package scouter.bytebuddy.dynamic; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription; /** * This type is used as a place holder for creating methods or fields that refer to the type that currently subject * of creation within a {@link DynamicType.Builder}. */ public final class TargetType { /** * A description of the {@link TargetType}. */ public static final TypeDescription DESCRIPTION = new TypeDescription.ForLoadedType(TargetType.class); /** * Resolves the given type description to the supplied target type if it represents the {@link TargetType} placeholder. * Array types are resolved to their component type and rebuilt as an array of the actual target type, if necessary. * * @param typeDescription The type description that might represent the {@link TargetType} placeholder. * @param targetType The actual target type. * @return A description of the resolved type. */ public static TypeDescription resolve(TypeDescription typeDescription, TypeDescription targetType) { int arity = 0; TypeDescription componentType = typeDescription; while (componentType.isArray()) { componentType = componentType.getComponentType(); arity++; } return componentType.represents(TargetType.class) ? TypeDescription.ArrayProjection.of(targetType, arity) : typeDescription; } /** * An unusable constructor to avoid instance creation. */ private TargetType() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This class only serves as a marker type"); } }