package xxl.core.indexStructures.mvbts; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Random; import xxl.core.collections.containers.Container; import xxl.core.collections.containers.CounterContainer; import; import; import; import xxl.core.cursors.Cursor; import xxl.core.cursors.Cursors; import xxl.core.cursors.filters.Taker; import xxl.core.cursors.sources.Permutator; import xxl.core.functions.AbstractFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Function; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.Descriptor; import xxl.core.indexStructures.MVBTree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.Tree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree.IndexEntry; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree.KeyRange; import xxl.core.indexStructures.MVBTree.Lifespan; import xxl.core.indexStructures.MVBTree.MVRegion; import xxl.core.indexStructures.MVBTree.MVSeparator; import xxl.core.indexStructures.descriptors.LongMVRegion; import xxl.core.indexStructures.descriptors.LongMVSeparator; import xxl.core.indexStructures.descriptors.LongVersion; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import xxl.core.util.Pair; import xxl.core.util.Triple; /** * This class shows how to initialize and use @see {@link MVBTree}. * * * */ public class SimpleLoadMVBTree { public static final String file = "F:/mvbt_";// change for your needs public static final int LRU_SLOTS = 1_00; // LRU buffer slots public static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 4096*2; // page size in bytes public static final float D = 0.25f; // minimum number of live elements per node public static final float E = 0.5f; // fraction of live number /** * Type of operation */ public static enum OperationType{ INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, } /** * type def for log entry: represented as data, time stamp, and operation type (insert|delete|update) */ public static class LogEntry<T> extends Triple<T,Long, OperationType>{ public LogEntry(T data, Long timeStamp, OperationType opstype) { super(data, timeStamp, opstype); } } /** * 10% are inserts followed by intermixed sequence of insert and deletes * @param operationsNumber */ public static List<LogEntry<Long>> generatedDeleteWorkload(int operationsNumber, double deleteRatio, long seed){ Random random = new Random(seed); List<LogEntry<Long>> resultSequence = new LinkedList<LogEntry<Long>>(); int firstInsertsNumber = operationsNumber /10; int remainNumber = operationsNumber -firstInsertsNumber; int deleteNumber = (int)((double)remainNumber * deleteRatio); int overallInsertNumber = operationsNumber -deleteNumber; int[] deletesInserts = new int[remainNumber]; for(int i = 0; i < deletesInserts.length; i++){ if(i <= deleteNumber){ deletesInserts[i] = 3; }else{ deletesInserts[i] = 1; } } List<Integer> liveSet = new ArrayList<>(remainNumber); //populate live set and generate first inserts Permutator permutator = new Permutator(overallInsertNumber, random); long ts = 0; for(int i = 0; i < firstInsertsNumber && permutator.hasNext(); i++){ Integer key =; liveSet.add(key); resultSequence.add(new LogEntry<Long>(new Long(key), ts, OperationType.INSERT)); ts++; } // generate remain inserts and deletes Permutator remainPermutator = new Permutator(deletesInserts, random){ @Override public void open() { if (!isOpened) isOpened = true; } }; List<Integer> deletes = new ArrayList<>(); while(remainPermutator.hasNext()){ Integer opsType =; if(opsType == 3){ //delete if(liveSet.isEmpty()){ deletes.add(opsType); }else{ int index = random.nextInt(liveSet.size()); Integer key = liveSet.get(index); resultSequence.add(new LogEntry<Long>(new Long(key), ts, OperationType.DELETE)); liveSet.remove(index); } }else{ // insert if(permutator.hasNext()){ Integer key =; liveSet.add(key); resultSequence.add(new LogEntry<Long>(new Long(key), ts, OperationType.INSERT)); } } ts++; } for(Integer del : deletes){ int index = random.nextInt(liveSet.size()); Integer key = liveSet.get(index); resultSequence.add(new LogEntry<Long>(new Long(key), ts, OperationType.DELETE)); liveSet.remove(index); } return resultSequence; } /** * 10% are inserts followed by intermixed sequence of insert and deletes * @param operationsNumber */ public static List<LogEntry<Long>> generatedUpdateWorkload(int operationsNumber, double updateRatio, long seed){ Random random = new Random(seed); List<LogEntry<Long>> resultSequence = new LinkedList<LogEntry<Long>>(); int firstInsertsNumber = operationsNumber /10; int remainNumber = operationsNumber -firstInsertsNumber; int updateNumber = (int)((double)remainNumber * updateRatio); int overallInsertNumber = operationsNumber -updateNumber; int[] deletesInserts = new int[remainNumber]; for(int i = 0; i < deletesInserts.length; i++){ if(i <= updateNumber){ deletesInserts[i] = 2; }else{ deletesInserts[i] = 1; } } List<Integer> liveSet = new ArrayList<>(); //populate live set and generate first inserts Permutator permutator = new Permutator(overallInsertNumber, random); long ts = 0; for(int i = 0; i < firstInsertsNumber && permutator.hasNext(); i++){ Integer key =; liveSet.add(key); resultSequence.add(new LogEntry<Long>(new Long(key), ts, OperationType.INSERT)); ts++; } // generate remain inserts and deletes Permutator remainPermutator = new Permutator(deletesInserts, random){ @Override public void open() { if (!isOpened) isOpened = true; } }; while(remainPermutator.hasNext()){ Integer opsType =; if(opsType == 2){ //delete int index = random.nextInt(liveSet.size()); Integer key = liveSet.get(index); resultSequence.add(new LogEntry<Long>(new Long(key), ts, OperationType.UPDATE)); }else{ // insert if(permutator.hasNext()){ Integer key =; liveSet.add(key); resultSequence.add(new LogEntry<Long>(new Long(key), ts, OperationType.INSERT)); } } ts++; } return resultSequence; } /** * * @param path * @param dataList * @throws IOException */ public static void createASCIIFile(String path, List<LogEntry<Long>> dataList) throws IOException{ PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(path); for(LogEntry<Long> entry : dataList){ printStream.println((entry.getElement3().ordinal()+1) +" "+entry.getElement1()+" 0 "); } printStream.close(); } /** * * simple tye def for loading * */ public static class Element extends Triple<Object, LongVersion, OperationType>{ public Element(Object data, LongVersion version, OperationType type) { super(data, version, type); } } /** * simple iterator to read ascii files of the following format, sorted acording to time stamps * * operationType(1|2|3) key info * * * */ public static Iterator<Element> getIteratorDataSet(String file) throws IOException{ final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(file))); final String f = reader.readLine(); return new Iterator<Element>() { String line = f; int timeStamp = 1; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return line != null; } @Override public Element next() { String[] plainrecord = line.split(" "); int ops = new Integer(plainrecord[0]); OperationType type = null; switch(ops){ case 1 : type = OperationType.INSERT; break; case 2 : type = OperationType.UPDATE; break; case 3 : type = OperationType.DELETE; break; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } Long key = new Long(plainrecord[1]); Integer info = new Integer(plainrecord[2]); Long time = new Long(timeStamp); Element record = new Element(new Pair<Long, Integer>(key, info), new LongVersion(time), type); timeStamp++; try { line = reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { line = null; } return record; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } /** * Data to store are key value pairs Long and Integer * * Serializer for our data objects * */ public static Converter<Pair<Long,Integer>> recordEntryConverter = new Converter<Pair<Long,Integer>>(){ @Override public Pair<Long,Integer> read(DataInput dataInput, Pair<Long,Integer> object) throws IOException { long key = LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readLong(dataInput); int value = IntegerConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readInt(dataInput); return new Pair<Long,Integer>(key, value); } @Override public void write(DataOutput dataOutput, Pair<Long,Integer> object) throws IOException { LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.writeLong(dataOutput, object.getElement1()); IntegerConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.writeInt(dataOutput, object.getSecond()); } }; /** * Function to extract key from the key values pairs */ public static Function<Object, Long> getKey = new AbstractFunction<Object, Long>() { public Long invoke(Object argument) { return ((Pair<Long, Integer>)argument).getFirst(); }; }; /** * Serializer, provides additionally the maximal size of the object */ public static MeasuredConverter<Pair<Long,Integer>> dataConverter = Converters.createMeasuredConverter(LongConverter.SIZE + IntegerConverter.SIZE, recordEntryConverter); /** * Serializer for the keys */ public static MeasuredConverter<Long> keyConverter = Converters.createMeasuredConverter(LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE); /** * This method load MVBT tree with its previous state * * @param metaInfo */ public static void reloadMVBT(MVBTree tree, String metaInfo) throws IOException{ //MVBT previous version BPlusTree.IndexEntry rootEntryMVBTree = null; Descriptor liveRootDescriptorMVBTree = null; BPlusTree.IndexEntry rootsRootEntryMVBTree = null; Descriptor rootsRootDescriptorMVBTree = null; // MVBT VariableLength info to restore the state Descriptor liveRootDescriptorMVBTreevl = null; Descriptor rootsRootDescriptorMVBTreevl = null; DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(metaInfo))); boolean hasRootEntry = BooleanConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readBoolean(dis); // check if the root entry exists if (hasRootEntry){ int level = IntegerConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readInt(dis); // read level info of root entry Object id =; // read container id of the root entry (root node) LongVersion minVersionSeparator =; // min version sep LongVersion minVersion =; // min version region Long minKey =; // min key Long maxKey =;// max key // init index entry rootEntryMVBTree = ((BPlusTree.IndexEntry)tree.createIndexEntry(level)).initialize(id, new LongMVSeparator( minVersionSeparator, minKey)); liveRootDescriptorMVBTree = new LongMVRegion(minVersion, null, minKey, maxKey); boolean hasRootsTree = BooleanConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readBoolean(dis); if (hasRootsTree){ // check if roots tree exists int levelRoots = IntegerConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.readInt(dis); Object idRoots =; LongVersion minVersionRoots =; LongVersion maxVersionRoots =; rootsRootDescriptorMVBTree = new MVBTree.Lifespan(minVersionRoots, maxVersionRoots); rootsRootEntryMVBTree =(BPlusTree.IndexEntry)(tree.createIndexEntry(levelRoots)).initialize(idRoots); } } dis.close(); // // container for node serialization reload read the block size from the container meta info Container containerMVBT_LRU = new BlockFileContainer(file+ "tree"); // wrapper for i/o counting CounterContainer cContainerMVBT_LRU = new CounterContainer(containerMVBT_LRU); // LRU buffer Container fMVBTContainer_LRU = new BufferedContainer(cContainerMVBT_LRU, new LRUBuffer(LRU_SLOTS)); CounterContainer cfMVBTContainer_LRU = new CounterContainer(fMVBTContainer_LRU); // serializer container for main tree Container mvbtStorageContainer_LRU = new ConverterContainer(cfMVBTContainer_LRU, tree.nodeConverter()); //serializer container for roots tree Container mvbtRootsContainer_LRU = new ConverterContainer(cfMVBTContainer_LRU, tree.rootsTree().nodeConverter()); tree.initialize(rootEntryMVBTree, // rootEntry liveRootDescriptorMVBTree, // Descriptor MVRegion rootsRootEntryMVBTree, // roots tree root Entry rootsRootDescriptorMVBTree, // descriptro KeyRange getKey, // getKey Function mvbtRootsContainer_LRU, // container roots tree mvbtStorageContainer_LRU, // main container LongVersion.VERSION_MEASURED_CONVERTER, // converter for version object keyConverter, // key converter dataConverter, // data converter mapEntry LongMVSeparator.FACTORY_FUNCTION, // factory function for separator LongMVRegion.FACTORY_FUNCTION); // factory function for MultiVersion Regions } /** * */ public static void saveMetaInfo(String path, MVBTree tree) throws IOException{ DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(path))); IndexEntry rootEntry = (IndexEntry)tree.rootEntry(); LongMVRegion rootDescriptor = (LongMVRegion)tree.rootDescriptor(); IndexEntry rootRootEntry = (IndexEntry) tree.roots.rootEntry(); KeyRange rootsRootKeyRange = (KeyRange)tree.roots.rootDescriptor(); //write root entry information boolean hasRootEntry = (tree.rootEntry() != null); BooleanConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.writeBoolean(dos, hasRootEntry); if(hasRootEntry){ //get liveRoot MetaData Tree.IndexEntry liveRoot = tree.rootEntry(); MVBTree.MVRegion liveRootRegion = (MVBTree.MVRegion)tree.rootDescriptor(); MVBTree.MVSeparator liveRootSeparator = (MVBTree.MVSeparator)((BPlusTree.IndexEntry) tree.rootEntry()).separator; int height = tree.height(); Object id =; MVBTree.Lifespan liveRootRegionLifeSpan = liveRootRegion.lifespan(); LongVersion minVersionSeparator = (LongVersion)liveRootSeparator.lifespan().beginVersion(); LongVersion minVersionDescriptor = (LongVersion)liveRootRegionLifeSpan.beginVersion(); Long minKey = (Long)liveRootRegion.minBound(); Long maxKey = (Long)liveRootRegion.maxBound(); // level IntegerConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.writeInt(dos, height); // id LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.write(dos, (Long)id); // version of sep and desc LongVersion.VERSION_CONVERTER.write(dos, minVersionSeparator); LongVersion.VERSION_CONVERTER.write(dos, minVersionDescriptor); // key LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.write(dos,minKey); LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.write(dos,maxKey); // roots tree boolean hasRootsTree = (tree.rootsTree().rootEntry() != null); BooleanConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.writeBoolean(dos, hasRootsTree); if (hasRootsTree){ Tree.IndexEntry rootsRoot = tree.rootsTree().rootEntry(); MVBTree.Lifespan rootRootsDescriptor = (MVBTree.Lifespan)tree.rootsTree().rootDescriptor(); LongVersion minVersionRoots = (LongVersion)rootRootsDescriptor.beginVersion(); LongVersion maxVersionRoots = (LongVersion)rootRootsDescriptor.endVersion(); int rootsHeight = tree.rootsTree().height(); Object rootsId =; //Save metadata IntegerConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.writeInt(dos, rootsHeight); LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.write(dos, (Long)rootsId); LongVersion.VERSION_CONVERTER.write(dos, minVersionRoots); LongVersion.VERSION_CONVERTER.write(dos, maxVersionRoots); } } dos.flush(); dos.close(); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { boolean reload = false; /***************************************************************************************** * Initialize and insert data ******************************************************************************************/ int operations = 50_000; MVBTree tree = new MVBTree(BLOCK_SIZE, D, E, Long.MIN_VALUE); if (!reload){ // create delete workload consisting of 50_000 elements // first 10_000 inserts followed by intermixed sequnce of delets and inserts createASCIIFile(file+"data.dat", generatedDeleteWorkload(operations, 0.5d, 42)); // container for node serialization // on disk Container containerMVBT_LRU = new BlockFileContainer(file+ "tree", BLOCK_SIZE); // wrapper for i/o counting CounterContainer cContainerMVBT_LRU = new CounterContainer(containerMVBT_LRU); // serializer container for main tree // important tree.nodeConverter() convertre for MVBT nodes Container mvbtStorageContainer_LRU = new ConverterContainer(cContainerMVBT_LRU, tree.nodeConverter()); //serializer container for roots tree // important tree.rootsTree().nodeConverter() converter for nodes of roots tree Container mvbtRootsContainer_LRU = new ConverterContainer(cContainerMVBT_LRU, tree.rootsTree().nodeConverter()); // LRU buffer Buffer LRUBuffer = new LRUBuffer(LRU_SLOTS); Container fMVBTContainer_LRU_main = new BufferedContainer(mvbtStorageContainer_LRU, LRUBuffer); Container fMVBTContainer_LRU_roots = new BufferedContainer(mvbtRootsContainer_LRU, LRUBuffer); //init MVBT tree.initialize(null, // rootEntry null, // Descriptor MVRegion null, // roots tree root Entry null, // descriptro KeyRange getKey, // getKey Function fMVBTContainer_LRU_roots, // container roots tree fMVBTContainer_LRU_main, // main container LongVersion.VERSION_MEASURED_CONVERTER, // converter for version object keyConverter, // key converter dataConverter, // data converter mapEntry LongMVSeparator.FACTORY_FUNCTION, // factory function for separator LongMVRegion.FACTORY_FUNCTION); // factory function for MultiVersion Regions Iterator<Element> it = getIteratorDataSet(file+"data.dat"); System.out.println(); Cursor taker = new Taker(it, operations){ int k = 0; @Override public Object next() throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchElementException { if(k % 5_000 == 0) System.out.print("."); k++; return; } }; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // perform operation while(taker.hasNext()){ Element record = (Element); OperationType ops = record.getElement3(); LongVersion version = (LongVersion) record.getElement2().clone(); Pair<Long, Integer> object = (Pair<Long,Integer>)record.getElement1(); if(ops == OperationType.INSERT){ tree.insert(version, object); }else if (ops == OperationType.DELETE){ tree.remove(version, object); }else if (ops == OperationType.UPDATE){ tree.update(version, object, object); } } System.out.println(); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - time); System.out.println(cContainerMVBT_LRU); /******************************************************************************* * Key-Time range query ******************************************************************************/ Cursor result = tree.rangePeriodQuery(new Long(1000), new Long(1042), new LongVersion(1000), new LongVersion(1042)); Cursors.println(result); //save the state of the tree fMVBTContainer_LRU_main.flush(); fMVBTContainer_LRU_roots.close(); saveMetaInfo(file + "metainfo.dat", tree); }else{ reloadMVBT(tree, file + "metainfo.dat"); Cursor result = tree.rangePeriodQuery(new Long(1000), new Long(1042), new LongVersion(1000), new LongVersion(1042)); Cursors.println(result); } } }