/* * * * Copyright 1990-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is * included at /legal/license.txt). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 or visit www.sun.com if you need additional * information or have any questions. */ package javax.microedition.io; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.lang.String; import javax.microedition.io.ContentConnection; /** * This interface defines the necessary methods and constants * for an HTTP connection. * <P> * HTTP is a request-response protocol in which the parameters of * request must be set before the request is sent. * The connection exists in one of three states: * <UL> * <LI> Setup, in which the request parameters can be set * <LI> Connected, in which request parameters have been sent and the * response is expected * <LI> Closed, the final state, in which the HTTP connection as been * terminated * </UL> * The following methods may be invoked only in the Setup state: * <UL> * <LI> <CODE> setRequestMethod</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> setRequestProperty</CODE> * </UL> * * The transition from Setup to Connected is caused by any method that * requires data to be sent to or received from the server. <p> * * The following methods cause the transition to the Connected state when * the connection is in Setup state. * <UL> * <LI> <CODE> openInputStream</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> openDataInputStream</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getLength</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getType</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getEncoding</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderField</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getResponseCode</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getResponseMessage</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderFieldInt</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderFieldDate</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getExpiration</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getDate</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getLastModified</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderField</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderFieldKey</CODE> * </UL> * <P> * The following methods may be invoked while the connection is in Setup or * Connected state. * <UL> * <LI> <CODE> close</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getRequestMethod</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getRequestProperty</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getURL</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getProtocol</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHost</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getFile</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getRef</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getPort</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getQuery</CODE> * </UL> * * <P> * After an output stream has been opened by the * <code>openOutputStream</code> or <code>openDataOutputStream</code> * methods, attempts to change the request parameters via * <code>setRequestMethod</code> or the <code>setRequestProperty</code> * are ignored. Once the request parameters have been sent, * these methods will throw an <code>IOException</code>. * * When an output stream is closed via the * <code>OutputStream.close</code> or <code>DataOutputStream.close</code> * methods, the connection enters the Connected state. * When the output stream is flushed via the * <code>OutputStream.flush</code> or <code>DataOutputStream.flush</code> * methods, the request parameters MUST be sent along with any data * written to the stream. * </P> * * The transition to Closed state from any other state is caused by the * <code>close</code> method and the closing all of the streams that were * opened from the connection. * <P> * <STRONG>Example using StreamConnection</STRONG> * <p> * Simple read of a URL using <code>StreamConnection</code>. * No HTTP specific behavior is needed or used. * (<strong>Note:</strong> this example ignores all HTTP response * headers and the HTTP response code. Since a proxy or server * may have sent an error response page, an application * can not distinguish which data is retrieved in * the <code>InputStream</code>.) * * <p> * <code>Connector.open</code> is used to open URL and a * <code>StreamConnection</code> is returned. * From the <code>StreamConnection</code> the * <code>InputStream</code> is opened. * It is used to read every character until end of file (-1). * If an exception is thrown the connection and stream are closed. * <p> * <pre> * void getViaStreamConnection(String url) throws IOException { * StreamConnection c = null; * InputStream s = null; * try { * c = (StreamConnection)Connector.open(url); * s = c.openInputStream(); * int ch; * while ((ch = s.read()) != -1) { * ... * } * } finally { * if (s != null) * s.close(); * if (c != null) * c.close(); * } * } * </pre> * <p> * <STRONG>Example using ContentConnection</STRONG> * <p> * Simple read of a URL using <code>ContentConnection</code>. * No HTTP specific behavior is needed or used. * <p> * <code>Connector.open</code> is used to open url and * a <code>ContentConnection</code> is returned. * The <code>ContentConnection</code> may be able to provide the length. * If the length is available, it is used to read the data in bulk. * From the <code>ContentConnection</code> the * <code>InputStream</code> is opened. * It is used to read every character until end of file (-1). * If an exception is thrown the connection and stream are closed. * <p> * <pre> * void getViaContentConnection(String url) throws IOException { * ContentConnection c = null; * DataInputStream is = null; * try { * c = (ContentConnection)Connector.open(url); * int len = (int)c.getLength(); * dis = c.openDataInputStream(); * if (len > 0) { * byte[] data = new byte[len]; * dis.readFully(data); * } else { * int ch; * while ((ch = dis.read()) != -1) { * ... * } * } * } finally { * if (dis != null) * dis.close(); * if (c != null) * c.close(); * } * } * </pre> * <p> * <STRONG>Example using HttpConnection</STRONG> * <p> * Read the HTTP headers and the data using <code>HttpConnection</code>. * <p> * <code>Connector.open</code> is used to open url and a * <code>HttpConnection</code> is returned. * The HTTP headers are read and processed. * If the length is available, it is used to read the data in bulk. * From the <code>HttpConnection</code> the * <code>InputStream</code> is opened. * It is used to read every character until end of file (-1). * If an exception is thrown the connection and stream are closed. * <p> * <pre> * void getViaHttpConnection(String url) throws IOException { * HttpConnection c = null; * InputStream is = null; * int rc; * * try { * c = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(url); * * // Getting the response code will open the connection, * // send the request, and read the HTTP response headers. * // The headers are stored until requested. * rc = c.getResponseCode(); * if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) { * throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc); * } * * is = c.openInputStream(); * * // Get the ContentType * String type = c.getType(); * * // Get the length and process the data * int len = (int)c.getLength(); * if (len > 0) { * int actual = 0; * int bytesread = 0 ; * byte[] data = new byte[len]; * while ((bytesread != len) && (actual != -1)) { * actual = is.read(data, bytesread, len - bytesread); * bytesread += actual; * } * } else { * int ch; * while ((ch = is.read()) != -1) { * ... * } * } * } catch (ClassCastException e) { * throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an HTTP URL"); * } finally { * if (is != null) * is.close(); * if (c != null) * c.close(); * } * } * </pre> * <p> * <STRONG>Example using POST with HttpConnection</STRONG> * <p> * * Post a request with some headers and content to the server and * process the headers and content. * <p> * <code>Connector.open</code> is used to open url and a * <code>HttpConnection</code> is returned. * The request method is set to POST and request headers set. * A simple command is written and flushed. * The HTTP headers are read and processed. * If the length is available, it is used to read the data in bulk. * From the <code>HttpConnection</code> the * <code>InputStream</code> is opened. * It is used to read every character until end of file (-1). * If an exception is thrown the connection and stream is closed. * <p> * <pre> * void postViaHttpConnection(String url) throws IOException { * HttpConnection c = null; * InputStream is = null; * OutputStream os = null; * int rc; * * try { * c = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(url); * * // Set the request method and headers * c.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.POST); * c.setRequestProperty("If-Modified-Since", * "29 Oct 1999 19:43:31 GMT"); * c.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", * "Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0"); * c.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US"); * * // Getting the output stream may flush the headers * os = c.openOutputStream(); * os.write("LIST games\n".getBytes()); * os.flush(); // Optional, getResponseCode will flush * * // Getting the response code will open the connection, * // send the request, and read the HTTP response headers. * // The headers are stored until requested. * rc = c.getResponseCode(); * if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) { * throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc); * } * * is = c.openInputStream(); * * // Get the ContentType * String type = c.getType(); * processType(type); * * // Get the length and process the data * int len = (int)c.getLength(); * if (len > 0) { * int actual = 0; * int bytesread = 0 ; * byte[] data = new byte[len]; * while ((bytesread != len) && (actual != -1)) { * actual = is.read(data, bytesread, len - bytesread); * bytesread += actual; * } * process(data); * } else { * int ch; * while ((ch = is.read()) != -1) { * process((byte)ch); * } * } * } catch (ClassCastException e) { * throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an HTTP URL"); * } finally { * if (is != null) * is.close(); * if (os != null) * os.close(); * if (c != null) * c.close(); * } * } * </pre> * <hr> * <p> * <STRONG>Simplified Stream Methods on Connector</STRONG> * <p> * Please note the following: The * <code>Connector</code> class defines the following * convenience methods for retrieving an input or output stream directly * for a specified URL: * * <UL> * <LI> <CODE> InputStream openInputStream(String url) </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> DataInputStream openDataInputStream(String url) </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> OutputStream openOutputStream(String url) </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> DataOutputStream openDataOutputStream(String url) </CODE> * </UL> * * Please be aware that using these methods implies certain restrictions. * You will not get a reference to the actual connection, but rather just * references to the input or output stream of the connection. Not having * a reference to the connection means that you will not be able to manipulate * or query the connection directly. This in turn means that you will not * be able to call any of the following methods: * * <UL> * <LI> <CODE> getRequestMethod() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> setRequestMethod() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getRequestProperty() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> setRequestProperty() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getLength() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getType() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getEncoding() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderField() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getResponseCode() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getResponseMessage() </CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderFieldInt</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderFieldDate</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getExpiration</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getDate</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getLastModified</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderField</CODE> * <LI> <CODE> getHeaderFieldKey</CODE> * </UL> * @since MIDP 1.0 */ public interface HttpConnection extends ContentConnection { /** HTTP Head method. */ public final static String HEAD = "HEAD"; /** HTTP Get method. */ public final static String GET = "GET"; /** HTTP Post method. */ public final static String POST = "POST"; /** 2XX: generally "OK" */ /** 200: The request has succeeded. */ public static final int HTTP_OK = 200; /** * 201: The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new * resource being created. */ public static final int HTTP_CREATED = 201; /** * 202: The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing * has not been completed. */ public static final int HTTP_ACCEPTED = 202; /** * 203: The returned meta-information in the entity-header is not the * definitive set as available from the origin server. */ public static final int HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE = 203; /** * 204: The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to * return an entity-body, and might want to return updated * meta-information. */ public static final int HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204; /** * 205: The server has fulfilled the request and the user agent SHOULD reset * the document view which caused the request to be sent. */ public static final int HTTP_RESET = 205; /** * 206: The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource. */ public static final int HTTP_PARTIAL = 206; /** 3XX: relocation/redirect */ /** * 300: The requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of * representations, each with its own specific location, and agent- * driven negotiation information is being provided so that * the user (or user agent) can select a preferred representation and * redirect its request to that location. */ public static final int HTTP_MULT_CHOICE = 300; /** * 301: The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and * any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned * URIs. */ public static final int HTTP_MOVED_PERM = 301; /** * 302: The requested resource resides temporarily under a * different URI. (<strong>Note:</strong> the name of this * status code * reflects the earlier publication of RFC2068, which * was changed in RFC2616 from "moved temporarily" to * "found". The semantics were not changed. The <code>Location</code> * header indicates where the application should resend * the request.) */ public static final int HTTP_MOVED_TEMP = 302; /** * 303: The response to the request can be found under a different URI and * SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. */ public static final int HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303; /** * 304: If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is * allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD * respond with this status code. */ public static final int HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304; /** * 305: The requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy given by * the Location field. */ public static final int HTTP_USE_PROXY = 305; /** * 307: The requested resource resides temporarily under a different * URI. */ public static final int HTTP_TEMP_REDIRECT = 307; /** 4XX: client error */ /** * 400: The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed * syntax. */ public static final int HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400; /** * 401: The request requires user authentication. The response MUST * include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge * applicable to the requested resource. */ public static final int HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401; /** 402: This code is reserved for future use. */ public static final int HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402; /** * 403: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. * Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. */ public static final int HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403; /** * 404: The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No * indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or * permanent. */ public static final int HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404; /** * 405: The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the * resource identified by the Request-URI. */ public static final int HTTP_BAD_METHOD = 405; /** * 406: The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating * response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable * according to the accept headers sent in the request. */ public static final int HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406; /** * 407: This code is similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the * client must first authenticate itself with the proxy. */ public static final int HTTP_PROXY_AUTH = 407; /** * 408: The client did not produce a request within the time that the server * was prepared to wait. The client MAY repeat the request without * modifications at any later time. */ public static final int HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 408; /** * 409: The request could not be completed due to a conflict with * the current state of the resource. */ public static final int HTTP_CONFLICT = 409; /** * 410: The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no * forwarding address is known. */ public static final int HTTP_GONE = 410; /** * 411: The server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content- * Length. */ public static final int HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411; /** * 412: The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields * evaluated to false when it was tested on the server. */ public static final int HTTP_PRECON_FAILED = 412; /** * 413: The server is refusing to process a request because the request * entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process. */ public static final int HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413; /** * 414: The server is refusing to service the request because the * Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. */ public static final int HTTP_REQ_TOO_LONG = 414; /** * 415: The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of * the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource * for the requested method. */ public static final int HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = 415; /** * 416: A server SHOULD return a response with this status code if a request * included a Range request-header field , and none of * the range-specifier values in this field overlap the current extent * of the selected resource, and the request did not include an If-Range * request-header field. */ public static final int HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_RANGE = 416; /** * 417: The expectation given in an Expect request-header field * could not be met by this server, or, if the server is a proxy, * the server has unambiguous evidence that the request could not be met * by the next-hop server. */ public static final int HTTP_EXPECT_FAILED = 417; /** 5XX: server error */ /** * 500: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it * from fulfilling the request. */ public static final int HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = 500; /** * 501: The server does not support the functionality required to * fulfill the request. */ public static final int HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501; /** * 502: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid * response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to * fulfill the request. */ public static final int HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 502; /** * 503: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a * temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. */ public static final int HTTP_UNAVAILABLE = 503; /** * 504: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a * timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI * or some other auxiliary server it needed * to access in attempting to complete the request. */ public static final int HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504; /** * 505: The server does not support, or refuses to support, the HTTP * protocol version that was used in the request message. */ public static final int HTTP_VERSION = 505; /** * Return a string representation of the URL for this connection. * * @return the string representation of the URL for this connection. */ public String getURL(); /** * Returns the protocol name of the URL of this * <code>HttpConnection</code>. e.g., http or https * * @return the protocol of the URL of this <code>HttpConnection</code>. */ public String getProtocol(); /** * Returns the host information of the URL of * this <code>HttpConnection</code>. e.g. host name or IPv4 address * * @return the host information of the URL of * this <code>HttpConnection</code>. */ public String getHost(); /** * Returns the file portion of the URL of this <code>HttpConnection</code>. * * @return the file portion of the URL of this <code>HttpConnection</code>. * <code>null</code> is returned if there is no file. */ public String getFile(); /** * Returns the ref portion of the URL of this <code>HttpConnection</code>. * RFC2396 specifies the optional fragment identifier as the * the text after the crosshatch (#) character in the URL. * This information may be used by the user agent as additional * reference information after the resource is successfully retrieved. * The format and interpretation of the fragment identifier is dependent * on the media type[RFC2046] of the retrieved information. * * @return the ref portion of the URL of this <code>HttpConnection</code>. * <code>null</code> is returned if there is no value. */ public String getRef(); /** * Returns the query portion of the URL of this * <code>HttpConnection</code>. * * RFC2396 defines the query component as the text after the first * question-mark (?) character in the URL. * * @return the query portion of the URL of this * <code>HttpConnection</code>. * <code>null</code> is returned if there is no value. */ public String getQuery(); /** * Returns the network port number of the URL for this * <code>HttpConnection</code>. * * @return the network port number of the URL for this * <code>HttpConnection</code>. * The default HTTP port number (80) is returned if there was * no port number in the string passed to <code>Connector.open</code>. */ public int getPort(); /** * Get the current request method. e.g. HEAD, GET, POST * The default value is GET. * @return the HTTP request method * @see #setRequestMethod */ public String getRequestMethod(); /** * Set the method for the URL request, one of: * <UL> * <LI>GET * <LI>POST * <LI>HEAD * </UL> are legal, subject to protocol restrictions. The default * method is GET. * * @param method the HTTP method * @exception IOException if the method cannot be reset or if * the requested method isn't valid for HTTP. * @see #getRequestMethod */ public void setRequestMethod(String method) throws IOException; /** * Returns the value of the named general request property for this * connection. * * @param key the keyword by which the request property is * known (e.g., "accept"). * @return the value of the named general request property for this * connection. If there is no key with the specified name then * <CODE>null</CODE> is returned. * @see #setRequestProperty */ public String getRequestProperty(String key); /** * Sets the general request property. If a property with the key already * exists, overwrite its value with the new value. * * <p> <strong>Note:</strong> HTTP requires all request properties * which can legally have multiple instances with the same key * to use a comma-separated list syntax which enables multiple * properties to be appended into a single property. * * @param key the keyword by which the request is known * (e.g., "<code>accept</code>"). * @param value the value associated with it. * @exception IOException is thrown if the connection is in the * connected state. * @see #getRequestProperty */ public void setRequestProperty(String key, String value) throws IOException; /** * Returns the HTTP response status code. * It parses responses like: * <PRE> * HTTP/1.0 200 OK * HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized * </PRE> * and extracts the ints 200 and 401 respectively. * from the response (i.e., the response is not valid HTTP). * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. * @return the HTTP Status-Code or -1 if no status code can be discerned. */ public int getResponseCode() throws IOException; /** * Gets the HTTP response message, if any, returned along with the * response code from a server. From responses like: * <PRE> * HTTP/1.0 200 OK * HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found * </PRE> * Extracts the Strings "OK" and "Not Found" respectively. * Returns null if none could be discerned from the responses * (the result was not valid HTTP). * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. * @return the HTTP response message, or <code>null</code> */ public String getResponseMessage() throws IOException; /** * Returns the value of the <code>expires</code> header field. * * @return the expiration date of the resource that this URL references, * or 0 if not known. The value is the number of milliseconds * since January 1, 1970 GMT. * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public long getExpiration() throws IOException; /** * Returns the value of the <code>date</code> header field. * * @return the sending date of the resource that the URL references, * or <code>0</code> if not known. The value returned is the * number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public long getDate() throws IOException; /** * Returns the value of the <code>last-modified</code> header field. * The result is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. * * @return the date the resource referenced by this * <code>HttpConnection</code> was last modified, or * 0 if not known. * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public long getLastModified() throws IOException; /** * Returns the value of the named header field. * * @param name of a header field. * @return the value of the named header field, or <code>null</code> * if there is no such field in the header. * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public String getHeaderField(String name) throws IOException; /** * Returns the value of the named field parsed as a number. * <p> * This form of <code>getHeaderField</code> exists because some * connection types (e.g., <code>http-ng</code>) have pre-parsed * headers. Classes for that connection type can override this method * and short-circuit the parsing. * * @param name the name of the header field. * @param def the default value. * @return the value of the named field, parsed as an integer. The * <code>def</code> value is returned if the field is * missing or malformed. * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public int getHeaderFieldInt(String name, int def) throws IOException; /** * Returns the value of the named field parsed as date. * The result is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT * represented by the named field. * <p> * This form of <code>getHeaderField</code> exists because some * connection types (e.g., <code>http-ng</code>) have pre-parsed * headers. Classes for that connection type can override this method * and short-circuit the parsing. * * @param name the name of the header field. * @param def a default value. * @return the value of the field, parsed as a date. The value of the * <code>def</code> argument is returned if the field is * missing or malformed. * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public long getHeaderFieldDate(String name, long def) throws IOException; /** * Gets a header field value by index. * * @return the value of the nth header field or * <code>null</code> if the array index is out of range. * An empty String is returned if the field does not have a value. * @param n the index of the header field * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public String getHeaderField(int n) throws IOException; /** * Gets a header field key by index. * * @return the key of the nth header field or * <code>null</code> if the array index is out of range. * @param n the index of the header field * @exception IOException if an error occurred connecting to the server. */ public String getHeaderFieldKey(int n) throws IOException; }