// Generated by delombok at Sun Feb 26 12:31:38 KST 2017 package scouter.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.inline; import scouter.bytebuddy.ClassFileVersion; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationList; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationValue; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterList; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeList; import scouter.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodAccessorFactory; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.auxiliary.AuxiliaryType; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.auxiliary.TrivialType; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.NullConstant; import scouter.bytebuddy.utility.CompoundList; import scouter.bytebuddy.jar.asm.Opcodes; import java.util.*; import static scouter.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.is; /** * A method rebase resolver is responsible for mapping methods of an instrumented type to an alternative signature. * This way a method can exist in two versions within a class: * <ol> * <li>The rebased method which represents the original implementation as it is present in a class file.</li> * <li>An overriden method which implements user code which is still able to invoke the original, rebased method.</li> * </ol> */ public interface MethodRebaseResolver { /** * Checks if a method is eligible for rebasing and resolves this possibly rebased method. * * @param methodDescription A description of the method to resolve. * @return A resolution for the given method. */ Resolution resolve(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription); /** * Returns a (potentially empty) list of auxiliary types that are required by this method rebase resolver. * * @return A list of auxiliary types that are required by this method rebase resolver. */ List<DynamicType> getAuxiliaryTypes(); /** * Returns a map of all rebasable methods' signature tokens to their resolution. * * @return A map of all rebasable methods' signature tokens to their resolution. */ Map<MethodDescription.SignatureToken, Resolution> asTokenMap(); /** * A method rebase resolver that preserves any method in its original form. */ enum Disabled implements MethodRebaseResolver { /** * The singleton instance. */ INSTANCE; @Override public Resolution resolve(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) { return new Resolution.Preserved(methodDescription); } @Override public List<DynamicType> getAuxiliaryTypes() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Map<MethodDescription.SignatureToken, Resolution> asTokenMap() { return Collections.emptyMap(); } } /** * A resolution for a method that was checked by a {@link MethodRebaseResolver}. */ interface Resolution { /** * Checks if this resolution represents a rebased method. * * @return {@code true} if this resolution requires to rebase a method. */ boolean isRebased(); /** * Returns the resolved method if this resolution represents a rebased method or the original method. * * @return The resolved method if this resolution represents a rebased method or the original method. */ MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getResolvedMethod(); /** * A rebased method might require additional arguments in order to create a distinct signature. The * stack manipulation that is returned from this method loads these arguments onto the operand stack. For * a non-rebased method, this method throws an {@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException}. * * @return A stack manipulation that loaded the additional arguments onto the stack, if any. */ StackManipulation getAdditionalArguments(); /** * A {@link MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution} of a non-rebased method. */ class Preserved implements Resolution { /** * The preserved method. */ private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription; /** * Creates a new {@link MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution} for * a non-rebased method. * * @param methodDescription The preserved method. */ public Preserved(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) { this.methodDescription = methodDescription; } @Override public boolean isRebased() { return false; } @Override public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getResolvedMethod() { return methodDescription; } @Override public StackManipulation getAdditionalArguments() { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot process additional arguments for non-rebased method: " + methodDescription); } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.Preserved)) return false; final MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.Preserved other = (MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.Preserved) o; if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false; final java.lang.Object this$methodDescription = this.methodDescription; final java.lang.Object other$methodDescription = other.methodDescription; if (this$methodDescription == null ? other$methodDescription != null : !this$methodDescription.equals(other$methodDescription)) return false; return true; } @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) { return other instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.Preserved; } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public int hashCode() { final int PRIME = 59; int result = 1; final java.lang.Object $methodDescription = this.methodDescription; result = result * PRIME + ($methodDescription == null ? 43 : $methodDescription.hashCode()); return result; } } /** * A {@link MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution} of a rebased method. */ class ForRebasedMethod implements Resolution { /** * The rebased method. */ private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription; /** * Creates a resolution for a rebased method. * * @param methodDescription The rebased method. */ protected ForRebasedMethod(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) { this.methodDescription = methodDescription; } /** * Resolves a rebasement for the provided method. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented type. * @param methodDescription The method to be rebased. * @param methodNameTransformer The transformer to use for renaming the method. * @return A resolution for rebasing the provided method. */ public static Resolution of(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription, MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer) { return new ForRebasedMethod(new RebasedMethod(instrumentedType, methodDescription, methodNameTransformer)); } @Override public boolean isRebased() { return true; } @Override public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getResolvedMethod() { return methodDescription; } @Override public StackManipulation getAdditionalArguments() { return StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE; } /** * A description of a rebased method. */ protected static class RebasedMethod extends MethodDescription.InDefinedShape.AbstractBase { /** * The instrumented type. */ private final TypeDescription instrumentedType; /** * The method that is being rebased. */ private final InDefinedShape methodDescription; /** * The transformer to use for renaming the method. */ private final MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer; /** * Creates a new rebased method. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented type. * @param methodDescription The method that is being rebased. * @param methodNameTransformer The transformer to use for renaming the method. */ protected RebasedMethod(TypeDescription instrumentedType, InDefinedShape methodDescription, MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer) { this.instrumentedType = instrumentedType; this.methodDescription = methodDescription; this.methodNameTransformer = methodNameTransformer; } @Override public TypeDescription.Generic getReturnType() { return methodDescription.getReturnType().asRawType(); } @Override public ParameterList<ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape> getParameters() { return new ParameterList.Explicit.ForTypes(this, methodDescription.getParameters().asTypeList().asRawTypes()); } @Override public TypeList.Generic getExceptionTypes() { return methodDescription.getExceptionTypes().asRawTypes(); } @Override public AnnotationValue<?, ?> getDefaultValue() { return AnnotationValue.UNDEFINED; } @Override public TypeList.Generic getTypeVariables() { return new TypeList.Generic.Empty(); } @Override public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return new AnnotationList.Empty(); } @Override public TypeDescription getDeclaringType() { return methodDescription.getDeclaringType(); } @Override public int getModifiers() { return Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC | (methodDescription.isStatic() ? Opcodes.ACC_STATIC : EMPTY_MASK) | (methodDescription.isNative() ? Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE : EMPTY_MASK) | (instrumentedType.isInterface() ? Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC : Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE); } @Override public String getInternalName() { return methodNameTransformer.transform(methodDescription); } } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedMethod)) return false; final MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedMethod other = (MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedMethod) o; if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false; final java.lang.Object this$methodDescription = this.methodDescription; final java.lang.Object other$methodDescription = other.methodDescription; if (this$methodDescription == null ? other$methodDescription != null : !this$methodDescription.equals(other$methodDescription)) return false; return true; } @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) { return other instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedMethod; } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public int hashCode() { final int PRIME = 59; int result = 1; final java.lang.Object $methodDescription = this.methodDescription; result = result * PRIME + ($methodDescription == null ? 43 : $methodDescription.hashCode()); return result; } } /** * A {@link MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution} of a rebased constructor. */ class ForRebasedConstructor implements Resolution { /** * The rebased constructor. */ private final MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription; /** * Creates a new resolution for a rebased constructor. * * @param methodDescription The rebased constructor. */ protected ForRebasedConstructor(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) { this.methodDescription = methodDescription; } /** * Resolves a constructor rebasement. * * @param methodDescription The constructor to rebase. * @param placeholderType The placeholder type to use to distinguish the constructor's signature. * @return A resolution of the provided constructor. */ public static Resolution of(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription, TypeDescription placeholderType) { return new ForRebasedConstructor(new RebasedConstructor(methodDescription, placeholderType)); } @Override public boolean isRebased() { return true; } @Override public MethodDescription.InDefinedShape getResolvedMethod() { return methodDescription; } @Override public StackManipulation getAdditionalArguments() { return NullConstant.INSTANCE; } /** * An description of a rebased constructor. */ protected static class RebasedConstructor extends MethodDescription.InDefinedShape.AbstractBase { /** * The constructor that is rebased. */ private final InDefinedShape methodDescription; /** * The placeholder type that is used to distinguish the constructor's signature. */ private final TypeDescription placeholderType; /** * Creates a new rebased constructor. * * @param methodDescription The constructor that is rebased. * @param placeholderType The placeholder type that is used to distinguish the constructor's signature. */ protected RebasedConstructor(InDefinedShape methodDescription, TypeDescription placeholderType) { this.methodDescription = methodDescription; this.placeholderType = placeholderType; } @Override public TypeDescription.Generic getReturnType() { return TypeDescription.Generic.VOID; } @Override public ParameterList<ParameterDescription.InDefinedShape> getParameters() { return new ParameterList.Explicit.ForTypes(this, CompoundList.of(methodDescription.getParameters().asTypeList().asErasures(), placeholderType)); } @Override public TypeList.Generic getExceptionTypes() { return methodDescription.getExceptionTypes().asRawTypes(); } @Override public AnnotationValue<?, ?> getDefaultValue() { return AnnotationValue.UNDEFINED; } @Override public TypeList.Generic getTypeVariables() { return new TypeList.Generic.Empty(); } @Override public AnnotationList getDeclaredAnnotations() { return new AnnotationList.Empty(); } @Override public TypeDescription getDeclaringType() { return methodDescription.getDeclaringType(); } @Override public int getModifiers() { return Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE; } @Override public String getInternalName() { return MethodDescription.CONSTRUCTOR_INTERNAL_NAME; } } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedConstructor)) return false; final MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedConstructor other = (MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedConstructor) o; if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false; final java.lang.Object this$methodDescription = this.methodDescription; final java.lang.Object other$methodDescription = other.methodDescription; if (this$methodDescription == null ? other$methodDescription != null : !this$methodDescription.equals(other$methodDescription)) return false; return true; } @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) { return other instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Resolution.ForRebasedConstructor; } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public int hashCode() { final int PRIME = 59; int result = 1; final java.lang.Object $methodDescription = this.methodDescription; result = result * PRIME + ($methodDescription == null ? 43 : $methodDescription.hashCode()); return result; } } } /** * A default implementation of a method rebase resolver. */ class Default implements MethodRebaseResolver { /** * A mapping of rebased methods to their existing resolutions. */ private final Map<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape, Resolution> resolutions; /** * A list of dynamic types that need to be appended to the created type in order to allow for the rebasement. */ private final List<DynamicType> dynamicTypes; /** * Creates a new default method rebased resolver. * * @param resolutions A mapping of rebased methods to their existing resolutions. * @param dynamicTypes A list of dynamic types that need to be appended to the created type in order to allow for the rebasement. */ protected Default(Map<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape, Resolution> resolutions, List<DynamicType> dynamicTypes) { this.resolutions = resolutions; this.dynamicTypes = dynamicTypes; } /** * Creates a new method rebase resolver. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented type. * @param rebaseableMethodTokens Tokens describing all methods that can possibly be rebased. * @param classFileVersion The class file version for the instrumentation. * @param auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy The naming strategy for naming a potential auxiliary type. * @param methodNameTransformer A transformer for method names. * @return A method rebase resolver that is capable of rebasing any of the provided methods. */ public static MethodRebaseResolver make(TypeDescription instrumentedType, Set<? extends MethodDescription.Token> rebaseableMethodTokens, ClassFileVersion classFileVersion, AuxiliaryType.NamingStrategy auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer) { DynamicType placeholderType = null; Map<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape, Resolution> resolutions = new HashMap<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape, Resolution>(); for (MethodDescription.InDefinedShape instrumentedMethod : instrumentedType.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (rebaseableMethodTokens.contains(instrumentedMethod.asToken(is(instrumentedType)))) { Resolution resolution; if (instrumentedMethod.isConstructor()) { if (placeholderType == null) { placeholderType = TrivialType.SIGNATURE_RELEVANT.make(auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy.name(instrumentedType), classFileVersion, MethodAccessorFactory.Illegal.INSTANCE); } resolution = Resolution.ForRebasedConstructor.of(instrumentedMethod, placeholderType.getTypeDescription()); } else { resolution = Resolution.ForRebasedMethod.of(instrumentedType, instrumentedMethod, methodNameTransformer); } resolutions.put(instrumentedMethod, resolution); } } return placeholderType == null ? new Default(resolutions, Collections.<DynamicType>emptyList()) : new Default(resolutions, Collections.singletonList(placeholderType)); } @Override public Resolution resolve(MethodDescription.InDefinedShape methodDescription) { Resolution resolution = resolutions.get(methodDescription); return resolution == null ? new Resolution.Preserved(methodDescription) : resolution; } @Override public List<DynamicType> getAuxiliaryTypes() { return dynamicTypes; } @Override public Map<MethodDescription.SignatureToken, Resolution> asTokenMap() { Map<MethodDescription.SignatureToken, Resolution> tokenMap = new HashMap<MethodDescription.SignatureToken, Resolution>(); for (Map.Entry<MethodDescription.InDefinedShape, Resolution> entry : resolutions.entrySet()) { tokenMap.put(entry.getKey().asSignatureToken(), entry.getValue()); } return tokenMap; } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Default)) return false; final MethodRebaseResolver.Default other = (MethodRebaseResolver.Default) o; if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false; final java.lang.Object this$resolutions = this.resolutions; final java.lang.Object other$resolutions = other.resolutions; if (this$resolutions == null ? other$resolutions != null : !this$resolutions.equals(other$resolutions)) return false; final java.lang.Object this$dynamicTypes = this.dynamicTypes; final java.lang.Object other$dynamicTypes = other.dynamicTypes; if (this$dynamicTypes == null ? other$dynamicTypes != null : !this$dynamicTypes.equals(other$dynamicTypes)) return false; return true; } @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") protected boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) { return other instanceof MethodRebaseResolver.Default; } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all") @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok") public int hashCode() { final int PRIME = 59; int result = 1; final java.lang.Object $resolutions = this.resolutions; result = result * PRIME + ($resolutions == null ? 43 : $resolutions.hashCode()); final java.lang.Object $dynamicTypes = this.dynamicTypes; result = result * PRIME + ($dynamicTypes == null ? 43 : $dynamicTypes.hashCode()); return result; } } }