package net.sf.hfst; //import; import; import net.sf.hfst.FormatException; /** * On instantiation reads the transducer's header and provides an interface * to it. */ public class TransducerHeader { private int number_of_input_symbols; private int number_of_symbols; private int size_of_transition_index_table; private int size_of_transition_target_table; private int number_of_states; private int number_of_transitions; private Boolean weighted; private Boolean deterministic; private Boolean input_deterministic; private Boolean minimized; private Boolean cyclic; private Boolean has_epsilon_epsilon_transitions; private Boolean has_input_epsilon_transitions; private Boolean has_input_epsilon_cycles; private Boolean has_unweighted_input_epsilon_cycles; private Boolean hfst3; private Boolean intact; /** * Read in the (56 bytes of) header information, which unfortunately * is mostly in little-endian unsigned form. */ public TransducerHeader(FileInputStream file) throws, FormatException { hfst3 = false; intact = true; // could add some checks to toggle this and check outside ByteArray head = new ByteArray(5);; if (begins_hfst3_header(head)) { read_hfst3_header(file);; hfst3 = true; } ByteArray b = new ByteArray(head, 56);, 5, 51); number_of_input_symbols = b.getUShort(); number_of_symbols = b.getUShort(); size_of_transition_index_table = (int) b.getUInt(); size_of_transition_target_table = (int) b.getUInt(); number_of_states = (int) b.getUInt(); number_of_transitions = (int) b.getUInt(); weighted = b.getBool(); deterministic = b.getBool(); input_deterministic = b.getBool(); minimized = b.getBool(); cyclic = b.getBool(); has_epsilon_epsilon_transitions = b.getBool(); has_input_epsilon_transitions = b.getBool(); has_input_epsilon_cycles = b.getBool(); has_unweighted_input_epsilon_cycles = b.getBool(); } public Boolean begins_hfst3_header(ByteArray bytes) { if (bytes.getSize() < 5) { return false; } // HFST\0 return (bytes.getUByte() == 72 && bytes.getUByte() == 70 && bytes.getUByte() == 83 && bytes.getUByte() == 84 && bytes.getUByte() == 0); } public void read_hfst3_header(FileInputStream file) throws, FormatException { // The only thing we really check is that the format begins with // HFST_OL. First we read the two bytes giving the header size... ByteArray len = new ByteArray(2);; // Then we read the rest... ByteArray header = new ByteArray(len.getUShort() + 1);; // And just convert it to a String and see if the type is set to what we want String s = new String(header.getBytes(), "UTF-8"); if (s.indexOf("type\0HFST_OL") == -1) { throw new FormatException(); } } public int getInputSymbolCount() { return number_of_input_symbols; } public int getSymbolCount() { return number_of_symbols; } public int getIndexTableSize() { return size_of_transition_index_table; } public int getTargetTableSize() { return size_of_transition_target_table; } public Boolean isWeighted() { return weighted; } public Boolean hasHfst3Header() { return hfst3; } public Boolean isIntact() { return intact; } }