package net.chayden; import java.lang.Math; /** * Eliza decomposition rule */ public class Decomp { /** The decomp pattern */ String pattern; /** The mem flag */ boolean mem; /** The reassembly list */ ReasembList reasemb; /** The current reassembly point */ int currReasmb; /** * Initialize the decomp rule */ Decomp(String pattern, boolean mem, ReasembList reasemb) { this.pattern = pattern; this.mem = mem; this.reasemb = reasemb; this.currReasmb = 100; } /** * Print out the decomp rule. */ public void print(int indent) { String m = mem ? "true" : "false"; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" "); System.out.println("decomp: " + pattern + " " + m); reasemb.print(indent + 2); } /** * Get the pattern. */ public String pattern() { return pattern; } /** * Get the mem flag. */ public boolean mem() { return mem; } /** * Get the next reassembly rule. */ public String nextRule() { if (reasemb.size() == 0) { System.out.println("No reassembly rule."); return null; } return (String)reasemb.elementAt(currReasmb); } /** * Step to the next reassembly rule. * If mem is true, pick a random rule. */ public void stepRule(boolean mem) { int size = reasemb.size(); if (mem) { currReasmb = (int)(Math.random() * size); } // Increment and make sure it is within range. currReasmb++; if (currReasmb >= size) currReasmb = 0; } }