/* Copyright (C) 1999, 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company This file is part of Mauve. Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mauve; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // Tags: JDK1.0 package gnu.testlet.java.lang.Double; import gnu.testlet.Testlet; import gnu.testlet.TestHarness; public class DoubleTest implements Testlet { public int getExpectedPass() { return 106; } public int getExpectedFail() { return 0; } public int getExpectedKnownFail() { return 0; } protected static TestHarness harness; public void test_Basics() { double min1 = 5e-324; double min2 = Double.MIN_VALUE; double max1 = 1.7976931348623157e+308; double max2 = Double.MAX_VALUE; double ninf1 = -1.0/0.0; double ninf2 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double pinf1 = 1.0/0.0; double pinf2 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Double nan1 = new Double(0.0/0.0); Double nan2 = new Double(Double.NaN); if ( min1 != min2 ) { harness.fail("test_Basics - 1a"); System.out.println("Expected: " + min1); System.out.println("Got: " + min2); } if ( max1 != max2 ) { harness.fail("test_Basics - 1b"); System.out.println("Expected: " + max1); System.out.println("Got: " + max2); } if (ninf1 != ninf2) { harness.fail("test_Basics - 1c"); System.out.println("Expected: " + ninf1); System.out.println("Got: " + ninf2); } if (pinf1 != pinf2) { harness.fail("test_Basics - 1d"); System.out.println("Expected: " + pinf1); System.out.println("Got: " + pinf2); } if (!nan2.equals(nan1) ) { harness.fail("test_Basics CYGNUS: NaN.equals - 1e"); System.out.println("Expected: " + nan1); System.out.println("Got: " + nan2); } Double i1 = new Double(100.5); harness.check(!( i1.doubleValue() != 100.5 ), "test_Basics - 2" ); harness.check(!( (new Double(3.4)).doubleValue() != 3.4 ), "test_Basics - 6" ); Double nan = new Double(Double.NaN ); harness.check(!( !nan.isNaN()), "test_Basics - 7" ); harness.check(!( (new Double(10.0f)).isNaN()), "test_Basics - 8" ); harness.check(!( !Double.isNaN( Double.NaN )), "test_Basics - 9" ); harness.check(!( !(new Double(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).isInfinite()), "test_Basics - 10" ); harness.check(!( !(new Double(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).isInfinite()), "test_Basics - 11" ); harness.check(!( !( Double.isInfinite( Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY))), "test_Basics - 12" ); harness.check(!( !( Double.isInfinite( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY))), "test_Basics - 13" ); harness.check(!( 0.0 - 0.0 != 0.0), "test_Basics - 14" ); harness.check(!( 0.0 + 0.0 != 0.0), "test_Basics - 15" ); harness.check(!( 0.0 + -0.0 != 0.0), "test_Basics - 16" ); harness.check(!( 0.0 - -0.0 != 0.0), "test_Basics - 17" ); harness.check(!( -0.0 - 0.0 != -0.0), "test_Basics - 18" ); harness.check(!( -0.0 + 0.0 != 0.0), "test_Basics - 19" ); harness.check(!( -0.0 + -0.0 != -0.0), "test_Basics - 20" ); harness.check(!( -0.0 - -0.0 != 0.0), "test_Basics - 21" ); harness.check(!( !"0.0".equals(0.0 - 0.0 +"" )), "test_Basics - 22" ); } public void test_toString() { harness.check(!( !( new Double(123.0)).toString().equals("123.0")), "test_toString - 1" ); harness.check(!( !( new Double(-44.5343)).toString().equals("-44.5343")), "test_toString - 2" ); harness.check(!( !Double.toString( 23.04 ).equals ("23.04" )), "test_toString - 3" ); harness.check(!( !Double.toString( Double.NaN ).equals ("NaN" )), "test_toString - 4" ); harness.check(!( !Double.toString( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY ).equals ("Infinity" )), "test_toString - 5" ); harness.check(!( !Double.toString( Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ).equals ("-Infinity" )), "test_toString - 6" ); harness.check(!( !Double.toString( 0.0 ).equals ("0.0" )), "test_toString - 7" ); String str; str = Double.toString( -0.0 ); harness.check(!( !str.equals ("-0.0" )), "test_toString - 8" ); str = Double.toString( -9412128.34 ); harness.check(!( !str.equals ("-9412128.34" )), "test_toString - 9" ); // The following case fails for some Sun JDKs (e.g. 1.3.1 // and 1.4.0) where toString(0.001) returns "0.0010". This // is contrary to the JDK 1.4 javadoc. This particular // case has been noted as a comment to Sun Java bug #4642835 /* str = Double.toString( 0.001 ); if ( !Double.toString( 0.001 ).equals ("0.001" )) { harness.fail("test_toString - 10" ); System.out.println("Expected: " + "0.001"); System.out.println("Got: " + Double.toString(0.001)); } */ str = Double.toString( 1e4d ); if ( !Double.toString( 1e4d ).equals ("10000.0" )) { harness.fail("test_toString - 11" ); System.out.println("Expected: " + "10000.0"); System.out.println("Got: " + Double.toString(1e4d)); } str = Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE); if ( !str.equals("4.9E-324")) { harness.fail("test_toString - 15" ); harness.debug("Expected: 4.9E-324"); harness.debug("Got: " + str); } /* str = Double.toString(-23.43E33); if ( !(new Double( str)).equals(new Double(-23.43E33))) harness.fail("test_toString - 16" ); */ } public void test_equals() { Double i1 = new Double(2334.34E4); Double i2 = new Double(-2334.34E4); harness.check(!( !i1.equals( new Double(2334.34E4))), "test_equals - 1" ); harness.check(!( !i2.equals( new Double(-2334.34E4))), "test_equals - 2" ); harness.check(!( i1.equals( i2 )), "test_equals - 3" ); harness.check(!( i1.equals(null)), "test_equals - 4" ); double n1 = Double.NaN; double n2 = Double.NaN; harness.check(!( n1 == n2 ), "test_equals - 5" ); Double flt1 = new Double( Double.NaN); Double flt2 = new Double( Double.NaN); harness.check(!( !flt1.equals(flt2)), "test_equals CYGNUS: NaN.equals - 6" ); harness.check(!( 0.0 != -0.0 ), "test_equals - 7" ); Double pzero = new Double( 0.0 ); Double nzero = new Double( -0.0 ); harness.check(!( pzero.equals(nzero) ), "test_equals CYGNUS: Double.equals - 8" ); } public void test_hashCode( ) { Double flt1 = new Double(3.4028235e+38); long lng1 = Double.doubleToLongBits( 3.4028235e+38); harness.check(!( flt1.hashCode() != (int) ( lng1^(lng1>>>32)) ), "test_hashCode - 1"); Double flt2 = new Double( -2343323354.0 ); long lng2 = Double.doubleToLongBits( -2343323354.0 ); harness.check(!( flt2.hashCode() != (int) ( lng2^(lng2>>>32)) ), "test_hashCode - 2"); } public void test_intValue( ) { Double b1 = new Double(3.4e+32); Double b2 = new Double(-23.45); int i1 = b1.intValue(); int i2 = b2.intValue(); harness.check(!( i1 != (int) 3.4e+32), "test_intValue CYGNUS: Float to int conversions - 1" ); harness.check(!( i2 != (int) -23.45 ), "test_intValue - 2" ); Double b3 = new Double(3000.54); harness.check(!( b3.intValue() != 3000 ), "test_intValue - 3" ); Double b4 = new Double(32735.3249); harness.check(!( b4.intValue() != 32735 ), "test_intValue - 4" ); Double b5 = new Double(-32735.3249); harness.check(!( b5.intValue() != -32735 ), "test_intValue - 5" ); Double b6 = new Double(-32735.3249); harness.check(!( b6.intValue() != -32735 ), "test_intValue - 6" ); Double b7 = new Double(0.0); harness.check(!( b7.intValue() != 0 ), "test_intValue - 7" ); } public void test_longValue( ) { Double b1 = new Double(3.4e+32); Double b2 = new Double(-23.45); harness.check(!( b1.longValue() != (long) 3.4e+32), "test_longValue CYGNUS: Float to int conversions - 1" ); harness.check(!( b2.longValue() != (long) -23.45 ), "test_longValue - 2" ); } public void test_DoubleValue( ) { Double b1 = new Double(3276.34); Double b2 = new Double(-3276.32); harness.check(!( b1.doubleValue() != 3276.34 ), "test_DoubleValue - 1" ); harness.check(!( b2.doubleValue() != -3276.32 ), "test_DoubleValue - 2" ); } public void test_doubleValue( ) { Double b1 = new Double(0.0); Double b2 = new Double(30.0); harness.check(!( b1.doubleValue() != 0.0 ), "test_doubleValue - 1" ); harness.check(!( b2.doubleValue() != 30.0 ), "test_doubleValue - 2" ); } public void test_floatValue( ) { Double b1 = new Double(0.0); Double b2 = new Double(30.0); harness.check(!( b1.floatValue() != 0.0f ), "test_floatValue - 1" ); harness.check(!( b2.floatValue() != 30.0f ), "test_floatValue - 2" ); } public void test_valueOf( ) { try { Double.valueOf(null); harness.fail("test_valueOf - 1" ); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ) {harness.check(false, "test_valueOf null should throw NullPointerException");} catch ( NullPointerException e ) {harness.check(true, "test_valueOf null");} try { Double.valueOf("Kona"); harness.fail("test_valueOf - 2" ); }catch( NumberFormatException e) {} harness.check(!( Double.valueOf( "3.4e+32" ).doubleValue() != 3.4e+32 ), "test_valueOf - 3" ); harness.check(!( Double.valueOf(" -23.45 ").doubleValue() != -23.45 ), "test_valueOf - 4" ); } public void test_parseDouble( ) { try { Double.parseDouble(null); harness.fail("test_parseDouble - 1" ); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ) {harness.check(false, "test_parseDouble null should throw NullPointerException");} catch ( NullPointerException e ) {harness.check(true, "test_parseDouble null");} try { Double.parseDouble("Kona"); harness.fail("test_parseDouble - 2" ); }catch( NumberFormatException e) {} harness.check(!( Double.parseDouble( "3.4e+32" ) != 3.4e+32 ), "test_parseDouble - 3" ); harness.check(!( Double.parseDouble(" -23.45 ") != -23.45 ), "test_parseDouble - 4" ); } public void test_doubleToLongBits() { harness.check(!( Double.doubleToLongBits( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) != 0x7ff0000000000000L ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 1" ); harness.check(!( Double.doubleToLongBits( Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) != 0xfff0000000000000L ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 2" ); long nanval = Double.doubleToLongBits( Double.NaN ); harness.check(!( nanval != 0x7ff8000000000000L ), "test_doubleToLongBits CYGNUS: NaN.doubleToLongBits" ); long i1 = Double.doubleToLongBits(3.4e+32f); long i2 = Double.doubleToLongBits(-34.56f); long sign1 = i1 & 0x8000000000000000L ; long sign2 = i2 & 0x8000000000000000L ; long exp1 = i1 & 0x7ff0000000000000L ; long exp2 = i2 & 0x7ff0000000000000L ; long man1 = i1 & 0x000fffffffffffffL ; long man2 = i2 & 0x000fffffffffffffL ; harness.check(!(sign1 != 0 ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 4" ); harness.check(!( sign2 != 0x8000000000000000L ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 5" ); harness.check(!( exp1 != 5093571178556030976L ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 6" ); harness.check(!( exp2 != 4629700416936869888L ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 7" ); harness.check(!( man1 != 214848222789632L ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 8" ); harness.check(!( man2 != 360288163463168L ), "test_doubleToLongBits - 9" ); } public void test_longBitsToDouble( ) { harness.check(!( Double.longBitsToDouble( 0x7ff0000000000000L) != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY ), "test_longBitsToDouble - 1" ); harness.check(!( Double.longBitsToDouble( 0xfff0000000000000L ) != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ), "test_longBitsToDouble - 2" ); harness.check(!( !Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble( 0xfff8000000000000L ))), "test_longBitsToDouble - 3" ); harness.check(!( !Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble( 0x7ffffff000000000L ))), "test_longBitsToDouble - 4" ); harness.check(!( !Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble( 0xfff8000020000001L ))), "test_longBitsToDouble - 5" ); harness.check(!( !Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble( 0xfffffffffffffff1L ))), "test_longBitsToDouble - 6" ); double fl1 = Double.longBitsToDouble( 0x34343f33 ); if ( Double.doubleToLongBits(fl1) != 0x34343f33 ) { harness.fail("test_longBitsToDouble - 7" ); System.out.println("Expected: " + Long.toString(0x34343f33)); System.out.println("Got: " + Long.toString(Double.doubleToLongBits(fl1))); } harness.check(!( Double.doubleToLongBits( Double.longBitsToDouble(0x33439943)) != 0x33439943 ), "test_longBitsToDouble - 8"); } public void check_remainder( double val, double val1 , double ret , int errno ) { double res = val % val1; harness.check(!( res < ret - 0.001 || res > ret + 0.001 ), "test_remainder " + errno ); } public void check_remainder_NaN( double val, double val1 , int errno ) { double res = val % val1; if (!Double.isNaN(res)) { harness.fail("test_remainder " + errno); } } public void test_remainder( ) { check_remainder(15.2 , 1.0 , 0.2, 1 ); check_remainder(2345.2432 , 1.2 ,0.44319999999997 , 2 ); check_remainder(20.56 , 1.87 ,1.8600000000000 , 3 ); check_remainder(0.0 , 1.2 , 0.00000000000000 , 4 ); check_remainder(1000 , 10 , 0.00000000000000 , 5 ); check_remainder(234.332 , 134.34 , 99.992000000000 , 6 ); check_remainder(1.0 , 1.0, 0.0 , 7 ); check_remainder(45.0 , 5.0, 0.0 , 8 ); check_remainder(1.25 , 0.50 , 0.25 , 9 ); check_remainder(12345.678, 1234.5678, 1234.5678000000 , 10 ); check_remainder(Double.MAX_VALUE , Double.MIN_VALUE , 0.00000000000000 , 11 ); check_remainder(0.0 , 999.99, 0.00000000000000 , 12 ); check_remainder(123.0 , 25.0 , 23.0 , 13 ); check_remainder(15.0 , 1.5 , 0.00 , 14 ); check_remainder_NaN(Double.NaN, 1.5 , 15 ); check_remainder_NaN(1.5, Double.NaN, 16 ); check_remainder_NaN(Double.NaN, 0, 17 ); check_remainder_NaN(0, Double.NaN, 18 ); check_remainder_NaN(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1.5, 19 ); check_remainder_NaN(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 1.5, 20 ); check_remainder_NaN(1.5, 0, 21 ); check_remainder_NaN(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0, 22 ); check_remainder_NaN(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0, 23 ); // EJWcr00505 check_remainder(15.0 , Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 15.0 , 24 ); check_remainder(-15.0 , Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, -15.0 , 25 ); check_remainder(0.0 , Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0 , 26 ); check_remainder(-0.0 , Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, -0.0 , 27 ); check_remainder(0.1 , Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.1 , 28 ); check_remainder(-0.1 , Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, -0.1 , 29 ); check_remainder(15.0 , Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 15.0 , 30 ); check_remainder(-15.0 , Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -15.0 , 31 ); check_remainder(0.0 , Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0.0 , 32 ); check_remainder(-0.0 , Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -0.0 , 33 ); check_remainder(0.1 , Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0.1 , 34 ); check_remainder(-0.1 , Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -0.1 , 35 ); } public void test_shortbyteValue() { Double d1 = new Double( 123.35 ); Double d2 = new Double( 400.35 ); Double d3 = new Double(0.0 ); harness.check(!( d1.shortValue() != 123 ), "test_shortbyteValue - 1" ); harness.check(!( d2.shortValue() != 400 ), "test_shortbyteValue - 2" ); harness.check(!( d3.shortValue() != 0 ), "test_shortbyteValue - 3" ); harness.check(!( d1.byteValue() != 123 ), "test_shortbyteValue - 4" ); harness.check(!( d2.byteValue() != (byte) 400 ), "test_shortbyteValue - 5" ); harness.check(!( d3.byteValue() != 0 ), "test_shortbyteValue - 6" ); } public void test_neg() { double zero = 0.0; String zero1 = String.valueOf(zero); if (!zero1.equals("0.0")) { harness.fail("test_neg - 1"); } zero = -zero; String zero2 = String.valueOf(zero); if (!zero2.equals("-0.0")) { harness.fail("test_neg - 2"); System.out.println("Expected -0.0, got: " + zero2); } zero = -zero; String zero3 = String.valueOf(zero); if (!zero3.equals("0.0")) { harness.fail("test_neg - 3"); } double nonzero = -21.23; String nonzero1 = String.valueOf(nonzero); if (!nonzero1.equals("-21.23")) { harness.fail("test_neg - 4"); } nonzero = -nonzero; String nonzero2 = String.valueOf(nonzero); if (!nonzero2.equals("21.23")) { harness.fail("test_neg - 5"); } nonzero = -nonzero; String nonzero3 = String.valueOf(nonzero); if (!nonzero3.equals("-21.23")) { harness.fail("test_neg - 6"); } } public void testall() { test_Basics(); test_remainder(); test_toString(); test_equals(); test_hashCode(); test_intValue(); test_longValue(); test_DoubleValue(); test_doubleValue(); test_floatValue(); test_shortbyteValue(); test_valueOf(); test_parseDouble(); test_doubleToLongBits(); test_longBitsToDouble(); test_neg(); } public void test (TestHarness the_harness) { harness = the_harness; testall (); } }