package net.chayden; import java.util.Vector; /** * Eliza prePost list. * This list of pre-post entries is used to perform word transformations * prior to or after other processing. */ public class PrePostList extends Vector { /** * Add another entry to the list. */ public void add(String src, String dest) { addElement(new PrePost(src, dest)); } /** * Prnt the pre-post list. */ public void print(int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { PrePost p = (PrePost)elementAt(i); p.print(indent); } } /** * Translate a string. * If str matches a src string on the list, * return he corresponding dest. * If no match, return the input. */ String xlate(String str) { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { PrePost p = (PrePost)elementAt(i); if (str.equals(p.src())) { return p.dest(); } } return str; } /** * Translate a string s. * (1) Trim spaces off. * (2) Break s into words. * (3) For each word, substitute matching src word with dest. */ public String translate(String s) { String lines[] = new String[2]; String work = EString.trim(s); s = ""; while (EString.match(work, "* *", lines)) { s += xlate(lines[0]) + " "; work = EString.trim(lines[1]); } s += xlate(work); return s; } }