package jnt.scimark2; /** Computes FFT's of complex, double precision data where n is an integer power of 2. * This appears to be slower than the Radix2 method, * but the code is smaller and simpler, and it requires no extra storage. * <P> * * @author Bruce R. Miller, * @author Derived from GSL (Gnu Scientific Library), * @author GSL's FFT Code by Brian Gough */ /* See {@link ComplexDoubleFFT ComplexDoubleFFT} for details of data layout. */ public class FFT { final static int SEED = 113; public static final double num_flops(int N) { double Nd = (double) N; double logN = (double) log2(N); return (5.0*Nd-2)*logN + 2*(Nd+1); } /** Compute Fast Fourier Transform of (complex) data, in place.*/ public static void transform (double data[]) { transform_internal(data, -1); } /** Compute Inverse Fast Fourier Transform of (complex) data, in place.*/ public static void inverse (double data[]) { transform_internal(data, +1); // Normalize int nd=data.length; int n =nd/2; double norm=1/((double) n); for(int i=0; i<nd; i++) data[i] *= norm; } /** Accuracy check on FFT of data. Make a copy of data, Compute the FFT, then * the inverse and compare to the original. Returns the rms difference.*/ public static double test(double data[]){ int nd = data.length; // Make duplicate for comparison double copy[] = new double[nd]; System.arraycopy(data,0,copy,0,nd); // Transform & invert transform(data); inverse(data); // Compute RMS difference. double diff = 0.0; for(int i=0; i<nd; i++) { double d = data[i]-copy[i]; diff += d*d; } return Math.sqrt(diff/nd); } /** Make a random array of n (complex) elements. */ public static double[] makeRandom(int n){ int nd = 2*n; Random R = new Random(SEED); double data[] = new double[nd]; for(int i=0; i<nd; i++) data[i]= R.nextDouble(); return data; } /** Simple Test routine. */ public static void main(String args[]){ if (args.length == 0) { int n = 1024; System.out.println("n="+n+" => RMS Error="+test(makeRandom(n))); } for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); System.out.println("n="+n+" => RMS Error="+test(makeRandom(n))); } } /* ______________________________________________________________________ */ protected static int log2 (int n){ int log = 0; for(int k=1; k < n; k *= 2, log++); if (n != (1 << log)) throw new Error("FFT: Data length is not a power of 2!: "+n); return log; } protected static void transform_internal (double data[], int direction) { if (data.length == 0) return; int n = data.length/2; if (n == 1) return; // Identity operation! int logn = log2(n); /* bit reverse the input data for decimation in time algorithm */ bitreverse(data) ; /* apply fft recursion */ /* this loop executed log2(N) times */ for (int bit = 0, dual = 1; bit < logn; bit++, dual *= 2) { double w_real = 1.0; double w_imag = 0.0; double theta = 2.0 * direction * Math.PI / (2.0 * (double) dual); double s = Math.sin(theta); double t = Math.sin(theta / 2.0); double s2 = 2.0 * t * t; /* a = 0 */ for (int b = 0; b < n; b += 2 * dual) { int i = 2*b ; int j = 2*(b + dual); double wd_real = data[j] ; double wd_imag = data[j+1] ; data[j] = data[i] - wd_real; data[j+1] = data[i+1] - wd_imag; data[i] += wd_real; data[i+1]+= wd_imag; } /* a = 1 .. (dual-1) */ for (int a = 1; a < dual; a++) { /* trignometric recurrence for w-> exp(i theta) w */ { double tmp_real = w_real - s * w_imag - s2 * w_real; double tmp_imag = w_imag + s * w_real - s2 * w_imag; w_real = tmp_real; w_imag = tmp_imag; } for (int b = 0; b < n; b += 2 * dual) { int i = 2*(b + a); int j = 2*(b + a + dual); double z1_real = data[j]; double z1_imag = data[j+1]; double wd_real = w_real * z1_real - w_imag * z1_imag; double wd_imag = w_real * z1_imag + w_imag * z1_real; data[j] = data[i] - wd_real; data[j+1] = data[i+1] - wd_imag; data[i] += wd_real; data[i+1]+= wd_imag; } } } } protected static void bitreverse(double data[]) { /* This is the Goldrader bit-reversal algorithm */ int n=data.length/2; int nm1 = n-1; int i=0; int j=0; for (; i < nm1; i++) { //int ii = 2*i; int ii = i << 1; //int jj = 2*j; int jj = j << 1; //int k = n / 2 ; int k = n >> 1; if (i < j) { double tmp_real = data[ii]; double tmp_imag = data[ii+1]; data[ii] = data[jj]; data[ii+1] = data[jj+1]; data[jj] = tmp_real; data[jj+1] = tmp_imag; } while (k <= j) { //j = j - k ; j -= k; //k = k / 2 ; k >>= 1 ; } j += k ; } } }