package ee.telekom.workflow.executor.lifecycle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.common.WorkflowEngineConfiguration; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.lock.LockService; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.node.Node; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.node.NodeService; import ee.telekom.workflow.core.node.NodeStatus; import ee.telekom.workflow.executor.consumer.WorkConsumerJob; import ee.telekom.workflow.executor.plugin.WorkflowEnginePlugin; import ee.telekom.workflow.executor.producer.WorkProducerJob; import ee.telekom.workflow.executor.queue.WorkQueue; @Component(LifecycleServiceImpl.BEAN) public class LifecycleServiceImpl implements LifecycleService{ // The bean's name is used to reference the bean in a test XML application context file. // Therefore, we explicitly set the bean name to a constant. public static final String BEAN = "lifecycleService"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass() ); @Autowired private WorkflowEnginePlugin plugin; @Autowired private WorkQueue queue; @Autowired private WorkConsumerJob consumerJob; @Autowired private WorkProducerJob producerJob; @Autowired private HealthCheckService healthCheckService; @Autowired private NodeService nodeService; @Autowired private LockService lockService; @Autowired private WorkflowEngineConfiguration config; private final Object monitor = new Object(); private final AtomicBoolean isStarted = new AtomicBoolean( false ); @Override public void startUp(){ synchronized( monitor ){ String nodeName = config.getNodeName(); Node node = nodeService.findOrCreateByName( nodeName ); "Running start-up with node status " + node.getStatus() ); switch( node.getStatus() ) { case DISABLE: // Should only happen if someone mark this node as DISABLED as long as it was offline. stopIfRunning(); nodeService.markDisabled( node.getRefNum() ); break; case DISABLED: // Nothing to be done break; case ENABLE: startIfNotRunning(); nodeService.markEnabled( node.getRefNum() ); break; case ENABLED: nodeService.markFailed( node.getRefNum() ); healFailedNodesIfLockedOwned(); node = nodeService.findOrCreateByName( nodeName ); if( NodeStatus.ENABLE.equals( node.getStatus() ) ){ "Healed node" ); startIfNotRunning(); nodeService.markEnabled( node.getRefNum() ); } break; case FAILED: healFailedNodesIfLockedOwned(); if( NodeStatus.ENABLE.equals( node.getStatus() ) ){ "Healed node" ); startIfNotRunning(); nodeService.markEnabled( node.getRefNum() ); } break; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown status" ); } } } @Override public void shutDown(){ synchronized( monitor ){ String nodeName = config.getNodeName(); Node node = nodeService.findOrCreateByName( nodeName ); "Running shut-down with node status " + node.getStatus() ); switch( node.getStatus() ) { case DISABLE: stopIfRunning(); nodeService.markDisabled( node.getRefNum() ); break; case DISABLED: // Nothing to be done break; case ENABLE: stopIfRunning(); break; case ENABLED: stopIfRunning(); nodeService.markEnable( node.getRefNum() ); break; case FAILED: stopIfRunning(); break; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown status" ); } } } @Override public void checkNodeStatus(){ synchronized( monitor ){ String nodeName = config.getNodeName(); Node node = nodeService.findOrCreateByName( nodeName ); "Running lifecycle check with node status " + node.getStatus() ); // Step 1: Do heart beat nodeService.doHeartBeat(); // Step 2: Mark dead nodes as failed nodeService.markDeadNodesFailed(); // Step 3: Recover stuck work from dead nodes and reset the status of FAILED nodes. healFailedNodesIfLockedOwned(); // Step 4: Do we need to start-up or shutdown the engine? if( NodeStatus.ENABLE.equals( node.getStatus() ) ){ startIfNotRunning(); nodeService.markEnabled( node.getRefNum() ); } else if( NodeStatus.DISABLE.equals( node.getStatus() ) ){ stopIfRunning(); nodeService.markDisabled( node.getRefNum() ); } else if( NodeStatus.ENABLED.equals( node.getStatus() ) ){ if( !producerJob.isStarted() && lockService.eagerAcquire() ){ "This node recently acquired the master lock. Starting producer." ); producerJob.start(); } else if( producerJob.isStarted() && !lockService.eagerAcquire() ){ "This node recently lost the master lock. Stopping producer." ); producerJob.stop(); } } else if( NodeStatus.FAILED.equals( node.getStatus() ) ){ // another node marked this node as failed. if we // happen to get to know this, we will shutdown stopIfRunning(); } } } @Override public boolean isStarted(){ return isStarted.get(); } private void startIfNotRunning(){ if( isStarted.get() ){ "Start-up not required. Engine is already started." ); return; } plugin.start(); if( plugin.isStarted() ){ "Plugin started successfully. Starting also other engine services." ); queue.start(); consumerJob.start(); if( lockService.eagerAcquire() ){ producerJob.start(); } isStarted.set( true ); } } private void stopIfRunning(){ if( !isStarted.get() ){ "Shut-down not required. Engine is not started." ); return; } if( lockService.refreshOwnLock() ){ producerJob.stop(); lockService.releaseOwnLock(); } consumerJob.stop(); queue.stop(); plugin.stop(); isStarted.set( false ); } private void healFailedNodesIfLockedOwned(){ if( lockService.eagerAcquire() ){ healthCheckService.healFailedNodes(); } } }