package ee.telekom.workflow.core.common; import; import; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.hazelcast.config.MulticastConfig; /** * Provides a common place to access configuration parameters. * <p> * Also provides default parameters for some of the values. * * @author Christian Klock */ @Component public class WorkflowEngineConfiguration{ private static final String DEFAULT_HAZELCAST_INSTANCE_NAME = "telekomWorkflowEngineHazelcast"; private static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER_MULTICAST_GROUP = MulticastConfig.DEFAULT_MULTICAST_GROUP; private static final int DEFAULT_CLUSTER_MULTICAST_PORT = MulticastConfig.DEFAULT_MULTICAST_PORT; private static final int DEFAULT_CLUSTER_MULTICAST_TTL = 0; @Value("${database.workflowengine.schema:engine}") private String schema; @Value("${}") private String clusterHazelcastName; @Value("${}") private String clusterName; @Value("${}") private String clusterMulticastGroup; @Value("${workflowengine.cluster.multicast.port}") private String clusterMulticastPortText; @Value("${workflowengine.cluster.multicast.ttl}") private String clusterMulticastTtlText; @Value("${}") private String nodeName; private String hostName; @Value("${workflowengine.heartbeat.intervalSeconds}") private int heartbeatInterval; @Value("${workflowengine.heartbeat.maximumPauseSeconds}") private int heartbeatMaximumPauseSeconds; @Value("${workflowengine.maximumNodeAssignementTimeSeconds}") private int maximumNodeAssignmentTimeSeconds; @Value("${workflowengine.producer.intervalSeconds}") private int producerIntervalSeconds; @Value("${workflowengine.consumer.threads}") private int numberOfConsumerThreads; @Value("${workflowengine.pluginApplicationContextFile}") private String pluginApplicationContextFile; @Value("${workflowengine.developmentMode}") private boolean developmentMode; @Value("${workflowengine.console.mapping.prefix:}") private String consoleMappingPrefix; @Value("${workflowengine.environment}") private String environment; @Value("${workflowengine.embeddedNavigationMode}") private boolean embeddedNavigationMode; @PostConstruct public void init(){ hostName = getHostName(); } /** * Returns the PostgreSQL schema name + "." for workflow engine tables or an empty string if not configured. Used for constructing SQL queries. */ public String getSchema() { return StringUtils.isNotBlank(schema) ? (schema + ".") : ""; } /** * This parameter is used as the Hazelcast instance bean name. */ public String getClusterHazelcastName(){ return StringUtils.isNotBlank(clusterHazelcastName) ? clusterHazelcastName : DEFAULT_HAZELCAST_INSTANCE_NAME; } /** * This parameter is used as the Hazelcast cluster group name. It is also used to * group workflow instances into groups. This leverages several clusters to run * against one database (e.g. a cluster for every developer and a test instance and * a prelive instance). */ public String getClusterName(){ return clusterName; } /** * This parameter is used for Hazelcasts cluster member auto-detection * and defaults to Hacelcasts multicast group default "". */ public String getClusterMulticastGroup(){ return StringUtils.isNotBlank(clusterMulticastGroup) ? clusterMulticastGroup : DEFAULT_CLUSTER_MULTICAST_GROUP; } /** * This parameter is used for Hazelcasts cluster member auto-detection * and defaults to Hacelcasts multicast port default 54327. */ public int getClusterMulticastPort(){ return StringUtils.isNotBlank( clusterMulticastPortText ) ? Integer.valueOf( clusterMulticastPortText ) : DEFAULT_CLUSTER_MULTICAST_PORT; } /** * This parameter is used for Hazelcasts cluster member auto-detection * and defaults to 0. That means that multicast requests are restricted * to the same host. */ public int getClusterMulticastTtl(){ return StringUtils.isNotBlank( clusterMulticastTtlText ) ? Integer.valueOf( clusterMulticastTtlText ) : DEFAULT_CLUSTER_MULTICAST_TTL; } /** * This parameter is used as name when indicating which cluster node is * currently executing a workflow instance. */ public String getNodeName(){ return StringUtils.isNotBlank(nodeName) ? nodeName : hostName; } /** * Must be a value less than workflowengine.heartbeat.maximumPauseSeconds.<br/> * Used as interval in seconds to run health check. * Update node's heart beat field is to current date (see database table and field node.heartbeat) * If master: * Refresh locks expire time (sets the lock expire time to current time + workflowengine.heartbeat.maximumPauseSeconds) * Find other nodes that are did not have a heartbeat for longer than workflowengine.heartbeat.maximumPauseSeconds and mark their status as failed * If slave: Test whether lock has expired and attempt to acquire it * If master: Run recovery */ public int getHeartbeatInterval(){ return heartbeatInterval; } /** * Must be a value greater than workflowengine.heartbeat.intervalSeconds. * Used as interval in seconds to declare a node as FAILED if it is in ENALBED * state but did not have a heartbeat in the given interval * that the master lock is valid (afterwards it expires) * * @return */ public int getHeartbeatMaximumPauseSeconds(){ return heartbeatMaximumPauseSeconds; } /** * The maximum time a consumer is granted to update a workflow instance's * node_name field after taking a work unit from the queue. */ public int getMaximumNodeAssignmentTimeSeconds(){ return maximumNodeAssignmentTimeSeconds; } /** * The interval in seconds after which the poller attempts to find new work units. */ public int getProducerIntervalSeconds(){ return producerIntervalSeconds; } /** * The number of consumer thread started when the engine starts. */ public int getNumberOfConsumerThreads(){ return numberOfConsumerThreads; } /** * The Spring application context file for plugins. The context is started when * the engine starts and closed when it shuts down. It is used to resolve beans * by name during call and callAsync executions, find listeners to engine events, * find workflow definitions. */ public String getPluginApplicationContextFile(){ return pluginApplicationContextFile; } /** * Determines whether the engine is deployed in development mode (as opposed to production). */ public boolean isDevelopmentMode(){ return developmentMode; } public String getConsoleMappingPrefix() { return consoleMappingPrefix != null ? consoleMappingPrefix : ""; } /** * Environment name, will be displayed (when not empty) in web console after application name */ public String getEnvironment(){ return environment; } /** * Determines if the header logo and navigation links act as a stand-alone web app (default), or as embedded web screens. */ public boolean isEmbeddedNavigationMode() { return embeddedNavigationMode; } private static String getHostName(){ try{ return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch( UnknownHostException e ){ throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot determine host for this node", e ); } } }