package com.linkedin.parseq.batching; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.linkedin.parseq.Context; import com.linkedin.parseq.Task; import com.linkedin.parseq.batching.BatchImpl.BatchBuilder; import com.linkedin.parseq.batching.BatchImpl.BatchEntry; import com.linkedin.parseq.batching.BatchImpl.BatchPromise; import com.linkedin.parseq.internal.ContextImpl; import com.linkedin.parseq.internal.PlanContext; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.CountDownPromiseListener; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.PromiseListener; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.Promises; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.SettablePromise; import com.linkedin.parseq.trace.Relationship; import com.linkedin.parseq.trace.ShallowTraceBuilder; import com.linkedin.parseq.trace.TraceBuilder; /** * {@code BatchingStrategy} helps build "batching clients" in ParSeq. "Client" means an object that given {@code K key} * provides a task that returns {@code T value}. "Batching" means that it can group together keys to resolve values * in batches. The benefit of this approach is that batching happens transparently in the background and user's code * does not have to deal with logic needed to implement batching. * <p> * Example of a batching client might be ParSeq client for a key-value store that provides batch get operation. For * the sake of simplicity of the example we are using dummy, synchronous key-value store interface: * <blockquote><pre> * interface KVStore { * String get(Long key); * Map{@code <Long, String>} batchGet(Collection{@code <Long>} keys); * } * </pre></blockquote> * * We can then implement a {@code BatchingStrategy} in the following way: * <blockquote><pre> * public static class BatchingKVStoreClient extends BatchingStrategy{@code <Integer, Long, String>} { * private final KVStore _store; * public BatchingKVStoreClient(KVStore store) { * _store = store; * } * * {@code @Override} * public void executeBatch(Integer group, Batch{@code <Long, String>} batch) { * Map{@code <Long, String>} batchResult = _store.batchGet(batch.keys()); * batch.foreach((key, promise) {@code ->} promise.done(batchResult.get(key))); * } * * {@code @Override} * public Integer classify(Long entry) { * return 0; * } * } * </pre></blockquote> * * In above example there is an assumption that all keys can be grouped together. This is why method {@code classify()} * trivially returns a constant {@code 0}. In practice {@code classify()} returns a group for a key. Keys that have * the same group will be batched together. * <p> * The interaction between ParSeq and {@code BatchingStrategy} is the following: * <ol> * <li>{@code batchable(String desc, K key)} is invoked to create Task instance</li> * <li>Plan is started by {@code}</li> * <li>When Task returned by {@code batchable(String desc, K key)} is started, the key {@code K} is remembered by a {@code BatchingStrategy}</li> * <li>When Plan can't make immediate progress {@code BatchingStrategy} will be invoked to run batchable operations: * <ol> * <li>Every {@code K key} is classified using {@code classify(K key)} method</li> * <li>Keys, together with adequate Promises, are batched together based on {@code G group} returned by previous step</li> * <li>Method {@code executeBatch(G group, Batch<K, T> batch)} is invoked for every batch</li> * </ol> * {@code executeBatch(G group, Batch<K, T> batch)} invocations are executed * in the context of their own Task instances with description given by {@code getBatchName(G group, Batch<K, T> batch)}. * Implementation of {@code BatchingStrategy} has to be fast because it is executed sequentially with respect to tasks belonging * to the plan. It means that no other task will be executed until {@code BatchingStrategy} completes. Typically classify(K key) * is a synchronous and fast operation whilst {@code executeBatch(G group, Batch<K, T> batch)} returns quickly and completes * promises asynchronously. * </ol> * * @author Jaroslaw Odzga ( * * @param <G> Type of a Group * @param <K> Type of a Key * @param <T> Type of a Value * * @see SimpleBatchingStrategy * @see TaskBatchingStrategy */ public abstract class BatchingStrategy<G, K, T> { public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 1024; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BatchingStrategy.class); private static final int DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE = 1; private final ConcurrentMap<Long, GroupBatchBuilder> _batches = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final BatchSizeMetric _batchSizeMetric = new BatchSizeMetric(); private final BatchAggregationTimeMetric _batchAggregationTimeMetric = new BatchAggregationTimeMetric(); /** * This method returns Task that returns value for a single key allowing this strategy to batch operations. * @param desc description of the task * @param key key * @return Task that returns value for a single key allowing this strategy to batch operations */ public Task<T> batchable(final String desc, final K key) { Task<T> batchableTask = Task.async(desc, ctx -> { final BatchPromise<T> result = new BatchPromise<>(); final Long planId = ctx.getPlanId(); final GroupBatchBuilder builder = _batches.computeIfAbsent(planId, k -> new GroupBatchBuilder()); final G group = classify(key); Batch<K, T> fullBatch = builder.add(group, key, ctx.getShallowTraceBuilder(), result); if (fullBatch != null) { try {, fullBatch, true)); } catch (Throwable t) { //we don't care if some of promises have already been completed //all we care is that all remaining promises have been failed fullBatch.failAll(t); } } return result; }); batchableTask.getShallowTraceBuilder().setTaskType("batched"); return batchableTask; } /** * This method returns Task that returns value for a single key allowing this strategy to batch operations. * @param key key * @return Task that returns value for a single key allowing this strategy to batch operations */ public Task<T> batchable(final K key) { return batchable("batchableTaskForKey: " + key.toString(), key); } private Task<?> taskForBatch(final G group, final Batch<K, T> batch, final boolean hasParent) { _batchSizeMetric.record(batch.batchSize()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(debugInfo(group, batch)); } return Task.async(getBatchName(group, batch), ctx -> { final SettablePromise<T> result = Promises.settable(); final PromiseListener<T> countDownListener = new CountDownPromiseListener<T>(batch.keySize(), result, null); boolean assignedParent = false; final TraceBuilder traceBuilder = ctx.getTraceBuilder(); for (BatchEntry<T> entry : batch.values()) { for (ShallowTraceBuilder shallowTraceBuilder: entry.getShallowTraceBuilders()) { if (!assignedParent && !hasParent) { traceBuilder.addRelationship(Relationship.CHILD_OF, ctx.getShallowTraceBuilder(), shallowTraceBuilder); assignedParent = true; } else { traceBuilder.addRelationship(Relationship.POTENTIAL_CHILD_OF, ctx.getShallowTraceBuilder(), shallowTraceBuilder); } } BatchPromise<T> promise = entry.getPromise(); promise.getInternal().addListener(countDownListener); result.addListener(v -> promise.trigger()); } try { executeBatchWithContext(group, batch, ctx); } catch (Throwable t) { batch.failAll(t); } ctx.getShallowTraceBuilder().setSystemHidden(true); return result; }); } private void runBatch(final PlanContext planContext, G group, final Batch<K, T> batch) { try { new ContextImpl(planContext, taskForBatch(group, batch, false)).runTask(); } catch (Throwable t) { //we don't care if some of promises have already been completed //all we care is that all remaining promises have been failed batch.failAll(t); } } void handleBatch(final PlanContext planContext) { final GroupBatchBuilder batchBuilder = _batches.remove(planContext.getId()); if (batchBuilder != null) { batchBuilder.batches().forEach((group, builder) -> runBatch(planContext, group,; } } private String debugInfo(G group, Batch<K, T> batch) { StringBuilder debugInfo = new StringBuilder("\n"); debugInfo.append("group: ") .append(group) .append("\n") .append("batch keys: \n"); batch.keys().forEach(key -> { debugInfo.append(" ").append(key).append("\n"); }); return debugInfo.toString(); } public BatchSizeMetric getBatchSizeMetric() { return _batchSizeMetric; } public BatchAggregationTimeMetric getBatchAggregationTimeMetric() { return _batchAggregationTimeMetric; } /** * This method will be called for every {@code Batch}. * Implementation of this method must make sure that all {@code SettablePromise} contained in the {@code Batch} * will eventually be resolved - typically asynchronously. Failing to eventually resolve any * of the promises may lead to plan that never completes i.e. appears to hung and may lead to * a memory leak. * @param group group that represents the batch * @param batch batch contains collection of {@code SettablePromise} that eventually need to be resolved - typically asynchronously */ public abstract void executeBatch(G group, Batch<K, T> batch); protected void executeBatchWithContext(G group, Batch<K, T> batch, Context ctx) { executeBatch(group, batch); } /** * Classify the {@code K Key} and by doing so assign it to a {@code G group}. * If two keys are classified by the same group then they will belong to the same {@code Batch}. * This method needs to be thread safe. * @param key key to be classified * @return Group that represents a batch the key will belong to */ public abstract G classify(K key); /** * Overriding this method allows specifying maximum batch size for a given group. * Default value is {@value #DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE}. * @param group group for which maximum batch size needs to be decided * @return maximum batch size for a given group */ public int maxBatchSizeForGroup(G group) { return DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE; } /** * Overriding this method allows specifying size of the key for a given group. * Default value is 1. This method is used when calculating batch size and making sure * that it does not exceed max batch size for a group. * @param group group * @return max batch size for this group * @see #maxBatchSizeForGroup(Object) */ public int keySize(G group, K key) { return DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE; } /** * Overriding this method allows providing custom name for a batch. Name will appear in the * ParSeq trace as a description of the task that executes the batch. * @param batch batch to be described * @param group group to be described * @return name for the batch and group */ public String getBatchName(G group, Batch<K, T> batch) { return "batch(keys: " + batch.keySize() + ", size: " + batch.batchSize() + ")"; } private class GroupBatchBuilder { private final Map<G, BatchBuilder<K, T>> _batchesByGroup = new HashMap<>(); /** * Adds new entry to a batch specified by a given group and returns * list of batches that can be executed or null if batch is still not full. * @return list of batches that can be executed or null otherwise */ Batch<K, T> add(G group, K key, ShallowTraceBuilder traceBuilder, BatchPromise<T> promise) { final int size = keySize(group, key); BatchBuilder<K, T> builder = _batchesByGroup.computeIfAbsent(group, x -> new BatchBuilder<>(maxBatchSizeForGroup(group), _batchAggregationTimeMetric)); //invariant: builder is not full - it is maintained by the fact that max batch size >= 1 //and that we remove builder from the map after adding to it entry that makes it full if (builder.add(key, traceBuilder, promise, size)) { if (builder.isFull()) { _batchesByGroup.remove(group); return; } else { return null; } } else { BatchBuilder<K, T> newBuilder = new BatchBuilder<>(maxBatchSizeForGroup(group), _batchAggregationTimeMetric); //this will be successful because builder is empty and first add is always successful as per builder contract newBuilder.add(key, traceBuilder, promise, size); if (newBuilder.isFull()) { return; } else { //return larger batch if (builder.batchSize() > newBuilder.batchSize()) { _batchesByGroup.put(group, newBuilder); return; } else { return; } } } } Map<G, BatchBuilder<K, T>> batches() { return _batchesByGroup; } } }