package com.linkedin.parseq; import com.linkedin.parseq.exec.Exec; import com.linkedin.parseq.function.Success; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class GraphvizEngine { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphvizEngine.class); private final String _dotLocation; private final Path _cacheLocation; private final long _timeoutMs; private final HashManager _hashManager; private final Exec _exec; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Task<Exec.Result>> _inFlightBuildTasks; public GraphvizEngine(final String dotLocation, final Path cacheLocation, final int cacheSize, final long timeoutMs, final int numThreads, final long reaperDelayMs, final int processQueueSize) { _dotLocation = dotLocation; _cacheLocation = cacheLocation; _timeoutMs = timeoutMs; _hashManager = new HashManager(this::removeCached, cacheSize); _exec = new Exec(numThreads, reaperDelayMs, processQueueSize); _inFlightBuildTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } public void start() { _exec.start(); } public void stop() { _exec.stop(); } /** * Return task that has general HTTP status and body information based on the build task's result. */ public Task<HttpResponse> build(final String hash, final InputStream body) throws IOException { if (hash == null) { // Missing hash String content = "Missing hash.";; return Task.value(new HttpResponse(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, content)); } else { // Have cache if (_hashManager.contains(hash)) {"hash found in cache: " + hash); return Task.value(new HttpResponse(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, "")); } else { if (body == null) { // Missing body String content = "Missing body.";; return Task.value(new HttpResponse(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, content)); } else if (_dotLocation == null) { // Missing dot String content = "Missing dot.";; return Task.value(new HttpResponse(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, content)); } else { // Build task final Task<Exec.Result> buildTask = getBuildTask(hash, body); return buildTask.transform("result", result -> { Integer status = null; String content = null; if (result.isFailed()) { // Task fail status = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; content = result.getError().toString(); } else { // Task success switch (result.get().getStatus()) { // Success case 0: _hashManager.add(hash); status = HttpServletResponse.SC_OK; content = ""; break; // Timeout case 137: status = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; content = "graphviz process was killed because it did not finish within " + _timeoutMs + "ms"; break; // Unknown default: status = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; content = writeGenericFailureInfo(result.get()); break; } } // Clean up cache _inFlightBuildTasks.remove(hash, buildTask); return Success.of(new HttpResponse(status, content)); }); } } } } /** * Returns task that builds graph using graphviz. Returned task might be shared with other concurrent requests. */ private Task<Exec.Result> getBuildTask(final String hash, final InputStream body) { Task<Exec.Result> existing = _inFlightBuildTasks.get(hash); if (existing != null) {"using in flight shareable: " + hash); return existing.shareable(); } else { Task<Exec.Result> newBuildTask = createNewBuildTask(hash, body); existing = _inFlightBuildTasks.putIfAbsent(hash, newBuildTask); if (existing != null) {"using in flight shareable: " + hash); return existing.shareable(); } else { return newBuildTask; } } } /** * Returns new task that builds graph using graphviz. */ private Task<Exec.Result> createNewBuildTask(final String hash, final InputStream body) {"building: " + hash); final Task<Void> createDotFile = Task.action("createDotFile", () -> Files.copy(body, pathToCacheFile(hash, "dot"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)); // Task that runs a graphviz command. // We give process TIMEOUT_MS time to finish, after that // it will be forcefully killed. final Task<Exec.Result> graphviz = _exec .command("graphviz", _timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, _dotLocation, "-T" + Constants.OUTPUT_TYPE, "-Grankdir=LR", "-Gnewrank=true", "-Gbgcolor=transparent", pathToCacheFile(hash, "dot").toString(), "-o", pathToCacheFile(hash, Constants.OUTPUT_TYPE).toString()); // Since Exec utility allows only certain number of processes // to run in parallel and rest is enqueued, we also specify // timeout on a task level equal to 2 * graphviz timeout. final Task<Exec.Result> graphvizWithTimeout = graphviz.withTimeout(_timeoutMs * 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return createDotFile.andThen(graphvizWithTimeout); } private Path pathToCacheFile(String hash, String ext) { return _cacheLocation.resolve(hash + "." + ext); } private File cacheFile(String hash, String ext) { return pathToCacheFile(hash, ext).toFile(); } private void removeCached(String hash) { cacheFile(hash, Constants.OUTPUT_TYPE).delete(); cacheFile(hash, "dot").delete(); } /** * Writes error info to a String. */ private String writeGenericFailureInfo(final Exec.Result result) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("graphviz process returned: ").append(result.getStatus()).append("\n").append("stdout:\n"); Files.lines(result.getStdout()).forEach(sb::append); sb.append("stderr:\n"); Files.lines(result.getStderr()).forEach(sb::append); return sb.toString(); } }