package ee.telekom.workflow.util.el; import java.util.Date; import javax.el.ELProcessor; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.core.EnvironmentImpl; import ee.telekom.workflow.graph.el.ElUtil; /** * * * @author Erko Hansar */ public class ExpressionLanguageTest{ @Test public void testBean(){ ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( new EnvironmentImpl(), null ); processor.defineBean( "client", new Client( 1, "Heli Kopter" ) ); String name = (String)processor.eval( "" ); Assert.assertEquals( name, "Heli Kopter" ); } @Test public void testConditions(){ ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( new EnvironmentImpl(), null ); processor.defineBean( "client", new Client( 1, "Heli Kopter" ) ); boolean result = (boolean)processor.eval( "not empty and > 0" ); Assert.assertTrue( result ); } @Test public void testValue(){ ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( new EnvironmentImpl(), null ); processor.setValue( "throwException", false ); boolean success = (boolean)processor.eval( "not throwException" ); Assert.assertTrue( success ); } @Test public void testEnvironmentBean(){ EnvironmentImpl environment = new EnvironmentImpl(); environment.setAttribute( "testAtr1", true ); environment.setAttribute( "testAtr2", "33" ); environment.setAttribute( "testAtr3", null ); ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( environment, null ); // this way all the parameters must be prefixed with "env.", but we will at least be able to check unmapped attributes without an exception processor.defineBean( "env", environment.getAttributes() ); boolean result = (boolean)processor.eval( "empty env.testAtr3 && env.testAtr1 && empty env.unknownAtr" ); Assert.assertTrue( result ); } @Test public void testEnvironmentResolver(){ EnvironmentImpl environment = new EnvironmentImpl(); environment.setAttribute( "testAtr1", true ); environment.setAttribute( "testAtr2", "33" ); environment.setAttribute( "testAtr3", null ); ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( environment, null ); boolean result = (boolean)processor.eval( "empty testAtr3 && testAtr1" ); // this again fails: "ELResolver cannot handle a null base Object with identifier 'unknownAtr'" //boolean result = (boolean)processor.eval( "empty testAtr3 && testAtr1 && empty unknownAtr" ); Assert.assertTrue( result ); } @Test public void testEnvironmentResolverNull(){ EnvironmentImpl environment = new EnvironmentImpl(); environment.setAttribute( "testDate1", null ); ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( environment, null ); // in EL, null.fieldName does not throw a nullpointer, and null in conditions always returns false boolean result = (boolean)processor.eval( "testDate1.time < System.currentTimeMillis()" ); Assert.assertFalse( result ); result = (boolean)processor.eval( "testDate1.whatever > System.currentTimeMillis()" ); Assert.assertFalse( result ); } @Test public void testEnvironmentResolverDate(){ Date start = new Date(); EnvironmentImpl environment = new EnvironmentImpl(); environment.setAttribute( "currentMillis", System.currentTimeMillis() ); try{ Thread.sleep( 30 ); } catch( InterruptedException e ){ } ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( environment, null ); boolean result = (boolean)processor.eval( "NOW.time > currentMillis" ); Assert.assertTrue( result ); Date now = (Date)processor.eval( "NOW" ); Assert.assertTrue( now.after( start ) ); } @Test public void testEnvironmentResolverInstanceIdNull(){ EnvironmentImpl environment = new EnvironmentImpl(); ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( environment, null ); Long instanceId = (Long)processor.eval( "WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_ID" ); Assert.assertEquals( null, instanceId ); } @Test public void testEnvironmentResolverInstanceId(){ EnvironmentImpl environment = new EnvironmentImpl(); ELProcessor processor = ElUtil.initNewELProcessor( environment, 55L ); long instanceId = (long)processor.eval( "WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_ID" ); Assert.assertEquals( 55, instanceId ); } public class Client{ private int id; private String name; public Client( int id, String name ){ = id; = name; } public int getId(){ return id; } public String getName(){ return name; } } }