package com.linkedin.parseq.batching; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import com.linkedin.parseq.batching.BatchImpl.BatchEntry; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.Promise; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.PromiseResolvedException; import com.linkedin.parseq.promise.SettablePromise; /** * Batch represents a collection of keys related to each other in such a way that * it is more efficient to compute values for those keys in bulk than computing value * for each key individually. * This class contains methods helpful in implementing bulk operation that completes * Promises associated with keys. * * @author Jaroslaw Odzga ( * * @param <K> Type of a Key * @param <T> Type of a Value */ public interface Batch<K, T> { /** * Performs the given action for each element of the batch * until all elements have been processed or the action throws an * exception. Order in which elements are processed is unspecified. * Exceptions thrown by the action are relayed to the caller. * @param consumer action to be performed in each element of the batch */ void foreach(BiConsumer<K, SettablePromise<T>> consumer); /** * Returns set of keys belonging to this batch. * @return set of keys belonging to this batch */ Set<K> keys(); /** * Returns number of keys belonging to this batch. * @return number of keys belonging to this batch. */ int keySize(); /** * Returns size of this batch. This number is not necessarily equal to the number of keys belonging to this batch. * This number might be different than number of keys if {@link BatchingStrategy#keySize(Object, Object)} is * defined. * @return size of this batch. */ int batchSize(); /** * Completes a {@link Promise} associated with given key with * a value. * Throws PromiseResolvedException if Promise associated with given key has already been resolved. * @param key key that identifies a Promise to be completed * @param value value to complete Promise with * @throws PromiseResolvedException if Promise associated with given key has already been resolved */ void done(K key, T value) throws PromiseResolvedException; /** * Fails a {@link Promise} associated with given key with * an error. * Throws PromiseResolvedException if Promise associated with given key has already been resolved. * @param key key that identifies a Promise to be completed * @param error error to fail Promise with * @throws PromiseResolvedException if Promise associated with given key has already been resolved */ void fail(K key, Throwable error) throws PromiseResolvedException; /** * Fails all promises belonging to this batch with given error. * If a promise belonging to this batch has already been completed then it is * ignored by this method. * This method guarantees that after it returns each Promise in this batch is either completed or failed. * @param error error that all promises belonging to this batch will be failed with * @return number of promises that were not failed because the promise has already been resolved; if this * method returns {@code 0} it means that it successfully failed all promises belonging to this batch with * specified error */ int failAll(Throwable error); Collection<BatchEntry<T>> values(); Set<Map.Entry<K, BatchEntry<T>>> entries(); }