package org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.util;
* SWT Constants. Some SWT constants doesn't exist in org.eclipse.rap.ui, but exist
* in org.eclipse.draw2d.rap.swt. So I copy them to here to achieve the compatibility.
* @author Xihui Chen
public class SWTConstants {
* Line drawing style for solid lines (value is 1).
public static final int LINE_SOLID = 1;
* Line drawing style for dashed lines (value is 2).
public static final int LINE_DASH = 2;
* Line drawing style for dotted lines (value is 3).
public static final int LINE_DOT = 3;
* Line drawing style for alternating dash-dot lines (value is 4).
public static final int LINE_DASHDOT = 4;
* Line drawing style for dash-dot-dot lines (value is 5).
public static final int LINE_DASHDOTDOT = 5;
* Line drawing style for custom dashed lines (value is 6).
* @see[])
* @see
* @since 3.1
public static final int LINE_CUSTOM = 6;
* The <code>Image</code> constructor argument indicating that the new image
* should have the appearance of a "disabled" (using the platform's rules for
* how this should look) copy of the image provided as an argument (value is
* 1).
public static final int IMAGE_DISABLE = 1;
* The <code>Image</code> constructor argument indicating that the new image
* should have the appearance of a "gray scaled" copy of the image provided as
* an argument (value is 2).
public static final int IMAGE_GRAY = 2;