/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009 Luaj.org. All rights reserved. * <p/> * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * <p/> * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * <p/> * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ package org.luaj.vm2.lib; //TODO 与3.0不一样 import android.util.Log; import com.taobao.luaview.util.LogUtil; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import org.luaj.vm2.Globals; import org.luaj.vm2.Lua; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaError; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaString; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaTable; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaThread; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaValue; import org.luaj.vm2.Varargs; /** * Subclass of {@link LibFunction} which implements the lua basic library functions. * <p/> * This contains all library functions listed as "basic functions" in the lua documentation for JME. * The functions dofile and loadfile use the * {@link #finder} instance to find resource files. * Since JME has no file system by default, {@link BaseLib} implements * {@link ResourceFinder} using {@link Class#getResource(String)}, * which is the closest equivalent on JME. * The default loader chain in {@link PackageLib} will use these as well. * <p/> * To use basic library functions that include a {@link ResourceFinder} based on * directory lookup, use {@link JseBaseLib} instead. * <p/> * Typically, this library is included as part of a call to either * {@link JsePlatform#standardGlobals()} or * {@link JmePlatform#standardGlobals()} * <pre> {@code * Globals globals = JsePlatform.standardGlobals(); * globals.get("print").call(LuaValue.valueOf("hello, world")); * } </pre> * <p/> * For special cases where the smallest possible footprint is desired, * a minimal set of libraries could be loaded * directly via {@link Globals#load(LuaValue)} using code such as: * <pre> {@code * Globals globals = new Globals(); * globals.load(new JseBaseLib()); * globals.get("print").call(LuaValue.valueOf("hello, world")); * } </pre> * Doing so will ensure the library is properly initialized * and loaded into the globals table. * <p/> * This is a direct port of the corresponding library in C. * * @see JseBaseLib * @see ResourceFinder * @see #finder * @see LibFunction * @see JsePlatform * @see JmePlatform * @see <a href="http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.1">Lua 5.2 Base Lib Reference</a> */ public class BaseLib extends TwoArgFunction implements ResourceFinder { Globals globals; public LuaValue call(LuaValue modname, LuaValue env) { globals = env.checkglobals(); // globals.finder = this;// finder 由Globals自行设置 globals.baselib = this; env.set("_G", env); env.set("_VERSION", Lua._VERSION); env.set("assert", new _assert()); env.set("collectgarbage", new collectgarbage()); // env.set("dofile", new dofile());//TODO 裁剪掉for LuaView env.set("error", new error()); env.set("getmetatable", new getmetatable()); env.set("load", new load()); env.set("loadfile", new loadfile()); env.set("pcall", new pcall()); env.set("print", new print(this)); env.set("rawequal", new rawequal()); env.set("rawget", new rawget()); env.set("rawlen", new rawlen()); env.set("rawset", new rawset()); env.set("select", new select()); env.set("setmetatable", new setmetatable()); env.set("tonumber", new tonumber()); env.set("tostring", new tostring()); env.set("type", new type()); env.set("xpcall", new xpcall()); //extend for luaview new com.taobao.luaview.vm.extend.BaseLib(this, globals).extend(env); next next; env.set("next", next = new next()); env.set("pairs", new pairs(next)); env.set("ipairs", new ipairs()); return env; } /** * ResourceFinder implementation * <p/> * Tries to open the file as a resource, which can work for JSE and JME. */ public InputStream findResource(String filename) { return getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename.startsWith("/") ? filename : "/" + filename); } // "assert", // ( v [,message] ) -> v, message | ERR static final class _assert extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { if (!args.arg1().toboolean()) error(args.narg() > 1 ? args.optjstring(2, "assertion failed!") : "assertion failed!"); return args; } } // "collectgarbage", // ( opt [,arg] ) -> value static final class collectgarbage extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { String s = args.checkjstring(1); if ("collect".equals(s)) { System.gc(); return ZERO; } else if ("count".equals(s)) { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); long used = rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory(); return varargsOf(valueOf(used / 1024.), valueOf(used % 1024)); } else if ("step".equals(s)) { System.gc(); return LuaValue.TRUE; } else { this.argerror("gc op"); } return NIL; } } // "dofile", // ( filename ) -> result1, ... final class dofile extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { args.argcheck(args.isstring(1) || args.isnil(1), 1, "filename must be string or nil"); String filename = args.isstring(1) ? args.tojstring(1) : null; Varargs v = filename == null ? loadStream(globals.STDIN, "=stdin", "bt", globals) : loadFile(args.checkjstring(1), "bt", globals); return v.isnil(1) ? error(v.tojstring(2)) : v.arg1().invoke(); } } // "error", // ( message [,level] ) -> ERR static final class error extends TwoArgFunction { public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg1, LuaValue arg2) { throw new LuaError(arg1.isnil() ? null : arg1.tojstring(), arg2.optint(1)); } } // "getmetatable", // ( object ) -> table static final class getmetatable extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call() { return argerror(1, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg) { LuaValue mt = arg.getmetatable(); return mt != null ? mt.rawget(METATABLE).optvalue(mt) : NIL; } } // "load", // ( ld [, source [, mode [, env]]] ) -> chunk | nil, msg final class load extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { LuaValue ld = args.arg1(); args.argcheck(ld.isstring() || ld.isfunction(), 1, "ld must be string or function"); String source = args.optjstring(2, ld.isstring() ? ld.tojstring() : "=(load)"); String mode = args.optjstring(3, "bt"); LuaValue env = args.optvalue(4, globals); return loadStream(ld.isstring() ? ld.strvalue().toInputStream() : new StringInputStream(ld.checkfunction()), source, mode, env); } } // "loadfile", // ( [filename [, mode [, env]]] ) -> chunk | nil, msg final class loadfile extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { args.argcheck(args.isstring(1) || args.isnil(1), 1, "filename must be string or nil"); String filename = args.isstring(1) ? args.tojstring(1) : null; String mode = args.optjstring(2, "bt"); LuaValue env = args.optvalue(3, globals); return filename == null ? loadStream(globals.STDIN, "=stdin", mode, env) : loadFile(filename, mode, env); } } // "pcall", // (f, arg1, ...) -> status, result1, ... final class pcall extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { LuaValue func = args.checkvalue(1); if (globals != null && globals.debuglib != null) globals.debuglib.onCall(this); try { return varargsOf(TRUE, func.invoke(args.subargs(2))); } catch (LuaError le) { final String m = le.getMessage(); return varargsOf(FALSE, m != null ? valueOf(m) : NIL); } catch (Exception e) { final String m = e.getMessage(); return varargsOf(FALSE, valueOf(m != null ? m : e.toString())); } finally { if (globals != null && globals.debuglib != null) globals.debuglib.onReturn(); } } } // "print", // (...) -> void final class print extends VarArgFunction { final BaseLib baselib; print(BaseLib baselib) { this.baselib = baselib; } public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { LuaValue tostring = globals.get("tostring"); /*globals.STDOUT.print("[LuaView] "); for ( int i=1, n=args.narg(); i<=n; i++ ) { if ( i>1 ) globals.STDOUT.print( '\t' ); LuaString s = tostring.call( args.arg(i) ).strvalue(); globals.STDOUT.print(s.tojstring()); } globals.STDOUT.println();*/ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for ( int i=1, n=args.narg(); i<=n; i++ ) { if ( i>1 ) { sb.append('\t'); } LuaString s = tostring.call( args.arg(i) ).strvalue(); sb.append(s.tojstring()); } LogUtil.i(sb); return NONE; } } // "rawequal", // (v1, v2) -> boolean static final class rawequal extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call() { return argerror(1, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg) { return argerror(2, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg1, LuaValue arg2) { return valueOf(arg1.raweq(arg2)); } } // "rawget", // (table, index) -> value static final class rawget extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call() { return argerror(1, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg) { return argerror(2, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg1, LuaValue arg2) { return arg1.checktable().rawget(arg2); } } // "rawlen", // (v) -> value static final class rawlen extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg) { return valueOf(arg.rawlen()); } } // "rawset", // (table, index, value) -> table static final class rawset extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call(LuaValue table) { return argerror(2, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue table, LuaValue index) { return argerror(3, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue table, LuaValue index, LuaValue value) { LuaTable t = table.checktable(); t.rawset(index.checknotnil(), value); return t; } } // "select", // (f, ...) -> value1, ... static final class select extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { int n = args.narg() - 1; if (args.arg1().equals(valueOf("#"))) return valueOf(n); int i = args.checkint(1); if (i == 0 || i < -n) argerror(1, "index out of range"); return args.subargs(i < 0 ? n + i + 2 : i + 1); } } // "setmetatable", // (table, metatable) -> table static final class setmetatable extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call(LuaValue table) { return argerror(2, "value"); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue table, LuaValue metatable) { final LuaValue mt0 = table.getmetatable(); if (mt0 != null && !mt0.rawget(METATABLE).isnil()) error("cannot change a protected metatable"); return table.setmetatable(metatable.isnil() ? null : metatable.checktable()); } } // "tonumber", // (e [,base]) -> value static final class tonumber extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call(LuaValue e) { return e.tonumber(); } public LuaValue call(LuaValue e, LuaValue base) { if (base.isnil()) return e.tonumber(); final int b = base.checkint(); if (b < 2 || b > 36) argerror(2, "base out of range"); return e.checkstring().tonumber(b); } } // "tostring", // (e) -> value static final class tostring extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg) { LuaValue h = arg.metatag(TOSTRING); if (!h.isnil()) return h.call(arg); LuaValue v = arg.tostring(); if (!v.isnil()) return v; return valueOf(arg.tojstring()); } } // "type", // (v) -> value static final class type extends LibFunction { public LuaValue call(LuaValue arg) { return valueOf(arg.typename()); } } // "xpcall", // (f, err) -> result1, ... final class xpcall extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { final LuaThread t = globals.running; final LuaValue preverror = t.errorfunc; t.errorfunc = args.checkvalue(2); try { if (globals != null && globals.debuglib != null) globals.debuglib.onCall(this); try { return varargsOf(TRUE, args.arg1().invoke(args.subargs(3))); } catch (LuaError le) { final String m = le.getMessage(); return varargsOf(FALSE, m != null ? valueOf(m) : NIL); } catch (Exception e) { final String m = e.getMessage(); return varargsOf(FALSE, valueOf(m != null ? m : e.toString())); } finally { if (globals != null && globals.debuglib != null) globals.debuglib.onReturn(); } } finally { t.errorfunc = preverror; } } } // "pairs" (t) -> iter-func, t, nil static final class pairs extends VarArgFunction { final next next; pairs(next next) { this.next = next; } public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { return varargsOf(next, args.checktable(1), NIL); } } // // "ipairs", // (t) -> iter-func, t, 0 static final class ipairs extends VarArgFunction { inext inext = new inext(); public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { return varargsOf(inext, args.checktable(1), ZERO); } } // "next" ( table, [index] ) -> next-index, next-value static final class next extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { return args.checktable(1).next(args.arg(2)); } } // "inext" ( table, [int-index] ) -> next-index, next-value static final class inext extends VarArgFunction { public Varargs invoke(Varargs args) { return args.checktable(1).inext(args.arg(2)); } } /** * Load from a named file, returning the chunk or nil,error of can't load * * @param env * @param mode * @return Varargs containing chunk, or NIL,error-text on error */ public Varargs loadFile(String filename, String mode, LuaValue env) { InputStream is = globals.getLuaResourceFinder().findResource(filename);//modify by song if (is == null) return varargsOf(NIL, valueOf("cannot open " + filename + ": No such file or directory")); try { return loadStream(is, "@" + filename, mode, env); } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public Varargs loadStream(InputStream is, String chunkname, String mode, LuaValue env) { try { if (is == null) return varargsOf(NIL, valueOf("not found: " + chunkname)); return globals.load(is, chunkname, mode, env); } catch (Exception e) { return varargsOf(NIL, valueOf(e.getMessage())); } } private static class StringInputStream extends InputStream { final LuaValue func; byte[] bytes; int offset, remaining = 0; StringInputStream(LuaValue func) { this.func = func; } public int read() throws IOException { if (remaining <= 0) { LuaValue s = func.call(); if (s.isnil()) return -1; LuaString ls = s.strvalue(); bytes = ls.m_bytes; offset = ls.m_offset; remaining = ls.m_length; if (remaining <= 0) return -1; } --remaining; return bytes[offset++]; } } }