/* XXL: The eXtensible and fleXible Library for data processing Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seeger Head of the Database Research Group Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Marburg Germany This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. http://code.google.com/p/xxl/ */ package xxl.core.indexStructures.rtrees; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import xxl.core.collections.containers.Container; import xxl.core.collections.containers.CounterContainer; import xxl.core.collections.containers.io.BlockFileContainer; import xxl.core.collections.containers.io.BufferedContainer; import xxl.core.collections.containers.io.ConverterContainer; import xxl.core.collections.queues.Queue; import xxl.core.collections.queues.io.BlockBasedQueue; import xxl.core.collections.queues.io.QueueBuffer; import xxl.core.cursors.Cursors; import xxl.core.cursors.mappers.Mapper; import xxl.core.cursors.sorters.MergeSorter; import xxl.core.cursors.sources.io.FileInputCursor; import xxl.core.functions.AbstractFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Function; import xxl.core.functions.Functional.NullaryFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Functional.UnaryFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Identity; import xxl.core.indexStructures.ORTree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.RTree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.SortBasedBulkLoading; import xxl.core.indexStructures.Tree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.rtrees.AbstractIterativeRtreeBulkloader.ProcessingType; import xxl.core.indexStructures.rtrees.GenericPartitioner.CostFunctionArrayProcessor; import xxl.core.indexStructures.rtrees.GenericPartitioner.DefaultArrayProcessor; import xxl.core.io.Buffer; import xxl.core.io.LRUBuffer; import xxl.core.io.converters.ConvertableConverter; import xxl.core.io.converters.Converter; import xxl.core.predicates.AbstractPredicate; import xxl.core.spatial.SpaceFillingCurves; import xxl.core.spatial.SpatialUtils; import xxl.core.spatial.TestPlot; import xxl.core.spatial.rectangles.DoublePointRectangle; import xxl.core.spatial.rectangles.Rectangles; import xxl.core.util.Pair; /** * This class is a brief tutorial for bulk loading R-tree. * * Firstly, we show how to create and to set parameter for R-trees. * Secondly, we bulk load them from scratch using three different bulk loading methods. * We use the following data set: California Streets (rea02.rec); * The data set is obtained from a census TIGER data set and contains 1.888.880 2-dimensional rectangles of California streets segments. * * The data set can be downloaded from http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~achakeye/data/data/rea02.rec * * point query set from http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~achakeye/data/query_1/rea02.rec * * range query set http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~achakeye/data/query_100/rea02.rec * * Please, note, that for testing data set in normalized to a unit cube. * * * 1. {@link SortBasedBulkLoading} is a generic sort based bulk loading * e.g.( N. Roussopoulos and D. Leifker. Direct spatial search on pictorial databases using packed r-trees. * In SIGMOD , pages 17{31, 1985, I. Kamel and C. Faloutsos. On packing r-trees. In CIKM '93, pages 490-499). * We will use both Hilbert and Z-Curve. * 2. {@link STRBulkLoader} is bulk loading approach developped by Leutenegger et al. (see: * Scott Leutenegger and Mario A. Lopez and J. Edgington * STR: A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for R-Tree Packing (ICDE 1997)) * 3. {@link RtreeIterativeBulkloader} is a generic sort based bulk loading that uses one dimensional optimal partitioning method proposed in * D Achakeev, B Seeger and P Widmayer: "Sort-based query-adaptive loading of R-trees" in CIKM 2012 * * Thirdly, we test the query performance of R-trees using the following query files: * TODO * * * In our example the data is stored as {@link DoublePointRectangle} objects. * Rtree in XXL uses descriptor that are also of type {@link DoublePointRectangle}. Using {@link Tree#getDescriptor} * function we extract or map from input objects their keys (descriptors). In our case this function is an identity. * * * */ public class SimpleBulkLoadingExample { /** * Path were the R-trees containers ( {@link BlockFileContainer}) will be stored. * * NOTE: change */ public static String RTREE_PATH ="F://rtree//"; /** * Path to the California Streets (rea02.rec) data set; * NOTE: change */ public static String DATA_PATH="F://rtree//data//rea02.rec"; /** * Path to the query file with point queries. * NOTE: change */ public static String POINT_QUERY_PATH = "F://rtree//query_1//rea02.rec"; /** * Path to the query file with range queries. * NOTE: change */ public static String RANGE_QUERY_PATH = "F://rtree//query_100//rea02.rec"; /** * In this example we will use {@link BlockFileContainer}. Therefore, */ public static int BLOCK_SIZE = 4096; // /** * We use 2-dimensional data */ public static int DIMENSION = 2; /** * */ public static boolean BUFFER = false; /** * */ public static int BUFFER_PAGES = 10; /** * */ public static boolean HILBERT = true; /** * Hilbert two-dimensional comparator */ public static Comparator<DoublePointRectangle> rectangleComparator2DHilbert = new Comparator<DoublePointRectangle>() { int defaultSpaceResolution = 1 << 30; // we need this variable to provide a space resolution @Override public int compare(DoublePointRectangle o1, DoublePointRectangle o2) { // we use a center point for mapping to a SFC // please note, that we assume that input rectangles are already mapped into unit cube // otherwise we should map them before (this can be done by providing of an MBR of the space aka universe) double center1[] = (double[])o1.getCenter().getPoint(); double center2[] = (double[])o2.getCenter().getPoint(); // now we map double values to integers // we use a resolution of java.Integer 31 bits int[] coord1 = new int[center1.length]; int[] coord2 = new int[center1.length]; for(int i = 0; i < coord1.length; i++){ coord1[i] = (int) (center1[i] * (defaultSpaceResolution)); coord2[i] = (int) (center2[i] * (defaultSpaceResolution)); } long h1 = SpaceFillingCurves.hilbert2d(coord1[0], coord1[1], defaultSpaceResolution); // as we have two-dimensional space long h2 = SpaceFillingCurves.hilbert2d(coord2[0], coord2[1], defaultSpaceResolution); return (h1<h2)?-1: ((h1==h2)?0:+1); } }; /** * * Z-Curve comparator * */ public static Comparator<DoublePointRectangle> rectangleComparatorZ = new Comparator<DoublePointRectangle>() { int defaultSpaceResolution = 1 << 30; @Override public int compare(DoublePointRectangle o1, DoublePointRectangle o2) { // we use a center point for mapping to a SFC // please note, that we assume that input rectangles are already mapped into unit cube // otherwise we should map them before (this can be done by providing of an MBR of the space aka universe) double center1[] = (double[])o1.getCenter().getPoint(); double center2[] = (double[])o2.getCenter().getPoint(); // now we map double values to integers // we use a resolution of java.Integer 31 bits int[] coord1 = new int[center1.length]; int[] coord2 = new int[center1.length]; for(int i = 0; i < coord1.length; i++){ coord1[i] = (int) (center1[i] * (defaultSpaceResolution)); coord2[i] = (int) (center2[i] * (defaultSpaceResolution)); } long h1 = SpaceFillingCurves.computeZCode(coord1, 30); long h2 = SpaceFillingCurves.computeZCode(coord2, 30); return (h1<h2)?-1: ((h1==h2)?0:+1); } }; /** * Executes sort based bulk-loading. We in order to conduct bulk-loading we execute the following steps: * 1. Create R-tree * 2. Initialize container for storage * 3. create converter/serializer * 4. sort data according to sfc * 5. execute level-by-level loading * * @return a pair Rtree and CounterContainer, this is used for counting I/Os */ public static Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> createAndLoadSortBased(){ // create Rtree RTree rtree = new RTree(); //1. create container // since we initialize container for the first time, we need two parameter path and blocksize // otherwise we provide only path parameter, block size is then obtained from the meta information stored in blockfile container Container fileContainer = new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "rtree", BLOCK_SIZE); //2.now we need to provide converterContainer that serializes (maps rtree nodes to a blocks) // before we can initialize converterContainer, we need initialize node converter of the rtree // default descriptor typ of the rtree is DoublePointRectangle. Therefore, we need to provide converter for input objects //Since, they are also of type DoublePointRectangle we do the following Converter<DoublePointRectangle> objectConverter = new ConvertableConverter<>(Rectangles.factoryFunctionDoublePointRectangle(DIMENSION)); // we wrap file container with counter CounterContainer ioCounter = new CounterContainer(fileContainer); Container converterContainer = new ConverterContainer(ioCounter, rtree.nodeConverter(objectConverter, DIMENSION)); Container treeContainer = converterContainer; //3.converterContainer is now responsible for serializing rtree nodes. //4.alternatively we can also provide main memory buffer //in our case we will use a small buffer of 10 pages //. Since want to test actual I/O query performance, default setting is without buffer. if(BUFFER){ LRUBuffer<?, ?, ?> lruBuffer = new LRUBuffer<>(BUFFER_PAGES); treeContainer = new BufferedContainer(converterContainer, lruBuffer); } //5. now we can initialize tree // the first argument is null // if we want to reuse an Rtree we can provide root entry, but in our case we do it for the first time. int dataSize = DIMENSION * 2 * 8; // number of bytes needed to store DoublePointRectangle int descriptorSize = dataSize; // in our example they are equal double minMaxFactor = 0.33; // is used to define a minimal number of elements per node rtree.initialize(null, new Identity<DoublePointRectangle>(), treeContainer, BLOCK_SIZE, dataSize, descriptorSize, minMaxFactor); // now we are finished with initializing Rtree before we start with a bulk-loading we initialize iterator that conducts external sorting // first, initialize a temporal container where we will store intermidiate runs Container sortedRunsContainer = new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "sortedRuns", BLOCK_SIZE); // In order to execute external sorting we need to provide a factory function that creates a queue // this queue stores a sorted run // since we store a queue in container // we can use the following factory method of BlockBasedQueue Function<Function<?, Integer>, Queue<DoublePointRectangle>> queueFactoryFunction = BlockBasedQueue.createBlockBasedQueueFunctionForMergeSorter(sortedRunsContainer, BLOCK_SIZE, objectConverter); // now we initialize a lazy cursor for external sorting // we initialize first a cursor that reads a data from a file. for this prupose we need to provide a file and a serializer Iterator<DoublePointRectangle> unsortedInput = new FileInputCursor<DoublePointRectangle>(objectConverter, new File(DATA_PATH)); Comparator<DoublePointRectangle> sFCComparator = (HILBERT) ? rectangleComparator2DHilbert : rectangleComparatorZ; // we set 10 MB memory for external sorting int memorySizeForRuns = 1024*1024*10; // with this value we provide an available memeory for initial run generation; int memoryLastRuns = memorySizeForRuns; // here we provide how much memory is needed for last merge Iterator<DoublePointRectangle> sortedRectIterator = new MergeSorter<DoublePointRectangle>(unsortedInput, sFCComparator, dataSize, memorySizeForRuns, memoryLastRuns, queueFactoryFunction, false); // now we run sort based bulk loading // here we provide a predicate that is used for detecting overflow and triggering next node creation // we fill the nodes by 80% // Note that we the rtree node header is a 6 bytes large. // the rtree index entry contains an address of a node this is a long value of 8 bytes // and it contains a DoublePointRectangle a serialized size if DIMENSION * 2 * 8 bytes final xxl.core.predicates.Predicate<ORTree.Node> overflows = new AbstractPredicate<ORTree.Node>() { public boolean invoke(ORTree.Node node){ if(node.level() == 0) return node.number() > ( (int)(((BLOCK_SIZE-6)/(DIMENSION*2*8)) * 0.8) ) ; return node.number() > ( (int)(((BLOCK_SIZE-6)/(DIMENSION*2*8+8)) * 0.8) ); } }; new SortBasedBulkLoading(rtree, sortedRectIterator, rtree.determineContainer, overflows); return new Pair<RTree, CounterContainer>(rtree, ioCounter); } /** * This method uses {@link STRBulkLoader} class. * This bulk loader sort data recursively by considering one dimension at time. * * For initializing the STR loader we need * an Rtree, number of dimensions, blocksize, storage utilization per node in percent and so called sortign function * this provides the ordering of dimensions, since str sorts and partitions data according to one dimension at one step * sorting function provides which dimension should be taken as next * e.g. in two dimensional space we have 4 different sorting functions x,x or x,y or y,y, or x,x * in this example we use a default one x,y * * We decode x with 0 , y with 1 and etc... * * @return a pair Rtree and CounterContainer, this is used for counting I/Os * @throws IOException */ public static Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> createAndLoadSTR() throws IOException{ RTree rtree = new RTree(); // and we provide again the object size, since it as DoublePointRectangle in two-dimensional space //1. create container // since we initialize container for the first time, we need two parameter path and blocksize // otherwise we provide only path parameter, block size is then obtained from the meta information stored in blockfile container Container fileContainer = new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "strrtree", BLOCK_SIZE); //2.now we need to provide converterContainer that serializes (maps rtree nodes to a blocks) // before we can initialize converterContainer, we need initialize node converter of the rtree // default descriptor typ of the rtree is DoublePointRectangle. Therefore, we need to provide converter for input objects //Since, they are also of type DoublePointRectangle we do the following Converter<DoublePointRectangle> objectConverter = new ConvertableConverter<>(Rectangles.factoryFunctionDoublePointRectangle(DIMENSION)); // we wrap file container with counter CounterContainer ioCounter = new CounterContainer(fileContainer); Container converterContainer = new ConverterContainer(ioCounter, rtree.nodeConverter(objectConverter, DIMENSION)); Container treeContainer = converterContainer; //3.converterContainer is now responsible for serializing rtree nodes. //4.alternatively we can also provide main memory buffer //in our case we will use a small buffer of 10 pages //. Since want to test actual I/O query performance, default setting is without buffer. if(BUFFER){ LRUBuffer<?, ?, ?> lruBuffer = new LRUBuffer<>(BUFFER_PAGES); treeContainer = new BufferedContainer(converterContainer, lruBuffer); } //5. now we can initialize tree // the first argument is null // if we want to reuse an Rtree we can provide root entry, but in our case we do it for the first time. int dataSize = DIMENSION * 2 * 8; // number of bytes needed to store DoublePointRectangle int descriptorSize = dataSize; // in our example they are equal double minMaxFactor = 0.33; // is used to define a minimal number of elements per node rtree.initialize(null, new Identity<DoublePointRectangle>(), treeContainer, BLOCK_SIZE, dataSize, descriptorSize, minMaxFactor); // this sorting function is used by str to sort first and to partition by x-axis and then by y-axis respectively int[] sortingFunction = {0,1}; STRBulkLoader<DoublePointRectangle> strBulkloader = new STRBulkLoader<>(rtree, RTREE_PATH+"str", DIMENSION, BLOCK_SIZE, 0.33, 0.8, sortingFunction); // before we can start a bulk loading we need to provide // the number of objects // this can be computed e.g. using the following code pattern int number = Cursors.count(new FileInputCursor<>(objectConverter, new File(DATA_PATH))); // again we use 10MB memory for external sorting int memorySizeForRuns = 1024*1024*10; // with this value we provide an available memeory for initial run generation and for last merging; // // UnaryFunction<DoublePointRectangle, DoublePointRectangle> identity = (x -> x); for java 8 strBulkloader.init(number, memorySizeForRuns, dataSize, objectConverter, new UnaryFunction<DoublePointRectangle, DoublePointRectangle>() { @Override public DoublePointRectangle invoke(DoublePointRectangle arg) { return arg; } }); // conduct bulk-loading strBulkloader.buildRTree(new FileInputCursor<>(objectConverter, new File(DATA_PATH))); return new Pair<RTree, CounterContainer>(strBulkloader.getRTree(), ioCounter); } /** * * In this method is similar to the {@link #createAndLoadSortBased()}. * * * * @return * @throws IOException */ public static Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> createAndLoadSortBasedOptimal() throws IOException{ // create Rtree RTree rtree = new RTree(); //1. create container // since we initialize container for the first time, we need two parameter path and blocksize // otherwise we provide only path parameter, block size is then obtained from the meta information stored in blockfile container Container fileContainer = new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "rtree_gopt", BLOCK_SIZE); //2.now we need to provide converterContainer that serializes (maps rtree nodes to a blocks) // before we can initialize converterContainer, we need initialize node converter of the rtree // default descriptor typ of the rtree is DoublePointRectangle. Therefore, we need to provide converter for input objects //Since, they are also of type DoublePointRectangle we do the following Converter<DoublePointRectangle> objectConverter = new ConvertableConverter<>(Rectangles.factoryFunctionDoublePointRectangle(DIMENSION)); // we wrap file container with counter CounterContainer ioCounter = new CounterContainer(fileContainer); Container converterContainer = new ConverterContainer(ioCounter, rtree.nodeConverter(objectConverter, DIMENSION)); Container treeContainer = converterContainer; //3.converterContainer is now responsible for serializing rtree nodes. //4.alternatively we can also provide main memory buffer //in our case we will use a small buffer of 10 pages //. Since want to test actual I/O query performance, default setting is without buffer. if(BUFFER){ LRUBuffer<?, ?, ?> lruBuffer = new LRUBuffer<>(BUFFER_PAGES); treeContainer = new BufferedContainer(converterContainer, lruBuffer); } //5. now we can initialize tree // the first argument is null // if we want to reuse an Rtree we can provide root entry, but in our case we do it for the first time. int dataSize = DIMENSION * 2 * 8; // number of bytes needed to store DoublePointRectangle int descriptorSize = dataSize; // in our example they are equal double minMaxFactor = 0.33; // is used to define a minimal number of elements per node rtree.initialize(null, new Identity<DoublePointRectangle>(), treeContainer, BLOCK_SIZE, dataSize, descriptorSize, minMaxFactor); // now we are finished with initializing Rtree before we start with a bulk-loading we initialize iterator that conducts external sorting // first, initialize a temporal container where we will store intermidiate runs Container sortedRunsContainer = new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "sortedRunsGopt", BLOCK_SIZE); // In order to execute external sorting we need to provide a factory function that creates a queue // this queue stores a sorted run // since we store a queue in container // we can use the following factory method of BlockBasedQueue Function<Function<?, Integer>, Queue<DoublePointRectangle>> queueFactoryFunction = BlockBasedQueue.createBlockBasedQueueFunctionForMergeSorter(sortedRunsContainer, BLOCK_SIZE, objectConverter); // now we initialize a lazy cursor for external sorting // we initialize first a cursor that reads a data from a file. for this prupose we need to provide a file and a serializer Iterator<DoublePointRectangle> unsortedInput = new FileInputCursor<DoublePointRectangle>(objectConverter, new File(DATA_PATH)); Comparator<DoublePointRectangle> sFCComparator = (HILBERT) ? rectangleComparator2DHilbert : rectangleComparatorZ; // we set 10 MB memory for external sorting int memorySizeForRuns = 1024*1024*10; // with this value we provide an available memeory for initial run generation; int memoryLastRuns = memorySizeForRuns; // here we provide how much memory is needed for last merge Iterator<DoublePointRectangle> sortedRectIterator = new MergeSorter<DoublePointRectangle>(unsortedInput, sFCComparator, dataSize, memorySizeForRuns, memoryLastRuns, queueFactoryFunction, false); // for initializing we need to provide a partition size // since we run a linear versio of optimal partitioning algorith we set this value to 50_000 int partitionSize = 50_000; RtreeIterativeBulkloader<DoublePointRectangle> optBulkloader = new RtreeIterativeBulkloader<>(rtree, RTREE_PATH +"gopt", DIMENSION, BLOCK_SIZE, 0.33, 0.8, partitionSize); // this is a deafalt array processor that is used by optimal partitioning algorithms // in our case we use volume of MBR for a optimal cost computation CostFunctionArrayProcessor<DoublePointRectangle> arrayProcessor = new DefaultArrayProcessor(AbstractIterativeRtreeBulkloader.generateDefaultFunctionVolume()); UnaryFunction<DoublePointRectangle, DoublePointRectangle> toRectangle = new UnaryFunction<DoublePointRectangle, DoublePointRectangle>() { @Override public DoublePointRectangle invoke(DoublePointRectangle arg) { return arg; } }; optBulkloader.init(arrayProcessor,ProcessingType.GOPT, dataSize, objectConverter, toRectangle); optBulkloader.buildRTree(sortedRectIterator); return new Pair<RTree, CounterContainer>(optBulkloader.getRTree(), ioCounter); } /** * Builds an Rtree using * Bulk loading technique * * Lars Arge, Klaus Hinrichs, Jan Vahrenhold, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: Efficient Bulk Operations on Dynamic R-Trees. Algorithmica 33(1): 104-128 (2002) * * * @return */ public static Pair<? extends RTree, CounterContainer> loadRtreeBufferDoublePointRectangle(){ int memorySizeForBuffers= 1024*1024*10; // we provide the same amount of memory for buffers 10 MB final int dataSize = DIMENSION * 2 * 8; // number of bytes needed to store DoublePointRectangle int descriptorSize = dataSize; // in our example they are equal double minMaxFactor = 0.33; // is used to define a minimal number of elements per node // you can change this size int memoryEntries = memorySizeForBuffers / dataSize; // NOTE: actual size of a memory is larger, since we have a constant amount of an additional memory per java object. int bufferPages = memorySizeForBuffers / BLOCK_SIZE; System.out.println(bufferPages); System.out.println(memoryEntries); BufferedRtree<DoublePointRectangle> rtree = new BufferedRtree<>(BLOCK_SIZE, dataSize, DIMENSION); //1. create container // since we initialize container for the first time, we need two parameter path and blocksize // otherwise we provide only path parameter, block size is then obtained from the meta information stored in blockfile container Container fileContainer = new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "bufferRtree", BLOCK_SIZE); //2.now we need to provide converterContainer that serializes (maps rtree nodes to a blocks) // before we can initialize converterContainer, we need initialize node converter of the rtree // default descriptor typ of the rtree is DoublePointRectangle. Therefore, we need to provide converter for input objects //Since, they are also of type DoublePointRectangle we do the following Converter<DoublePointRectangle> objectConverter = new ConvertableConverter<>(Rectangles.factoryFunctionDoublePointRectangle(DIMENSION)); // we wrap file container with counter CounterContainer ioCounter = new CounterContainer(fileContainer); Container converterContainer = new ConverterContainer(ioCounter, rtree.nodeConverter(objectConverter, DIMENSION)); //3.converterContainer is now responsible for serializing rtree nodes. //4. we use buffer this implements available memory and holds node buffers LRUBuffer<?, ?, ?> lruBuffer = new LRUBuffer<>(bufferPages); CounterContainer treeContainer = new CounterContainer( new BufferedContainer(converterContainer, lruBuffer)); // now we initialize conatiner that manages buffers final Container bufferedContainer = new BufferedContainer( new ConverterContainer(new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "buffers", BLOCK_SIZE), QueueBuffer.getPageConverter(Rectangles.getDoublePointRectangleConverter(DIMENSION))), lruBuffer); NullaryFunction<Queue<DoublePointRectangle>> queueFunction = new NullaryFunction<Queue<DoublePointRectangle>>() { @Override public Queue<DoublePointRectangle> invoke() { return new xxl.core.collections.queues.io.QueueBuffer<>(bufferedContainer,dataSize, BLOCK_SIZE); } }; //5. now we can initialize tree // the first argument is null // if we want to reuse an Rtree we can provide root entry, but in our case we do it for the first time. rtree.initialize(null, new Identity<DoublePointRectangle>(), treeContainer, BLOCK_SIZE, dataSize, descriptorSize, minMaxFactor); Iterator<DoublePointRectangle> unsortedInput = new FileInputCursor<DoublePointRectangle>(objectConverter, new File(DATA_PATH)); rtree.bulkLoad(unsortedInput, queueFunction, memoryEntries); return new Pair<>(rtree, treeContainer); } /** * This method uses {@link TGSBulkLoader} class. * * For initializing the TGS loader we need * an Rtree, number of dimensions, blocksize, storage utilization per node in percent, and MBR of a data space, this will be used for cost function computation. * * * * @return a pair Rtree and CounterContainer, this is used for counting I/Os * @throws IOException */ public static Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> createAndLoadTGS() throws IOException{ RTree rtree = new RTree(); // and we provide again the object size, since it as DoublePointRectangle in two-dimensional space //1. create container // since we initialize container for the first time, we need two parameter path and blocksize // otherwise we provide only path parameter, block size is then obtained from the meta information stored in blockfile container Container fileContainer = new BlockFileContainer(RTREE_PATH + "tgsrtree", BLOCK_SIZE); //2.now we need to provide converterContainer that serializes (maps rtree nodes to a blocks) // before we can initialize converterContainer, we need initialize node converter of the rtree // default descriptor typ of the rtree is DoublePointRectangle. Therefore, we need to provide converter for input objects //Since, they are also of type DoublePointRectangle we do the following Converter<DoublePointRectangle> objectConverter = new ConvertableConverter<>(Rectangles.factoryFunctionDoublePointRectangle(DIMENSION)); // we wrap file container with counter CounterContainer ioCounter = new CounterContainer(fileContainer); Container converterContainer = new ConverterContainer(ioCounter, rtree.nodeConverter(objectConverter, DIMENSION)); Container treeContainer = converterContainer; //3.converterContainer is now responsible for serializing rtree nodes. //4.alternatively we can also provide main memory buffer //in our case we will use a small buffer of 10 pages //. Since want to test actual I/O query performance, default setting is without buffer. if(BUFFER){ LRUBuffer<?, ?, ?> lruBuffer = new LRUBuffer<>(BUFFER_PAGES); treeContainer = new BufferedContainer(converterContainer, lruBuffer); } //5. now we can initialize tree // the first argument is null // if we want to reuse an Rtree we can provide root entry, but in our case we do it for the first time. int dataSize = DIMENSION * 2 * 8; // number of bytes needed to store DoublePointRectangle int descriptorSize = dataSize; // in our example they are equal double minMaxFactor = 0.33; // is used to define a minimal number of elements per node rtree.initialize(null, new Identity<DoublePointRectangle>(), treeContainer, BLOCK_SIZE, dataSize, descriptorSize, minMaxFactor); // this sorting function is used by str to sort first and to partition by x-axis and then by y-axis respectively TGSBulkLoader<DoublePointRectangle> strBulkloader = new TGSBulkLoader<DoublePointRectangle>(rtree, RTREE_PATH+"tgs", DIMENSION, BLOCK_SIZE, 0.33, 0.8, Rectangles.getUnitUniverseDoublePointRectangle(DIMENSION)); // before we can start a bulk loading we need to provide // the number of objects // this can be computed e.g. using the following code pattern int number = Cursors.count(new FileInputCursor<>(objectConverter, new File(DATA_PATH))); // again we use 10MB memory for external sorting int memorySizeForRuns = 1024*1024*10; // with this value we provide an available memeory for initial run generation and for last merging; // // UnaryFunction<DoublePointRectangle, DoublePointRectangle> identity = (x -> x); for java 8 strBulkloader.init(number, memorySizeForRuns, dataSize, objectConverter, new UnaryFunction<DoublePointRectangle, DoublePointRectangle>() { @Override public DoublePointRectangle invoke(DoublePointRectangle arg) { return arg; } }); // conduct bulk-loading strBulkloader.buildRTree(new FileInputCursor<>(objectConverter, new File(DATA_PATH))); return new Pair<RTree, CounterContainer>(strBulkloader.getRTree(), ioCounter); } /** * */ public static void testQuery(Pair<? extends RTree, CounterContainer> rtreePair, String queryPath){ double ios = 0; double resultsPerQuery = 0; double counter = 0; Converter<DoublePointRectangle> objectConverter = new ConvertableConverter<>(Rectangles.factoryFunctionDoublePointRectangle(DIMENSION)); for(Iterator<DoublePointRectangle> queryRectangles = new FileInputCursor<>( objectConverter, new File(queryPath)); queryRectangles.hasNext(); ){ DoublePointRectangle query = queryRectangles.next(); // reset counter before test rtreePair.getElement2().reset(); rtreePair.getElement2().flush(); // if buffer // run query and count results int cT = Cursors.count(rtreePair.getElement1().query(query)); counter++; resultsPerQuery+=cT; ios += rtreePair.getElement2().gets; } System.out.printf("queries %f, avg. per query I/O %.2f\n", counter, (ios/counter)); } /** * visualizes node MBRs */ public static void showRtreeLevel(String name, int level, final RTree tree){ if(level > tree.height()) throw new RuntimeException("level!"); Iterator<DoublePointRectangle> levelDescriptors = new Mapper<Object, DoublePointRectangle>(new AbstractFunction<Object, DoublePointRectangle>() { @Override public DoublePointRectangle invoke(Object argument) { return (DoublePointRectangle)tree.descriptor(argument); } }, tree.query(level)); new TestPlot( name, levelDescriptors, 500, SpatialUtils.universeUnit(DIMENSION)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { boolean showTrees = true; //create Rtree Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> rtree = createAndLoadSortBased(); //create STR Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> strRtree = createAndLoadSTR(); //create opt Rtree Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> optRtree = createAndLoadSortBasedOptimal(); //craete buffer rtree Pair<? extends RTree, CounterContainer> bufferRTree = loadRtreeBufferDoublePointRectangle(); //craete buffer rtree Pair<RTree, CounterContainer> tgsRTree = createAndLoadTGS(); //conduct point queries System.out.println("Point queries"); testQuery(rtree, POINT_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(strRtree, POINT_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(optRtree, POINT_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(bufferRTree, POINT_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(tgsRTree, POINT_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Range queries"); testQuery(rtree, RANGE_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(strRtree, RANGE_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(optRtree, RANGE_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(bufferRTree, RANGE_QUERY_PATH); System.out.println("*********************\n"); testQuery(tgsRTree, RANGE_QUERY_PATH); // show mbr of leaf level if(showTrees){ int leafLevel = 1; showRtreeLevel("RTree Hilbert Curve", leafLevel, rtree.getElement1()); showRtreeLevel("RTree STR", leafLevel, strRtree.getElement1()); showRtreeLevel("RTree Hilbert Curve GOPT volume optimized", leafLevel, optRtree.getElement1()); showRtreeLevel("RTree R* Split top down Arge et al. Buffer loaded", leafLevel, bufferRTree.getElement1()); showRtreeLevel("RTree TGS loaded with volume as a cost function", leafLevel, tgsRTree.getElement1()); } } }