package ee.telekom.workflow.executor.lifecycle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.common.WorkflowEngineConfiguration; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.node.NodeService; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.recovery.RecoveryService; import ee.telekom.workflow.executor.producer.WorkProducerJob; import ee.telekom.workflow.executor.queue.WorkQueue; @Component public class HealthCheckServiceImpl implements HealthCheckService{ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass() ); @Autowired private RecoveryService recoveryService; @Autowired private NodeService nodeService; @Autowired private WorkProducerJob producer; @Autowired private WorkQueue queue; @Autowired private LifecycleService lifecycleService; @Autowired private WorkflowEngineConfiguration config; /** * "Cluster healing" is meant to repair inconsistent database state that results from an unclean cluster shutdown or network hardware failure. * Inconsistent database state results from non-transactional operations in the cluster, such as adding/taking work units to/from the work unit * queue. Let's recall the possible states of (locked, nodeName) of a work instance and how they relate to the non-transactional operations. * <ol> * <li>After being a added to the work unit queue -> (true, null) * <li>After being taken from the work unit queue -> (true, 'the consuming node's name) * <li>After the work unit is successfully -> (false, null). * </ol> * <p> * <b>Scenario 1:</b> A node takes a work unit from the queue and updates the associated workflow instance node_name field. Maybe it also updates * the workflow instance's or work item's status field. Afterwards the node is found dead/failed.<br> * <b>Scenario 2:</b> The master node locks a workflow instance but fails before it can add the workflow instance to the work unit queue.<br> * <p> * <b>Resolution for scenario 1:</b><br> * <ol> * <li>If the node updated the workflow instance's or the work item's status field, then this field is left in the temporary execution status * and needs to be recovered. For workflow instances: STARTING->NEW or ABORTING->ABORT. For work items: EXECUTING->(is task ? NEW : ERROR) * or COMPLETING->EXECUTED. * <li>The fields (locked, nodeName) need to be set to (false, null). * </ol> * NB! EXECUTING task work items cannot be automatically recovered, since their execution is not guaranteed to be transactional. Therefore, * they need to be handled manually. To this end, their status field is set to EXECUTING_ERROR and an error message is created in the EXER table. * <p> * <b>Resolution for scenario 2:</b><br> * First of all, we need to make sure that the working queue is empty and that every consumer has had sufficient time to assign its most recently * taken work unit to itself. To this extend, every consumer is granted the so called "maximum node assignment time." * <p> * Two different kind of errors may cause the work unit queue to be empty for at least the duration of the maximum node assignment and at the same * time (locked, nodeName) = (true, null) exist. The first kind is that the distributed queue failed. The second kind is that the node which took * the element from the queue failed between taking the element and assigning the process execution to itself. * <p> * The recovery of this scenario is expensive because we need to suspend the producer, wait for the queue to become empty, wait for * the maximum node assignment grace period, do the* recovery and resume the producer. For this reason, this advanced recovery is not * run on every health check. */ @Override public void healFailedNodes(){ List<String> nodes = nodeService.findFailedNodes(); if( nodes.isEmpty() ){ return; } "Healing nodes " + nodes ); // recovery of locked workflow instances that are assigned to a dead node recoveryService.recoverExecutionsAssignedToNodes( nodes ); // recovery of locked workflow instances that are NOT assigned to any node boolean isStarted = lifecycleService.isStarted(); if( isStarted ){ producer.suspend(); queue.awaitEmpty(); int maximumNodeAssignementTime = config.getMaximumNodeAssignmentTimeSeconds(); sleep( maximumNodeAssignementTime ); } String clusterName = config.getClusterName(); recoveryService.recoverExecutionsNotAssignedToNodes( clusterName ); if( isStarted ){ producer.resume(); } nodeService.markEnable( nodes ); } private void sleep( int seconds ){ try{ TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep( seconds ); } catch( InterruptedException e ){ log.warn( "Wake up after interrupt exception" ); } } }