package net.chayden; import java.util.Vector; /** * Eliza key list. * This stores all the keys. */ public class KeyList extends Vector { /** * Add a new key. */ public void add(String key, int rank, DecompList decomp) { addElement(new Key(key, rank, decomp)); } /** * Print all the keys. */ public void print(int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { Key k = (Key)elementAt(i); k.print(indent); } } /** * Search the key list for a given key. * Return the Key if found, else null. */ Key getKey(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { Key key = (Key)elementAt(i); if (s.equals(key.key())) return key; } return null; } /** * Break the string s into words. * For each word, if isKey is true, then push the key * into the stack. */ public void buildKeyStack(KeyStack stack, String s) { stack.reset(); s = EString.trim(s); String lines[] = new String[2]; Key k; while (EString.match(s, "* *", lines)) { k = getKey(lines[0]); if (k != null) stack.pushKey(k); s = lines[1]; } k = getKey(s); if (k != null) stack.pushKey(k); //stack.print(); } }