package xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import xxl.core.collections.MapEntry; import xxl.core.collections.containers.Container; import; import; import xxl.core.cursors.Cursor; import xxl.core.cursors.Cursors; import xxl.core.cursors.mappers.Mapper; import; import xxl.core.functions.AbstractFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Constant; import xxl.core.functions.Function; import xxl.core.functions.Functional.UnaryFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Functions; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree.IndexEntry; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree.Node; import xxl.core.indexStructures.rtrees.RtreeIterativeBulkloader; import; import; import; import; import; import xxl.core.spatial.rectangles.DoublePointRectangle; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.separators.LongKeyRange; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.separators.LongSeparator; /** * This is a bulk loading class for a BPlusTree. Here we use a similar optimization as in {@link RtreeIterativeBulkloader}, since we use z-strings our optimization function is a * sum of prefixes of z-strings. * * * @author achakeev * */ public class SingleLevelwiseOptimizedBulkloader<T> { /** * * @author d * */ public static enum DistributionType{ DISTRIBUTION_GOPT, DISTRIBUTION_OPT, } /** * for writing data */ public MeasuredConverter<T> dataConverter; /** * for writing temp files */ public Converter<MapEntry<Long, Long>> mapEntryConverter = new Converter<MapEntry<Long, Long>>(){ @Override public MapEntry<Long, Long> read(DataInput arg0, MapEntry<Long, Long> arg1) throws IOException { long key = LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readLong(arg0); long value = LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readLong(arg0); return new MapEntry<Long, Long>(key, value) ; } @Override public void write(DataOutput arg0, MapEntry<Long, Long> arg1) throws IOException { LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.write(arg0, arg1.getKey()); LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.write(arg0, arg1.getValue()); } }; /** * */ public BPlusTree tree; /** * */ public int partitionSize; /** * */ public int dimension; /** * */ public int blockSize; /** * */ public double ratio; /** * */ public double ratioIndex; /** * */ public int b_Leaf; /** * */ public int B_Leaf; /** * */ public int b_Index; /** * */ public int B_Index; /** * */ public int numberOfRectangles; /** * */ public double minMemory; /** * */ public double maxMemory; /** * */ public Container treeContainer; /** * */ public DistributionType distributionType; /** * */ public double[] a; /** * */ String path; /** * */ final Function<T, Long> getKey; /** * */ LongKeyRange rootDescriptor; /** * * @param partitionSize * @param dimension * @param blockSize * @param ratio * @param memory * @param fileContainer * @param distributionType * @param a * @param path */ public SingleLevelwiseOptimizedBulkloader(MeasuredConverter<T> dataConverter, int partitionSize, int dimension, int blockSize, double ratio, double minMemory, double maxMemory, Container fileContainer, DistributionType distributionType, String path, UnaryFunction<T,Long> getKey, Buffer buffer) { super(); this.dataConverter = dataConverter; this.getKey = Functions.toFunction(getKey); // duplicates enabled tree = new BPlusTree(blockSize, true); this.partitionSize = partitionSize; this.dimension = dimension; this.blockSize = blockSize; this.ratio = ratio; this.treeContainer = new ConverterContainer(fileContainer, tree.nodeConverter()); if(buffer!=null){ this.treeContainer = new BufferedContainer(this.treeContainer, buffer); } this.distributionType = distributionType; this.path = path; this.minMemory = minMemory; this.maxMemory = maxMemory; // level 2 , number 4 , link 8 int payload = blockSize-2-4-8; b_Leaf = (int)( (payload * ratio)/ (dimension * 16)); B_Leaf = payload / (dimension * 16); b_Index = (int)( (payload * ratio)/ (8+8)); B_Index = payload / (8+8); // hack to initialize detremineCpontainer Function; tree.initialize(null, null, this.getKey, this.treeContainer, ZBPlusTreeIndexFactrory.longKeyMeasuredConverter, this.dataConverter, LongSeparator.FACTORY_FUNCTION, LongKeyRange.FACTORY_FUNCTION); // } /** * * @param rectangles * @throws IOException */ public void buildBPlusTRee(Iterator data) throws IOException{ Iterator tempIterator = data; int level = 0; while(tempIterator.hasNext()){ File file = File.createTempFile("levelKeys_", "dat"); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); int written = writeLevel(tempIterator, level, partitionSize, out); level++; Cursor levelIterator = new FileInputCursor<MapEntry<Long,Long>>(mapEntryConverter, file); tempIterator = levelIterator; if (written <= 1){ break; } file.deleteOnExit(); } // create rtree MapEntry<Long, Long> entry = (MapEntry<Long, Long>)(; Long key = entry.getValue(); IndexEntry indexEntry = (IndexEntry) tree.createIndexEntry(level); LongSeparator rootSep = new LongSeparator(entry.getValue()); IndexEntry rootEntry = (IndexEntry) ((BPlusTree.IndexEntry)indexEntry).initialize( entry.getKey(), rootSep); // hack to initialize detremineCpontainer Function; tree.initialize(rootEntry, rootDescriptor, getKey, this.treeContainer, ZBPlusTreeIndexFactrory.longKeyMeasuredConverter, dataConverter, LongSeparator.FACTORY_FUNCTION, LongKeyRange.FACTORY_FUNCTION ); } /** * * @param data * @param level * @param partitionSize * @param out * @return * @throws IOException */ public int writeLevel(Iterator data, final int level, int partitionSize,final DataOutput out) throws IOException{ // read partitions size to a list int counter = 0; int k = 0; List partition = new LinkedList(); while(data.hasNext()){ for(int i = 0; data.hasNext() && i < partitionSize; i++ ){ if (level > 0 ){ MapEntry<Long, Long> mapEntry = (MapEntry<Long, Long>); Long key = mapEntry.getValue(); // create index entry IndexEntry indexEntry = (IndexEntry) tree.createIndexEntry(level); //FIXME change to factory function!!! indexEntry.initialize(mapEntry.getKey(), new LongSeparator(key)); partition.add(indexEntry); }else{ DoublePointRectangle rec = (DoublePointRectangle); partition.add(rec); } } if (partition.size() > ((level > 0 ) ? B_Index : B_Leaf) ){ Function mapping = new AbstractFunction() { public Object invoke(Object obj ){ return (level == 0 )? getKey.invoke((T)obj) : ((IndexEntry)obj).separator.sepValue(); } }; final int[] distribution = computeDistribution((Iterator<Long>)new Mapper(mapping, partition.iterator() ), partition.size(), level); counter += writePartition(distribution, partition.iterator(),level, out);; }else{ // just allocate one node MapEntry<Long, Long> entry = writeNode(partition, level) ; mapEntryConverter.write(out, entry ); counter++; } partition = new LinkedList(); } return counter; } public int writePartition(int[] distribution, Iterator data, int level, DataOutput out) throws IOException{ for(int i : distribution){ List entries = new ArrayList(i); for(int k = 0; data.hasNext() && k < i ; k++){ DoublePointRectangle rec = null; if(level != 0 ){ IndexEntry indexEntry = (IndexEntry); entries.add(indexEntry); }else{ rec = (DoublePointRectangle); entries.add(rec); } } MapEntry<Long, Long> entry = writeNode(entries, level); mapEntryConverter.write(out, entry ); } return distribution.length; } public MapEntry<Long, Long> writeNode(final List entries, int level) { Long descriptor = null; if (level == 0){ descriptor = (Long) getKey.invoke((T)entries.get(entries.size()-1)); }else{ descriptor = (Long) ((IndexEntry) entries.get(entries.size()-1)).separator().sepValue(); } if(rootDescriptor == null){ Long smallestVal = (Long) getKey.invoke((T)entries.get(0)); rootDescriptor = new LongKeyRange(smallestVal, smallestVal); }else{ rootDescriptor.union(descriptor); } final Node node = (Node) tree.createNode(level); Long nodeId = (Long) treeContainer.reserve(new Constant<Node>(node)); node.initialize(level, entries); treeContainer.update(nodeId, node); return new MapEntry<Long, Long>(nodeId, descriptor); } /** * creates optimal distribution for space and function * @return */ protected int[] computeDistribution(Iterator<Long> iterator, int size, int level){ int b = (level > 0) ? b_Index : b_Leaf; int B = (level > 0) ? B_Index : B_Leaf; int maxBlocks = (int) (Math.ceil(size/(minMemory * B))); int minBlocks = (int) (size/(maxMemory * B)); switch(distributionType){ case DISTRIBUTION_OPT : { return ZValueDistributionGenerator.computeZKeysDistributionApprox( Cursors.toList(iterator,new ArrayList<Long>()), b, B); } default: { return ZValueDistributionGenerator.computeZKeysDistribution( Cursors.toList(iterator,new ArrayList<Long>()), b, B, maxBlocks); } } } }