package com.linkedin.parseq.function; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * The {@code Try} interface represents result that may either be a * successful completion or a failure. It has two implementation: {@link Success} * and {@link Failure}. New instances of {@code Try} can be created by either * calling {@code Success.of(...)} of {@code Failure.of(...)}. * * * @see Success * @see Failure * * @author Jaroslaw Odzga ( */ public interface Try<T> { public enum ResultType { success, failure } /** * Returns value associated with successful completion or * {@link NoSuchElementException} if result represents a failure. * @return value associated with successful completion * @throws NoSuchElementException if result is a failure */ T get(); boolean isFailed(); /** * Returns {@code Throwable} associated with this failure or * null if result represents successful completion. * @return the error associated with this failure */ Throwable getError(); /** * Returns either {@link ResultType#success success} or {@link ResultType#failure failure}. * @return the type of the result */ ResultType resultType(); }