyTop;
if (getChildCount() != 0) {
final View topView = getChildAt(0);
startLeftOffset = getDecoratedLeft(topView);
startTopOffset = getDecoratedTop(topView);
switch (direction) {
startLeftOffset -= mDecoratedChildWidth;
startLeftOffset += mDecoratedChildWidth;
startTopOffset -= mDecoratedChildHeight;
startTopOffset += mDecoratedChildHeight;
//Cache all views by their existing position, before updating counts
for (int i=0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
int position = positionOfIndex(i);
final View child = getChildAt(i);
viewCache.put(position, child);
//Temporarily detach all views.
// Views we still need will be added back at the proper index.
for (int i=0; i < viewCache.size(); i++) {
* Next, we advance the visible position based on the fill direction.
* DIRECTION_NONE doesn't advance the position in any direction.
switch (direction) {
mFirstVisiblePosition -= getTotalColumnCount();
mFirstVisiblePosition += getTotalColumnCount();
* Next, we supply the grid of items that are deemed visible.
* If these items were previously there, they will simple be
* re-attached. New views that must be created are obtained
* from the Recycler and added.
int leftOffset = startLeftOffset;
int topOffset = startTopOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < getVisibleChildCount(); i++) {
int nextPosition = positionOfIndex(i);
if (nextPosition >= getItemCount()) {
//Item space beyond the data set, don't attempt to add a view
//Layout this position
View view = viewCache.get(nextPosition);
if (view == null) {
* The Recycler will give us either a newly constructed view,
* or a recycled view it has on-hand. In either case, the
* view will already be fully bound to the data by the
* adapter for us.
view = recycler.getViewForPosition(nextPosition);
* It is prudent to measure/layout each new view we
* receive from the Recycler. We don't have to do
* this for views we are just re-arranging.
measureChildWithMargins(view, 0, 0);
layoutDecorated(view, leftOffset, topOffset,
leftOffset + mDecoratedChildWidth,
topOffset + mDecoratedChildHeight);
} else {
//Re-attach the cached view at its new index
if (i % mVisibleColumnCount == (mVisibleColumnCount - 1)) {
leftOffset = startLeftOffset;
topOffset += mDecoratedChildHeight;
//If we wrapped without setting the column count, we've reached it
} else {
leftOffset += mDecoratedChildWidth;
* Finally, we ask the Recycler to scrap and store any views
* that we did not re-attach. These are views that are not currently
* necessary because they are no longer visible.
for (int i=0; i < viewCache.size(); i++) {
* You must override this method if you would like to support external calls
* to shift the view to a given adapter position. In our implementation, this
* is the same as doing a fresh layout with the given position as the top-left
* (or first visible), so we simply set that value and trigger onLayoutChildren()
public void scrollToPosition(int position) {
if (position >= getItemCount()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot scroll to "+position+", item count is "+getItemCount());
//Ignore current scroll offset, snap to top-left
mForceClearOffsets = true;
//Set requested position as first visible
mFirstVisiblePosition = position;
//Trigger a new view layout
* You must override this method if you would like to support external calls
* to animate a change to a new adapter position. The framework provides a
* helper scroller implementation (LinearSmoothScroller), which we leverage
* to do the animation calculations.
public void smoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.State state, final int position) {
if (position >= getItemCount()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot scroll to "+position+", item count is "+getItemCount());
* LinearSmoothScroller's default behavior is to scroll the contents until
* the child is fully visible. It will snap to the top-left or bottom-right
* of the parent depending on whether the direction of travel was positive
* or negative.
LinearSmoothScroller scroller = new LinearSmoothScroller(recyclerView.getContext()) {
* LinearSmoothScroller, at a minimum, just need to know the vector
* (x/y distance) to travel in order to get from the current positioning
* to the target.
public PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition) {
final int rowOffset = getGlobalRowOfPosition(targetPosition)
- getGlobalRowOfPosition(mFirstVisiblePosition);
final int columnOffset = getGlobalColumnOfPosition(targetPosition)
- getGlobalColumnOfPosition(mFirstVisiblePosition);
return new PointF(columnOffset * mDecoratedChildWidth, rowOffset * mDecoratedChildHeight);
* Use this method to tell the RecyclerView if scrolling is even possible
* in the horizontal direction.
public boolean canScrollHorizontally() {
//We do allow scrolling
return true;
* This method describes how far RecyclerView thinks the contents should scroll horizontally.
* You are responsible for verifying edge boundaries, and determining if this scroll
* event somehow requires that new views be added or old views get recycled.
public int scrollHorizontallyBy(int dx, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
if (getChildCount() == 0) {
return 0;
//Take leftmost measurements from the top-left child
final View topView = getChildAt(0);
//Take rightmost measurements from the top-right child
final View bottomView = getChildAt(mVisibleColumnCount-1);
//Optimize the case where the entire data set is too small to scroll
int viewSpan = getDecoratedRight(bottomView) - getDecoratedLeft(topView);
if (viewSpan <= getHorizontalSpace()) {
//We cannot scroll in either direction
return 0;
int delta;
boolean leftBoundReached = getFirstVisibleColumn() == 0;
boolean rightBoundReached = getLastVisibleColumn() >= getTotalColumnCount();
if (dx > 0) { // Contents are scrolling left
//Check right bound
if (rightBoundReached) {
//If we've reached the last column, enforce limits
int rightOffset = getHorizontalSpace() - getDecoratedRight(bottomView) + getPaddingRight();
delta = Math.max(-dx, rightOffset);
} else {
//No limits while the last column isn't visible
delta = -dx;
} else { // Contents are scrolling right
//Check left bound
if (leftBoundReached) {
int leftOffset = -getDecoratedLeft(topView) + getPaddingLeft();
delta = Math.min(-dx, leftOffset);
} else {
delta = -dx;
if (dx > 0) {
if (getDecoratedRight(topView) < 0 && !rightBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_END, recycler);
} else if (!rightBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_NONE, recycler);
} else {
if (getDecoratedLeft(topView) > 0 && !leftBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_START, recycler);
} else if (!leftBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_NONE, recycler);
* Return value determines if a boundary has been reached
* (for edge effects and flings). If returned value does not
* match original delta (passed in), RecyclerView will draw
* an edge effect.
return -delta;
* Use this method to tell the RecyclerView if scrolling is even possible
* in the vertical direction.
public boolean canScrollVertically() {
//We do allow scrolling
return true;
* This method describes how far RecyclerView thinks the contents should scroll vertically.
* You are responsible for verifying edge boundaries, and determining if this scroll
* event somehow requires that new views be added or old views get recycled.
public int scrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
if (getChildCount() == 0) {
return 0;
//Take top measurements from the top-left child
final View topView = getChildAt(0);
//Take bottom measurements from the bottom-right child.
final View bottomView = getChildAt(getChildCount()-1);
//Optimize the case where the entire data set is too small to scroll
int viewSpan = getDecoratedBottom(bottomView) - getDecoratedTop(topView);
if (viewSpan <= getVerticalSpace()) {
//We cannot scroll in either direction
return 0;
int delta;
int maxRowCount = getTotalRowCount();
boolean topBoundReached = getFirstVisibleRow() == 0;
boolean bottomBoundReached = getLastVisibleRow() >= maxRowCount;
if (dy > 0) { // Contents are scrolling up
//Check against bottom bound
if (bottomBoundReached) {
//If we've reached the last row, enforce limits
int bottomOffset;
if (rowOfIndex(getChildCount() - 1) >= (maxRowCount - 1)) {
//We are truly at the bottom, determine how far
bottomOffset = getVerticalSpace() - getDecoratedBottom(bottomView)
+ getPaddingBottom();
} else {
* Extra space added to account for allowing bottom space in the grid.
* This occurs when the overlap in the last row is not large enough to
* ensure that at least one element in that row isn't fully recycled.
bottomOffset = getVerticalSpace() - (getDecoratedBottom(bottomView)
+ mDecoratedChildHeight) + getPaddingBottom();
delta = Math.max(-dy, bottomOffset);
} else {
//No limits while the last row isn't visible
delta = -dy;
} else { // Contents are scrolling down
//Check against top bound
if (topBoundReached) {
int topOffset = -getDecoratedTop(topView) + getPaddingTop();
delta = Math.min(-dy, topOffset);
} else {
delta = -dy;
if (dy > 0) {
if (getDecoratedBottom(topView) < 0 && !bottomBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_DOWN, recycler);
} else if (!bottomBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_NONE, recycler);
} else {
if (getDecoratedTop(topView) > 0 && !topBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_UP, recycler);
} else if (!topBoundReached) {
fillGrid(DIRECTION_NONE, recycler);
* Return value determines if a boundary has been reached
* (for edge effects and flings). If returned value does not
* match original delta (passed in), RecyclerView will draw
* an edge effect.
return -delta;
* We must override this method to provide the default layout
* parameters that each child view will receive when added.
public RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() {
return new RecyclerView.LayoutParams(
* This is a helper method used by RecyclerView to determine
* if a specific child view can be returned.
public View findViewByPosition(int position) {
for (int i=0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
if (positionOfIndex(i) == position) {
return getChildAt(i);
return null;
/** Private Helpers and Metrics Accessors */
/* Return the overall column index of this position in the global layout */
private int getGlobalColumnOfPosition(int position) {
return position % getTotalColumnCount();
/* Return the overall row index of this position in the global layout */
private int getGlobalRowOfPosition(int position) {
return position / getTotalColumnCount();
* Mapping between child view indices and adapter data
* positions helps fill the proper views during scrolling.
private int positionOfIndex(int childIndex) {
int row = childIndex / mVisibleColumnCount;
int column = childIndex % mVisibleColumnCount;
return mFirstVisiblePosition + (row * getTotalColumnCount()) + column;
private int rowOfIndex(int childIndex) {
int position = positionOfIndex(childIndex);
return position / getTotalColumnCount();
private int getFirstVisibleColumn() {
return (mFirstVisiblePosition % getTotalColumnCount());
private int getLastVisibleColumn() {
return getFirstVisibleColumn() + mVisibleColumnCount;
private int getFirstVisibleRow() {
return (mFirstVisiblePosition / getTotalColumnCount());
private int getLastVisibleRow() {
return getFirstVisibleRow() + mVisibleRowCount;
private int getVisibleChildCount() {
return mVisibleColumnCount * mVisibleRowCount;
private int getTotalColumnCount() {
if (getItemCount() < mTotalColumnCount) {
return getItemCount();
return mTotalColumnCount;
private int getTotalRowCount() {
int maxRow = getItemCount() / mTotalColumnCount;
//Bump the row count if it's not exactly even
if (getItemCount() % mTotalColumnCount != 0) {
return maxRow;
private int getHorizontalSpace() {
return getWidth() - getPaddingRight() - getPaddingLeft();
private int getVerticalSpace() {
return getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop();