package xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import xxl.core.collections.containers.Container; import; import; import xxl.core.cursors.Cursor; import xxl.core.cursors.filters.Filter; import xxl.core.cursors.unions.Sequentializer; import xxl.core.functions.AbstractFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Function; import xxl.core.functions.Functional.BinaryFunction; import xxl.core.functions.Functional.UnaryFunction; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTreeBulkLoading; import xxl.core.indexStructures.BPlusTree.Node; import; import; import; import; import xxl.core.predicates.AbstractPredicate; import xxl.core.predicates.Predicate; import xxl.core.spatial.SpaceFillingCurves; import xxl.core.spatial.SpatialUtils; import xxl.core.spatial.rectangles.DoublePointRectangle; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.AdaptiveZCurveMapper.SpatialZQueryRange; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.SingleLevelwiseOptimizedBulkloader.DistributionType; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.cursors.SFCFunctionSpatialCursor; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.cursors.SpatialMultiRangeCursor; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.cursors.SpatialRangeQueryBPlusCursor; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.separators.LongKeyRange; import xxl.core.spatial.spatialBPlusTree.separators.LongSeparator; /** * * provides methods for creating and initializing Z-Curve Spatial Index based on B+Tree, * Keys are long values. The double values of rectangles or points should be mapped to integer values. * * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ZBPlusTreeIndexFactrory { /** * */ public static final int DEFAULT_PARTITION_SIZE = 20_000; /** * */ public static final double DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY = 0.4; /** * */ public static final double DEFAULT_AVG_LOAD = 0.8; /** * * @param bitsProDim * @param dimension * @return */ public static SFCFunctionSpatialCursor<Long> createSFCFunction(final int bitsProDim, final int dimension){ return new SFCFunctionSpatialCursor<Long>(){ @Override public Long getMaxKeyInBox(int[] lPoint, int[] rPoint, boolean max) { return (max) ? SpaceFillingCurves.computeZCode(rPoint, bitsProDim) : SpaceFillingCurves.computeZCode(lPoint, bitsProDim); } @Override public Long getNextPointInBox(int[] lPoint, int[] rPoint, Long key, boolean next) { return SpaceFillingCurves.nextInBoxZValue(key, lPoint, rPoint, bitsProDim, dimension); } @Override public Long getSuccessor(Long key) { return key+1L; } }; } /** * Key Converter, Z-strings are represented as long values */ public static MeasuredConverter<Long> longKeyMeasuredConverter = Converters.createMeasuredConverter(LongConverter.DEFAULT_INSTANCE); /** * This method extracts low left or upper right point of the rectangle * and maps it to integer value according to provided resolution and universe * @param universe * @param rectangle * @param bitsProDim * @param right * @return */ public static int[] getPoint(DoublePointRectangle universe, DoublePointRectangle rectangle, int bitsProDim, boolean right){ double[] uni = (double[])universe.getCorner(false).getPoint(); double[] uniDeltas = universe.deltas(); double[] point = (double[]) rectangle.getCorner(right).getPoint(); int[] pointInt = new int[point.length]; for(int i = 0; i < point.length; i ++ ){ point[i] = (point[i] - uni[i])/ uniDeltas[i]; pointInt[i] = (int) (point[i] * (1 <<(bitsProDim-1))); } return pointInt; } /** * * @param dimension * @param bitsProDim * @param universe * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "serial" }) public static Function<DoublePointRectangle, Long> createGetKey2DFunction( final int dimension, final int bitsProDim, final DoublePointRectangle universe, final int FILLING_CURVE_PRECISION){ return new AbstractFunction<DoublePointRectangle, Long>() { private double uni[]; private double uniDeltas[]; @Override public Long invoke(DoublePointRectangle argument) { if (dimension!=2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (uni == null) { uni = (double[])universe.getCorner(false).getPoint(); uniDeltas = universe.deltas(); } double center[] = (double[])argument.getCenter().getPoint(); double x1 = (center[0]-uni[0])/uniDeltas[0]; double y1 = (center[1]-uni[1])/uniDeltas[1]; long z = SpaceFillingCurves.peano2d((int) (x1*FILLING_CURVE_PRECISION),(int) (y1*FILLING_CURVE_PRECISION)); return z; } }; } /** * * @param DIMENSION * @param bitsProDim * @param universe * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "serial" }) public static Function<DoublePointRectangle, Long> createGetKeyFunction( final DoublePointRectangle universe, final int[] mappingFunction, final int[] masks){ final int[] resolutions = new int[masks.length]; for(int i = 0; i < masks.length; i++){ resolutions[i] = 1<< masks[i]; } return new AbstractFunction<DoublePointRectangle, Long>() { private double uni[]; private double uniDeltas[]; @Override public Long invoke(DoublePointRectangle argument) { if (uni == null) { uni = (double[])universe.getCorner(false).getPoint(); uniDeltas = universe.deltas(); } double center[] = (double[])argument.getCenter().getPoint(); double[] normCenter = SpatialUtils.normalize(center, uni, uniDeltas); int[] coord = new int[normCenter.length]; for(int i = 0; i < coord.length; i++){ coord[i] = (int) (normCenter[i] * (resolutions[i])); } long z = AdaptiveZCurveMapper.computeZKey(coord, mappingFunction, masks); return z; } }; } /** * * @param inputData * @param dataConverter * @param getKeyFunction * @param container * @param blockSize * @param buffer * @return */ public static <T> BPlusTree loadZBPlusTreeTupleByTuple(Iterator<T> inputData, MeasuredConverter<T> dataConverter, Function<T,Long> getKeyFunction, Container container, int blockSize, Buffer buffer){ BPlusTree tree = new BPlusTree(blockSize, true); Container treeContainer = new ConverterContainer(container, tree.nodeConverter()); if (buffer != null){ treeContainer = new BufferedContainer(treeContainer, buffer); } tree.initialize(null, null, getKeyFunction, treeContainer, ZBPlusTreeIndexFactrory.longKeyMeasuredConverter, dataConverter, LongSeparator.FACTORY_FUNCTION, LongKeyRange.FACTORY_FUNCTION); for(;inputData.hasNext();){ T data =; tree.insert(data); } treeContainer.flush(); return tree; } /** * * @param inputData * @param dataConverter * @param getKeyFunction * @param container * @param blockSize * @param buffer * @return */ public static <T> BPlusTree loadZBPlusTreeNonOptimized(Iterator<T> sortedData, MeasuredConverter<T> dataConverter, Function<T,Long> getKeyFunction, Container container, final int blockSize, Buffer buffer, final double spaceUtil){ final int dataSize = dataConverter.getMaxObjectSize(); BPlusTree tree = new BPlusTree(blockSize, true); Container treeContainer = new ConverterContainer(container, tree.nodeConverter()); if (buffer != null){ treeContainer = new BufferedContainer(treeContainer, buffer); } tree.initialize(null, null, getKeyFunction, treeContainer, ZBPlusTreeIndexFactrory.longKeyMeasuredConverter, dataConverter, LongSeparator.FACTORY_FUNCTION, LongKeyRange.FACTORY_FUNCTION); new BPlusTreeBulkLoading(tree, sortedData, tree.determineContainer, new AbstractPredicate() { public boolean invoke(Object arg){ Node node = (Node)arg; int payLoad = blockSize - 2 - 4 - 8; int number = node.number(); if(node.level() == 0) return number >= (int)((payLoad/(dataSize)) * spaceUtil); return number >= (int)((payLoad/(8*2)) * spaceUtil) ; } }); treeContainer.flush(); return tree; } /** * * @param inputData * @param dataConverter * @param getKeyFunction * @param container * @param blockSize * @param buffer * @return */ public static <T> BPlusTree loadZBPlusTreeOptimizedGOP(Iterator<T> sortedData, MeasuredConverter<T> dataConverter, UnaryFunction<T,Long> getKeyFunction, Container container, String treePrefix, final int blockSize, Buffer buffer, final double spaceUtil, int dimension){ SingleLevelwiseOptimizedBulkloader<T> bulkloader = new SingleLevelwiseOptimizedBulkloader<T>(dataConverter, DEFAULT_PARTITION_SIZE, dimension, blockSize, DEFAULT_MIN_CAPACITY, spaceUtil, spaceUtil, container, DistributionType.DISTRIBUTION_GOPT, treePrefix + "levelData.met", getKeyFunction, buffer); return bulkloader.tree; } /** * * @param tree * @param queryRec * @param universe * @param numberOfBitsPerDimension * @param dimension * @return */ public static Cursor queryNextPointInBoxCursor(BPlusTree tree, final DoublePointRectangle queryRec, DoublePointRectangle universe, int numberOfBitsPerDimension, int dimension){ // create cursor Predicate<DoublePointRectangle> leafNodePredicate = new AbstractPredicate<DoublePointRectangle>() { @Override public boolean invoke(DoublePointRectangle argument) { return queryRec.overlaps(argument); } }; int[] lPoint = getPoint(universe, queryRec, numberOfBitsPerDimension, false); int[] rPoint = getPoint(universe, queryRec, numberOfBitsPerDimension, true); SpatialRangeQueryBPlusCursor cursor = new SpatialRangeQueryBPlusCursor(tree, lPoint, rPoint, createSFCFunction(numberOfBitsPerDimension, dimension), LongKeyRange.FACTORY_FUNCTION, leafNodePredicate); return cursor; } /** * Only for point data * @param tree * @param ranges * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static Cursor queryMultiRangeJumper(BPlusTree tree, List<SpatialZQueryRange> ranges, DoublePointRectangle query){ SpatialMultiRangeCursor multiRangeCursor = new SpatialMultiRangeCursor(ranges, tree, query, new UnaryFunction<Object, DoublePointRectangle>() { @Override public DoublePointRectangle invoke(Object arg) { DoublePointRectangle dpr = (DoublePointRectangle)arg; return new DoublePointRectangle(dpr); } }); return multiRangeCursor; } /** * Only for point data * @param tree * @param ranges * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static Cursor queryMultiRange(BPlusTree tree, List<SpatialZQueryRange> ranges, DoublePointRectangle query){ List<Cursor> cursors = new LinkedList<>(); Iterator[] iterators = new Iterator[ranges.size()]; int i = 0; for(SpatialZQueryRange range: ranges){ iterators[i] = tree.rangeQuery(range.getFirst(), range.getSecond()); i++; } return new Sequentializer<>(iterators); } /** * Only for point data * @param tree * @param ranges * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static Cursor queryMultiRangeZCurve(BPlusTree tree, DoublePointRectangle query, final DoublePointRectangle universe, final int[] mappingFunction, final int[] masks, int lastDimensionFirstIndex, int hyperPlaneIndex){ final int[] resolutions = new int[masks.length]; for(int i = 0; i < masks.length; i++){ resolutions[i] = 1<< masks[i]; } double[] uni = (double[])universe.getCorner(false).getPoint(); double[] uniDeltas = universe.deltas(); double low[] = (double[])query.getCorner(false).getPoint(); double high[] = (double[])query.getCorner(true).getPoint(); double[] normLow = SpatialUtils.normalize(low, uni, uniDeltas); double[] normHigh = SpatialUtils.normalize(high, uni, uniDeltas); int[] coordLow = new int[normLow.length]; int[] coordHigh = new int[normLow.length]; for(int i = 0; i < coordLow.length; i++){ coordLow[i] = (int) (normLow[i] * (resolutions[i])); coordHigh[i] = (int) (normHigh[i] * (resolutions[i])); } int[] resolutionAcc = new int[masks.length]; System.arraycopy(masks, 0, resolutionAcc, 0, resolutionAcc.length); List<SpatialZQueryRange> ranges = AdaptiveZCurveMapper.computesRanges(coordLow, coordHigh, mappingFunction, masks, resolutionAcc, lastDimensionFirstIndex, hyperPlaneIndex); return queryMultiRange(tree, ranges, query); } /** * Only for point data * @param tree * @param ranges * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static Cursor queryMultiRangeZCurveJumper(BPlusTree tree, DoublePointRectangle query, final DoublePointRectangle universe, final int[] mappingFunction, final int[] masks, int lastDimensionFirstIndex, int hyperPlaneIndex){ final int[] resolutions = new int[masks.length]; for(int i = 0; i < masks.length; i++){ resolutions[i] = 1<< masks[i]; } double[] uni = (double[])universe.getCorner(false).getPoint(); double[] uniDeltas = universe.deltas(); double low[] = (double[])query.getCorner(false).getPoint(); double high[] = (double[])query.getCorner(true).getPoint(); double[] normLow = SpatialUtils.normalize(low, uni, uniDeltas); double[] normHigh = SpatialUtils.normalize(high, uni, uniDeltas); int[] coordLow = new int[normLow.length]; int[] coordHigh = new int[normLow.length]; for(int i = 0; i < coordLow.length; i++){ coordLow[i] = (int) (normLow[i] * (resolutions[i])); coordHigh[i] = (int) (normHigh[i] * (resolutions[i])); } int[] resolutionAcc = new int[masks.length]; System.arraycopy(masks, 0, resolutionAcc, 0, resolutionAcc.length); List<SpatialZQueryRange> ranges = AdaptiveZCurveMapper.computesRanges(coordLow, coordHigh, mappingFunction, masks, resolutionAcc, lastDimensionFirstIndex, hyperPlaneIndex); return queryMultiRangeJumper(tree, ranges, query); } /** * * @param tree * @param query * @param universe * @param mappingFunction * @param masks * @return */ public static Cursor queryMultiRange(BPlusTree tree,final DoublePointRectangle query, final DoublePointRectangle universe, final int[] mappingFunction, final int[] resolutions, final int firstPrefixL, final int bitsPerLastDim){ int lastDimensionFirstIndex = AdaptiveZCurveMapper.getLastDimensionPrefixIndex(firstPrefixL, bitsPerLastDim); int hyperPlaneIndex = AdaptiveZCurveMapper.getIndexOfHighestBit(resolutions); return new Filter<>(queryMultiRangeZCurve(tree, query, universe, mappingFunction, resolutions, lastDimensionFirstIndex, hyperPlaneIndex), new AbstractPredicate() { @Override public boolean invoke(Object argument) { DoublePointRectangle argR = (DoublePointRectangle)argument; return query.overlaps(argR); } }) ; } /** * * @param tree * @param query * @param universe * @param mappingFunction * @param masks * @return */ public static Cursor queryMultiRangeJumper(BPlusTree tree,final DoublePointRectangle query, final DoublePointRectangle universe, final int[] mappingFunction, final int[] resolutions, final int firstPrefixL, final int bitsPerLastDim){ int lastDimensionFirstIndex = AdaptiveZCurveMapper.getLastDimensionPrefixIndex(firstPrefixL, bitsPerLastDim); int hyperPlaneIndex = AdaptiveZCurveMapper.getIndexOfHighestBit(resolutions); return queryMultiRangeZCurveJumper(tree, query, universe, mappingFunction, resolutions, lastDimensionFirstIndex, hyperPlaneIndex); } }