* CookieParser.java February 2001
* Copyright (C) 2001, Niall Gallagher <niallg@users.sf.net>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.simpleframework.http.parse;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.simpleframework.http.Cookie;
import org.simpleframework.util.parse.Parser;
* CookieParser is used to parse the cookie header. The cookie header is one of
* the headers that is used by the HTTP state management mechanism. The Cookie
* header is the header that is sent from the client to the server in response
* to a Set-Cookie header. The syntax of the Cookie header as taken from RFC
* 2109, HTTP State Management Mechanism.
* <pre>
* cookie = "Cookie:" cookie-version
* 1*((";" | ",") cookie-value)
* cookie-value = NAME "=" VALUE [";" path] [";" domain]
* cookie-version = "$Version" "=" value
* NAME = attr
* VALUE = value
* path = "$Path" "=" value
* domain = "$Domain" "=" value
* </pre>
* The cookie header may consist of several cookies. Each cookie can be
* extracted from the header by examining the it syntax of the cookie header.
* The syntax of the cookie header is defined in RFC 2109.
* <p>
* Each cookie has a <code>$Version</code> attribute followed by multiple
* cookies. Each contains a name and a value, followed by an optional
* <code>$Path</code> and <code>$Domain</code> attribute. This will parse a
* given cookie header and return each cookie extracted as a <code>Cookie</code>
* object.
* @author Niall Gallagher
public class CookieParser extends Parser implements Iterable<Cookie> {
* Determines when the <code>Parser</code> has finished.
private boolean finished;
* Used so the <code>Parser</code> does not parse twice.
private boolean parsed;
* Version of the <code>Cookie</code> being parsed.
private int version;
* Used to store the name of the <code>Cookie</code>.
private Token name;
* Used to store the value of the <code>Cookie</code>.
private Token value;
* Used to store the <code>$Path</code> values.
private Token path;
* Used to store the <code>$Domain</code> values.
private Token domain;
* Create a <code>CookieParser</code> that contains no cookies. the instance
* will return <code>false</code> for the <code>hasNext</code> method.
* cookies may be parsed using this instance by using the <code>parse</code>
* method.
public CookieParser() {
this.path = new Token();
this.domain = new Token();
this.name = new Token();
this.value = new Token();
this.finished = true;
* This is primarily a convineance constructor. This will parse the
* <code>String</code> given to extract the cookies. This could be achived
* by calling the default no-arg constructor and then using the instance to
* invoke the <code>parse</code> method on that <code>String</code>.
* @param header
* a <code>String</code> containing a cookie value
public CookieParser(String header) {
* Resets the cookie and the buffer variables for this
* <code>CookieParser</code>. It is used to set the state of the parser to
* start parsing a new cookie.
protected void init() {
this.finished = false;
this.parsed = false;
this.version = 0;
this.off = 0;
* This will extract the next <code>Cookie</code> from the buffer. If all
* the characters in the buffer have already been examined then this method
* will simply do nothing. Otherwise this will parse the remainder of the
* buffer and (if it follows RFC 2109) produce a <code>Cookie</code>.
protected void parse() {
if (!this.finished) {
this.parsed = true;
* This is used to skip an arbitrary <code>String</code> within the
* <code>char</code> buf. It checks the length of the <code>String</code>
* first to ensure that it will not go out of bounds. A comparison is then
* made with the buffers contents and the <code>String</code> if the reigon
* in the buffer matched the <code>String</code> then the offset within the
* buffer is increased by the <code>String</code>'s length so that it has
* effectively skipped it.
* <p>
* This <code>skip</code> method will ignore all of the whitespace text.
* This will also skip trailing spaces within the the input text and all
* spaces within the source text. For example if the input was the string
* "s omete xt" and the source was "some text to skip" then the result of a
* skip ignoring spaces would be "to skip" in the source string, as the
* trailing spaces are also eaten by this.
* @param text
* this is the <code>String</code> value to be skipped
* @return true if the <code>String</code> was skipped
protected boolean skip(String text) {
int size = text.length();
int seek = this.off;
int read = 0;
if ((this.off + size) > this.count) return false;
while (read < size) {
char a = text.charAt(read);
char b = this.buf[seek];
if (this.space(b)) {
if (++seek >= this.count) return false;
} else if (this.space(a)) {
if (++read >= size) {
} else {
if (this.toLower(a) != this.toLower(b)) return false;
for (this.off = seek; this.off < this.count; this.off++) {
if (!this.space(this.buf[this.off])) {
return true;
* This is used to acquire the cookie values from the provided the provided
* source text. This allows the cookie parser to be used within a for each
* loop to parse out the values of a cookie one by one so that they may be
* used or stored.
* @return this returns an iterator for extracting cookie value
public Iterator<Cookie> iterator() {
return new Sequence();
* This is used so that the collection of <code>Cookies</code> can be
* reiterated. This allows the collection to be reused. The
* <code>reset</code> method will invoke the super classes <code>init</code>
* method. This will reinitialize this <code>Parser</code> so the cookie
* will be reparsed.
public void reset() {
* Creates the <code>Cookie</code> from the token objects. It is assumed
* that the <code>Cookie</code> <code>String</code> has been parsed when
* this is called. This should only be used after the <code>parse</code>
* method has been called.
* <p>
* If there is no <code>$Domain</code> or <code>$Path</code> within the
* <code>Cookie</code> <code>String</code> then the <code>getDomain</code>
* and <code>getPath</code> are null.
* @return the <code>Cookie</code> that was just parsed
private Cookie getCookie() {
return this.getCookie(this.name.toString(), this.value.toString());
* Creates the <code>Cookie</code> from the token objects. It is assumed
* that the <code>Cookie</code> <code>String</code> has been parsed when
* this is called. This should only be used after the <code>parse</code>
* method has been called.
* <p>
* If there is no <code>$Domain</code> or <code>$Path</code> within the
* <code>Cookie</code> <code>String</code> then the <code>getDomain</code>
* and <code>getPath</code> are null.
* @param name
* the name that the <code>Cookie</code> contains
* @param value
* the value that the <code>Cookie</code> contains
* @return the <code>Cookie</code> that was just parsed
private Cookie getCookie(String name, String value) {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(name, value, false);
if (this.domain.len > 0) {
if (this.path.len > 0) {
return cookie;
* This is used to parse a <code>Cookie</code> from the buffer that contains
* the <code>Cookie</code> values. This will first try to remove any
* trailing value after the version/prev <code>Cookie</code> once this is
* removed it will extract the name/value pair from the <code>Cookie</code>.
* The name and value of the <code>Cookie</code> will be saved by the name
* and value tokens.
private void cookie() {
if (!this.skip(",")) { /* ,|; */
this.skip("="); /* = */
* This initializes the name token and extracts the name of this
* <code>Cookie</code>. The offset and length of the name will be saved in
* the name token. This will read all <code>char</code>'s upto but excluding
* the first '=' <code>char</code> encountered from the <code>off</code>
* within the buffer.
private void name() {
this.name.off = this.off;
this.name.len = 0;
while (this.off < this.count) {
if (this.buf[this.off] == '=') {
* Used to extract everything found after the <code>NAME '='</code> within a
* <code>Cookie</code>. This extracts the <code>Cookie</code> value the
* <code>$Path</code> and <code>$Domain</code> attributes if they exist
* (i.e. <code>$Path</code> and <code>$Domain</code> are optional in a
* cookie see RFC 2109).
* <p>
* The path method reads the terminal found before it as does the
* <code>domain</code> method that is ";$Path" is read as the first part of
* the path method. This is because if there is no path the parser should
* not read data it does not know belongs to a specific part of the
* <code>Cookie</code>.
private void value() {
* This initializes the value token and extracts the value of this
* <code>Cookie</code>. The offset and length of the value will be saved in
* the value token. This will read all <code>char</code>'s upto but
* excluding the first terminal char encountered from the off within the
* buffer, or if the value is a literal it will read a literal from the
* buffer (literal is any data between quotes except if the quote is
* prefixed with a backward slash character that is '\').
private void data() {
this.value.off = this.off;
this.value.len = 0;
if ((this.off < this.count) && (this.buf[this.off] == '"')) {
for (this.off++; this.off < this.count;) {
if (this.buf[this.off++] == '"')
if (this.buf[this.off - 2] != '\\') {
this.value.len -= 2; /* remove " */
this.value.off++; /* remove " */
} else {
while (this.off < this.count) {
if (this.terminal(this.buf[this.off])) {
* This initializes the path token and extracts the <code>$Path</code> of
* this <code>Cookie</code>. The offset and length of the path will be saved
* in the path token. This will read all <code>char</code>'s up to but
* excluding the first terminal <code>char</code> encountered from the
* <code>off</code> within the buffer, or if the value is a literal it will
* read a literal from the buffer (literal is any data between quotes except
* if the quote is prefixed with a backward slash character, that is '\').
* <p>
* This reads the terminal before the <code>$Path</code> so that if there is
* no <code>$Path</code> for the <code>Cookie</code> then the character
* before it will not be read needlessly.
private void path() {
this.path.len = 0; /* reset */
if (this.skip(";$Path=")) {
this.path.off = this.off;
if (this.buf[this.off] == '"') {
for (this.off++; this.off < this.count;) {
if (this.buf[this.off++] == '"')
if (this.buf[this.off - 2] != '\\') {
this.path.len -= 2; /* remove " */
this.path.off++; /* remove " */
} else {
while (this.off < this.count) {
if (this.terminal(this.buf[this.off])) {
* Initializes the domain token and extracts the <code>$Domain</code> of
* this <code>Cookie</code>. The offset and length of the domain will be
* saved in the path token. This will read all characters up to but
* excluding the first terminal <code>char</code> encountered from the off
* within the buffer, or if the value is a literal it will read a literal
* from the buffer (literal is any data between quotes except if the quote
* is prefixed with a backward slash character, that is '\').
* <p>
* This reads the terminal before the <code>$Domain</code> so that if there
* is no <code>$Domain</code> for the <code>Cookie</code> then the character
* before it will not be read needlessly.
private void domain() {
this.domain.len = 0; /* reset */
if (this.skip(";$Domain=")) {
this.domain.off = this.off;
if (this.buf[this.off] == '"') {
for (this.off++; this.off < this.count;) {
if (this.buf[this.off++] == '"')
if (this.buf[this.off - 2] != '\\') {
this.domain.len -= 2; /* remove " */
this.domain.off++; /* remove " */
} else {
while (this.off < this.count) {
if (this.terminal(this.buf[this.off])) {
* This extracts the <code>$Version</code> of this <code>Cookie</code>. The
* version is parsed and converted into a decimal int from the digit
* characters that make up a version.
* <p>
* This will read all digit <code>char</code>'s up to but excluding the
* first non digit <code>char</code> that it encounters from the offset
* within the buffer, or if the value is a literal it will read a literal
* from the buffer (literal is any data between quotes except if the quote
* is prefixed with a backward slash character i.e. '\').
private void version() {
if (this.skip("$Version=")) {
if (this.buf[this.off] == '"') {
while (this.off < this.count) {
if (!this.digit(this.buf[this.off])) {
this.version *= 10;
this.version += this.buf[this.off];
this.version -= '0';
if (this.buf[this.off] == '"') {
} else {
this.version = 1;
* This is used to determine if a given iso8859-1 character is a terminal
* character. That is either the ';' or ',' characters. Although the RFC
* 2109 says the terminal can be either a comma, it is not used by any
* browsers.
* @param ch
* the character that is to be compared
* @return true if this is a semicolon character
private boolean terminal(char ch) {
return ch == ';';
* This is used to represent an <code>Iterator</code> that will iterate over
* the available cookies within the provided source text. This allows the
* cookie parser to be used as an iterable with for each loops. Cookies can
* not be removed with this.
private class Sequence implements Iterator<Cookie> {
* Extracts the next <code>Cookie</code> object from the string given.
* This will return <code>null</code> when there are no more cookies
* left in the <code>String</code> being parsed.
* <p>
* To find out when there are no more cookies left use the
* <code>hasNext</code> method. This will only set the name, value,
* path, domain name version of the <code>cookie</code> because as of
* RFC 2109 these are the only attributes a <code>Cookie</code> may
* have, the path and domain are optional.
* @return an initialized <code>Cookie</code> object
public Cookie next() {
if (!this.hasNext()) return null;
CookieParser.this.parsed = false;
return CookieParser.this.getCookie();
* Determine whether or not there are any <code>Cookie</code>s left in
* the <code>String</code>. This will attempt to extract another
* <code>Cookie</code> from the <code>String</code> and cache the result
* so the <code>next</code> method will produce this <code>Cookie</code>
* . If another <code>Cookie</code> cannot be parsed from the remainder
* of the <code>String</code> then this will return <code>false</code>
* otherwise it will return <code>true</code>.
* @return true if there are more cookies false otherwise
public boolean hasNext() {
if (CookieParser.this.finished) return false;
if (CookieParser.this.parsed) return true;
if (CookieParser.this.name.len <= 0) {
CookieParser.this.finished = true;
return false;
return true;
* This method is used to remove items from the iterator. This however
* performs no action as the act of parsing should not modify the
* underlying source text value so that it can be reset with the
* <code>reset</code> method and used again.
public void remove() {
* This is a token object that is used to store the offset and length of a
* region of chars in the <code>CookieParser.buf</code> array. The
* <code>toString</code> method of this token will produce the
* <code>String</code> value of the region it represents.
private class Token {
* The numer of characters that were consumed by this token.
public int len;
* The offset within the buffer that this token starts from.
public int off;
* This converts region within the buffer to a <code>String</code>. This
* converts the region only if there is a sufficient length.
* @return the <code>String</code> value of the region
public String toString() {
return new String(CookieParser.this.buf, this.off, this.len);