package scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.annotation; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.MethodDelegationBinder; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.Assigner; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.collection.ArrayFactory; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodVariableAccess; import scouter.bytebuddy.utility.CompoundList; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodDelegation; import java.lang.annotation.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Parameters that are annotated with this annotation will be assigned a collection (or an array) containing * all arguments of the source method. Currently, this annotation supports the following collection types: * <ul> * <li>Array</li> * </ul> * <p> </p> * By default, this annotation applies a * {@link AllArguments.Assignment#STRICT} * assignment of the source method's parameters to the array. This implies that parameters that are not assignable to * the annotated array's component type make the method with this parameter unbindable. To avoid this, you can * use a {@link AllArguments.Assignment#SLACK} assignment * which simply skips non-assignable values instead. * * @see MethodDelegation * @see TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder * @see RuntimeType */ @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) public @interface AllArguments { /** * Defines the type of {@link AllArguments.Assignment} * type that is applied for filling the annotated array with values. * * @return The assignment handling to be applied for the annotated parameter. */ Assignment value() default Assignment.STRICT; /** * Determines if the array should contain the instance that defines the intercepted value when intercepting * a non-static method. * * @return {@code true} if the instance on which the intercepted method should be invoked should be * included in the array containing the arguments. */ boolean includeSelf() default false; /** * A directive for how an {@link AllArguments} * annotation on an array is to be interpreted. */ enum Assignment { /** * A strict assignment attempts to include <b>all</b> parameter values of the source method. If only one of these * parameters is not assignable to the component type of the annotated array, the method is considered as * non-bindable. */ STRICT(true), /** * Other than a {@link AllArguments.Assignment#STRICT} * assignment, a slack assignment simply ignores non-bindable parameters and does not include them in the target * array. In the most extreme case where no source method parameter is assignable to the component type * of the annotated array, the array that is assigned to the target parameter is empty. */ SLACK(false); /** * Determines if this assignment is strict. */ private final boolean strict; /** * Creates a new assignment type. * * @param strict {@code true} if this assignment is strict. */ Assignment(boolean strict) { this.strict = strict; } /** * Returns {@code true} if this assignment is strict. * * @return {@code true} if this assignment is strict. */ protected boolean isStrict() { return strict; } } /** * A binder for handling the * {@link AllArguments} * annotation. * * @see TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder */ enum Binder implements TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder.ParameterBinder<AllArguments> { /** * The singleton instance. */ INSTANCE; @Override public Class<AllArguments> getHandledType() { return AllArguments.class; } @Override public MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding<?> bind(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<AllArguments> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner, Assigner.Typing typing) { if (!target.getType().isArray()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected an array type for all argument annotation on " + source); } ArrayFactory arrayFactory = ArrayFactory.forType(target.getType().getComponentType()); boolean includeThis = !source.isStatic() && annotation.loadSilent().includeSelf(); List<StackManipulation> stackManipulations = new ArrayList<StackManipulation>(source.getParameters().size() + (includeThis ? 1 : 0)); int offset = source.isStatic() || includeThis ? 0 : 1; for (TypeDescription.Generic sourceParameter : includeThis ? CompoundList.of(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType().asGenericType(), source.getParameters().asTypeList()) : source.getParameters().asTypeList()) { StackManipulation stackManipulation = new StackManipulation.Compound(MethodVariableAccess.of(sourceParameter).loadFrom(offset), assigner.assign(sourceParameter, arrayFactory.getComponentType(), typing)); if (stackManipulation.isValid()) { stackManipulations.add(stackManipulation); } else if (annotation.loadSilent().value().isStrict()) { return MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; } offset += sourceParameter.getStackSize().getSize(); } return new MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding.Anonymous(arrayFactory.withValues(stackManipulations)); } } }