/* XXL: The eXtensible and fleXible Library for data processing Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seeger Head of the Database Research Group Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Marburg Germany This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. http://code.google.com/p/xxl/ */ package xxl.core.spatial.rectangles; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import xxl.core.indexStructures.Descriptor; import xxl.core.spatial.cursors.Replicator; import xxl.core.spatial.points.FixedPoint; import xxl.core.spatial.points.Point; /** A high-dimensional Rectangle (=hyper-cube) extends the abstract class Rectangle the value at each dimension should be of the type "long" @see xxl.core.spatial.rectangles.Rectangle @see xxl.core.spatial.rectangles.DoublePointRectangle @see xxl.core.spatial.rectangles.FloatPointRectangle */ public class FixedPointRectangle implements Rectangle { /** * lower-left corner of the rectangle */ protected long[] leftCorner; /** * upper-right corner of the rectangle */ protected long[] rightCorner; /** Creates a new FixedPointRectangle given leftCorner and rightCorner as FixedPoints * * @param leftCorner FixedPoint representing lower-left corner of the rectangle * @param rightCorner FixedPoint representing upper-right corner of the rectangle */ public FixedPointRectangle(FixedPoint leftCorner, FixedPoint rightCorner) { if (leftCorner.dimensions() != rightCorner.dimensions()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dimensions must be equal!"); this.leftCorner = (long[])leftCorner.getPoint(); this.rightCorner = (long[])rightCorner.getPoint(); } /** Creates a new FixedPointRectangle given leftCorner and rightCorner as long arrays * (arrays lengths must be equal) * * @param leftCorner long array representing lower-left corner of the rectangle * @param rightCorner long array representing upper-right corner of the rectangle */ public FixedPointRectangle(long[] leftCorner, long[] rightCorner) { if (leftCorner.length != rightCorner.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dimensions must be equal!"); this.leftCorner = leftCorner; this.rightCorner = rightCorner; } /** Creates a new FixedPointRectangle as a copy of the given Rectanle * * @param rectangle Rectangle which should be copied */ public FixedPointRectangle(Rectangle rectangle) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)rectangle; leftCorner = new long[rect.leftCorner.length]; rightCorner = new long[rect.rightCorner.length]; System.arraycopy (rect.leftCorner, 0, leftCorner, 0, rect.leftCorner.length); System.arraycopy (rect.rightCorner, 0, rightCorner, 0, rect.rightCorner.length); } /** Creates a new FixedPointRectangle of given dimension with corners * (0,0,...,0) and (1,1,...,1) * * @param dim specifies dimension for the rectangle */ public FixedPointRectangle(int dim) { long[] d = new long[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) d[i] = 1; this.rightCorner = d; this.leftCorner = new long[dim]; } /** * Reads the state (the attributes) for an object of this class from * the specified data input and restores the calling object. The state * of the object before calling <tt>read</tt> will be lost.<br> * The <tt>read</tt> method must read the values in the same sequence * and with the same types as were written by <tt>write</tt>. * * @param dataInput the stream to read data from in order to restore * the object. * @throws IOException if I/O errors occur. */ public void read(DataInput dataInput) throws IOException { for(int i=0; i< leftCorner.length; i++) leftCorner[i] = dataInput.readLong(); for(int i=0; i< rightCorner.length; i++) rightCorner[i] = dataInput.readLong(); } /** * Writes the state (the attributes) of the calling object to the * specified data output. This method should serialize the state of * this object without calling another <tt>write</tt> method in order * to prevent recursions. * * @param dataOutput the stream to write the state (the attributes) of * the object to. * @throws IOException includes any I/O exceptions that may occur. */ public void write(DataOutput dataOutput) throws IOException { for(int i=0; i< leftCorner.length; i++) dataOutput.writeLong(leftCorner[i]); for(int i=0; i< rightCorner.length; i++) dataOutput.writeLong(rightCorner[i]); } /** Returns the dimensionality of this rectangle. * @return dimensionality of the rectangle */ public int dimensions() { return leftCorner.length; } /** Returns the left/right corner point of this rectangle. * * @param right if this parameter is set to <tt>true</tt> upper-right corner will be * returned otherwise it will be lower-left corner * @return returns corner point of this rectangle (upper-right or lower-left depending * on the input boolean parameter <tt>right</tt>) */ public Point getCorner(boolean right) { return right ? new FixedPoint(rightCorner) : new FixedPoint(leftCorner); } /** Returns the delta (vector containing size on each dimention) of this * rectangle as an array of double-point values * * @return returns the delta of this rectangle as an array of double-point values */ public double[] deltas() { double[] ret = new double[leftCorner.length]; for (int d = leftCorner.length; --d >= 0; ) ret[d] = rightCorner[d] - leftCorner[d]; return ret; } /** Calculates the area (volume) of this rectangle as a double-point value. * * @return returns the area of this rectangle */ public double area() { double area = 1.0; for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0; area *= rightCorner[i] - leftCorner[i]); return area; } /** Calculates the margin (perimeter) of this rectangle as a double-point value. * * @return returns the margin of this rectangle */ public double margin() { double margin = 0.0; for (int i = dimensions(); --i >= 0; margin += rightCorner[i] - leftCorner[i]); return margin; } /** Compares first coordinate of leftCorner Points of this and another given * rectangle. Returns * * -1, if the value is smaller for this rectangle * 0, if values are equal * 1, if the value is bigger for this rectangle * * @param object is the DoublePointRectangle object, which will be compared with this rectangle. * @return returns the result of the comparison */ public int compareTo(Object object) { FixedPointRectangle r = (FixedPointRectangle) object; return leftCorner[0] < r.leftCorner[0] ? -1 : leftCorner[0] == r.leftCorner[0] ? 0 : +1; } /** Checks whether the rectangle contains the given double point * * @param point is the point to be checked. * @return <tt>true</tt> if this rectangle contains given double point */ public boolean contains(Point point) { long[] d = (long[])point.getPoint(); for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0;) if (d[i] < leftCorner[i] || rightCorner[i] < d[i]) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the rectangle contains an object in form of Tree.Descriptor. * * @param descriptor is the Tree.Descriptor to be checked. * @return <tt>true</tt> if this rectangle contains given Tree.Descriptor */ public boolean contains(Descriptor descriptor) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)descriptor; for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0;) if (leftCorner[i] > rect.leftCorner[i] || rect.rightCorner[i] > rightCorner[i]) return false; return true; } /** Checks whether the rectangle is equal to another object given. * * @param object object to be tested. * @return <tt>true</tt> if the rectangle is equal to given object. */ public boolean equals(Object object) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)object; if (Arrays.equals(leftCorner, rect.leftCorner) && Arrays.equals(rightCorner, rect.rightCorner)) return true; return false; } /** Checks whether this rectangle overlaps another given rectangle at a given dimension. * * @param rectangle the rectangle to be tested. * @param dimension specifies in which dimension to test. * @return <tt>true</tt> if this rectangle overlaps another rectangle at a given dimension. */ public boolean overlaps(Rectangle rectangle, int dimension) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)rectangle; return ( leftCorner[dimension] <= rect.rightCorner[dimension]) && (rect.leftCorner[dimension] <= rightCorner[dimension] ); } /** Checks whether this rectangle overlaps an object in form of Tree.Descriptor. * * @param descriptor is the Tree.Descriptor to be tested. * @return <tt>true</tt> if this rectangle overlaps given Tree.Descriptor */ public boolean overlaps(Descriptor descriptor) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)descriptor; for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0;) if (leftCorner[i] > rect.rightCorner[i] || rect.leftCorner[i] > rightCorner[i]) return false; return true; } /** Computes the area of overlap between this rectangle and another given one. * * @param rectangle is the rectangle to calculate area of overlap with * @return returns the calculated overlap area or 0 if the rectangles do not overlap */ public double overlap(Rectangle rectangle) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)rectangle; double overlap = 1.0; for (int i = dimensions(); --i >= 0 && (overlap *= Math.min( rightCorner[i], rect.rightCorner[i]) - Math.max( leftCorner[i], rect.leftCorner[i])) > 0; ); return overlap < 0d ? 0d : overlap; } /** Computes the distance between the given point and the nearest point of this rectangle * using the specified Lp-Metrics. * * @param point the given point to be checked * @param p the given metric to be used * @return distance calculated using given Lp-Metrics */ public double minDistance(Point point, int p) { double distance = 0.0; long[] d = (long[])point.getPoint(); if (p == Integer.MAX_VALUE) for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0; distance = Math.max( distance, Math.max(leftCorner[i], d[i]) - Math.min(rightCorner[i], d[i]))); else { for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0;) { double dist = Math.max(leftCorner[i], d[i]) - Math.min(rightCorner[i], d[i]); distance += p == 1 ? dist : Math.pow(dist, p); } if (p != 1) distance = Math.pow(distance, 1.0 / p); } return distance; } /** Computes the distance between the given point and the most distant point of this rectangle * using the specified Lp-Metric. * * @param point the given point to be checked * @param p the given metric to be used * @return distance calculated using given Lp-Metrics */ public double maxDistance(Point point, int p) { double distance = 0.0; long[] d = (long[])point.getPoint(); if (p == Integer.MAX_VALUE) for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0; distance = Math.max( distance, Math.max( Math.abs(d[i] - leftCorner[i]), Math.abs(rightCorner[i] - d[i])))); else { for (int i = dimensions(); --i >= 0;) { double dist = Math.max( Math.abs(d[i] - leftCorner[i]), Math.abs(rightCorner[i] - d[i])); distance += p == 1 ? dist : Math.pow(dist, p); } if (p != 1) distance = Math.pow(distance, 1.0 / p); } return distance; } /** Computes the shortest distance between this rectangle and another given rectangle * using the Lp-Metric. * @param rectangle the given rectangle to be checked * @param p the given metric to be used * @return distance calculated using given Lp-Metrics */ public double distance(Rectangle rectangle, int p) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)rectangle; double distance = 0.0; if (p == Integer.MAX_VALUE) for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0; distance = Math.max( distance, Math.max( leftCorner[i], rect.leftCorner[i]) - Math.min( rightCorner[i], rect.rightCorner[i]))); else { for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0;) { double dist = Math.max( leftCorner[i], rect.leftCorner[i]) - Math.min( rightCorner[i], rect.rightCorner[i]); if (dist > 0) distance += p == 1 ? dist : Math.pow(dist, p); } if (p != 1) distance = Math.pow(distance, 1.0 / p); } return distance; } /** * Creates rectangle witch represents the result of the union of this rectangle * and another given object in form Tree.Descriptor and and * stores the result instead of source rectangle. Attention! Source rectangle is modified. * * @param descriptor is the Tree.Descriptor to union with. */ public void union(Descriptor descriptor) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)descriptor; for (int i = leftCorner.length; --i >= 0;) { if (leftCorner[i] > rect.leftCorner[i]) leftCorner[i] = rect.leftCorner[i]; if (rightCorner[i] < rect.rightCorner[i]) rightCorner[i] = rect.rightCorner[i]; } } /** Returns a string representation of this rectangle. * * @return returns the string representation of this rectangle */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\nRectangle\n"); sb.append("\tleftCorner\n"); for (int d = 0; d < leftCorner.length; d++) { sb.append("\t\t" + d + ":\t" + leftCorner[d] + "\n"); } sb.append("\trightCorner\n"); for (int d = 0; d < rightCorner.length; d++) { sb.append("\t\t" + d + ":\t" + rightCorner[d] + "\n"); } return new String(sb); } /** Create and returns a physical copy of this rectangle. * * @return returns the copy of this rectangle */ public Object clone() { return new FixedPointRectangle(this); } /** Calculates hash code of this rectangle * * @return returns hash code of this rectangle */ public int hashCode() { long c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < leftCorner.length; i++) c += (leftCorner[i] + rightCorner[i]); return (int)c%1117; } /** Computes the intersection of this rectangle and another given rectangle and * stores the result instead of source rectangle. Attention! Source rectangle is modified. * There will be a exception IllegalArgumentException if they do not overlap * * @param rectangle */ public void intersect(Rectangle rectangle) { FixedPointRectangle rect = (FixedPointRectangle)rectangle; if (!overlaps(rectangle)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No overlap."); for (int i = dimensions(); --i >= 0;) { if (leftCorner[i] < rect.leftCorner[i]) leftCorner[i] = rect.leftCorner[i]; if (rightCorner[i] > rect.rightCorner[i]) rightCorner[i] = rect.rightCorner[i]; } } /** Computes the number of splits for a given level (i.e. bitIndex). * Note, that this method will only work if this FixedPointRectangle was already split * for bits [62,...,bitIndex-1]. This means, this method can be called when the next dimension * to be considered is dimension 0. * * @param bitIndex bit-index (in [0,...,62]) * @return number of splits that will occur */ public int numberOfSplitsPerLevel(int bitIndex){ int ret = 0; for(int i = 0; i < leftCorner.length; i++){ if( (leftCorner[i] & Replicator.bit[bitIndex]) != (rightCorner[i] & Replicator.bit[bitIndex]) ) ret++; } return ret; //NB: ret in [0,..,leftCorner.length] } /** Checks whether the bits at the given position and dimension do differ * * @param dimIndex dimension to test * @param bitIndex bit position to test * @return returns true if the bits at the given position differ for a given dimension */ public boolean bitsDiffer(int dimIndex, int bitIndex){ return ((leftCorner[dimIndex] ^ rightCorner[dimIndex]) & Replicator.bit[bitIndex]) == Replicator.bit[bitIndex]; } }