package net.chayden; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class Eliza extends Applet { static String scriptPathname = "c:\\cch\\eliza\\script"; static String testPathname = "c:\\cch\\eliza\\test"; static String scriptURL = ""; static String testURL = ""; //static String testURL = ""; boolean useWindow = true; boolean local = false; ElizaMain eliza; public void init() { showStatus("Loading Eliza"); eliza = new ElizaMain(); } public void start() { String script = getScriptParam(); String test = getTestParam(); if (local) { script = scriptPathname; test = testPathname; } showStatus("Loading script from " + script); eliza.readScript(local, script); showStatus("Ready"); if (useWindow) eliza.runProgram(test, this); else eliza.runProgram(test, null); } public boolean handleEvent(Event e) { return eliza.handleEvent(e); } String getScriptParam() { String script = getParameter("script"); if (script == null) script = scriptURL; return script; } String getTestParam() { String test = getParameter("test"); if (test == null) test = testURL; return test; } public String[][] getParameterInfo() { String[][] info = { {"script", "URL", "URL of script file"}, {"test", "URL", "URL of test file"} }; return info; } public String getAppletInfo() { return "Eliza v0.1 written by Charles Hayden"; } }