package ee.telekom.workflow.jmx; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedAttribute; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedResource; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.common.WorkflowEngineConfiguration; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.lock.LockService; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.node.Node; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.node.NodeService; @Component(ClusterMonitor.BEAN) @ManagedResource public class ClusterMonitor{ // The bean's name is used to reference the bean in an XML application context file. // Therefore, we explicitly set the bean name to a constant. public static final String BEAN = "clusterMonitor"; @Autowired private WorkflowEngineConfiguration config; @Autowired private LockService lockService; @Autowired private NodeService nodeService; @ManagedAttribute(description = "Is master node") public boolean isMasterNode(){ return lockService.isOwnLock(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Master node name") public String getMasterNodeName(){ String lockOwner = lockService.getLockOwner(); return lockOwner == null ? "null" : lockOwner; } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Master lock expiration date") public String getMasterLockExpireDate(){ return formatDate( lockService.getLockExpireDate() ); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Node status") public String getNodeStatus(){ return nodeService.findOrCreateByName( config.getNodeName() ).getStatus().name(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "List of all cluster nodes") public String getAllClusterNodes(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "cluster=" + config.getClusterName() + ", nodes={" ); for( Iterator<Node> it = nodeService.findAllClusterNodes().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){ Node node =; sb.append( "[" + node.getNodeName() + ", " + node.getStatus().name() + ", " + formatDate( node.getHeartbeat() ) + "]" ); if( it.hasNext() ){ sb.append( ", " ); } } sb.append( "}" ); return sb.toString(); } private String formatDate( Date date ){ return date == null ? "null" : new SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.S" ).format( date ); } }