package com.linkedin.parseq.retry; import com.linkedin.parseq.TaskType; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.linkedin.parseq.Context; import com.linkedin.parseq.Priority; import com.linkedin.parseq.Task; import com.linkedin.parseq.function.Function1; import com.linkedin.parseq.internal.ArgumentUtil; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.Promise; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.Promises; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.SettablePromise; /** * A parseq task wrapper that supports arbitrary retry policies. * * @author Oleg Anashkin ( */ public final class RetriableTask<T> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RetriableTask.class); /** A name of the task that needs to be retried. */ private final String _name; /** A task generator function. It will receive a zero-based attempt number as a parameter. */ private final Function1<Integer, Task<T>> _taskFunction; /** Retry policy which will control this task's behavior. */ private final RetryPolicy _policy; /** Start time for the very first attempt. */ private long _startedAt; /** * A parseq task wrapper that supports arbitrary retry policies. * * @param name A name of the task that needs to be retried. * @param policy Retry policy that will control this task's behavior. * @param taskFunction A task generator function. It will receive a zero-based attempt number as a parameter. */ private RetriableTask(String name, RetryPolicy policy, Function1<Integer, Task<T>> taskFunction) { ArgumentUtil.requireNotNull(name, "name"); ArgumentUtil.requireNotNull(policy, "policy"); ArgumentUtil.requireNotNull(taskFunction, "taskFunction"); _name = name; _policy = policy; _taskFunction = taskFunction; } /** * A helper for creating task wrapper with associated retry policy. * * @param name A name of the task that needs to be retried. * @param policy Retry policy that will control this task's behavior. * @param taskFunction A task generator function. It will receive a zero-based attempt number as a parameter. * @param <U> Type of a task result. */ public static <U> Task<U> withRetryPolicy(String name, RetryPolicy policy, Function1<Integer, Task<U>> taskFunction) { RetriableTask<U> retriableTask = new RetriableTask<>(name, policy, taskFunction); Task<U> retryTaskWrapper = Task.async(name + " retriableTask", retriableTask::run); retryTaskWrapper.getShallowTraceBuilder().setTaskType(TaskType.WITH_RETRY.getName()); return retryTaskWrapper; } /** Create a wrapped task with associated recovery task that will retry if necessary. */ private Task<T> wrap(int attempt) { Task<T> retryTask = Task.async(_policy.getName() + ", attempt " + attempt, context -> { final SettablePromise<T> result = Promises.settable(); Task<T> task = _taskFunction.apply(attempt); final Task<T> recovery = Task.async(_name + " recovery", recoveryContext -> { final SettablePromise<T> recoveryResult = Promises.settable(); if (task.isFailed()) { // Failed task will cause retry to be scheduled. ErrorClassification errorClassification = _policy.getErrorClassifier().apply(task.getError()); retry(attempt + 1, task.getError(), errorClassification, recoveryContext, recoveryResult); } else { recoveryResult.done(task.get()); } return recoveryResult; }); // Recovery task should run immediately after the original task to process its error. recovery.setPriority(Priority.MAX_PRIORITY); recovery.getShallowTraceBuilder().setSystemHidden(true); Promises.propagateResult(recovery, result); context.after(task).run(recovery);; return result; }); retryTask.getShallowTraceBuilder().setTaskType(TaskType.RETRY.getName()); return retryTask; } /** Invoke event monitors and schedule a retry if policy allows. */ private void retry(int attempt, Throwable error, ErrorClassification errorClassification, Context recoveryContext, SettablePromise<T> recoveryResult) { long backoffTime = _policy.getBackoffPolicy().nextBackoff(attempt, error); if (errorClassification == ErrorClassification.UNRECOVERABLE) { // For fatal errors there are no retries. LOGGER.debug(String.format("Attempt %s of %s interrupted: %s", attempt, _name, error.getMessage()));; } else if (_policy.getTerminationPolicy().shouldTerminate(attempt, System.currentTimeMillis() - _startedAt + backoffTime)) { // Retry policy commands that no more retries should be done. LOGGER.debug(String.format("Too many exceptions after attempt %s of %s, aborting: %s", attempt, _name, error.getMessage()));; } else { // Schedule a new retry task after a computed backoff timeout. LOGGER.debug(String.format("Attempt %s of %s failed and will be retried after %s millis: %s", attempt, _name, backoffTime, error.getMessage())); Task<T> retryTask = wrap(attempt); Promises.propagateResult(retryTask, recoveryResult); recoveryContext.createTimer(backoffTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, retryTask); } } /** Starts a retriable task */ private Promise<? extends T> run(Context context) { _startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); Task<T> task = wrap(0);; return task; } }