package org.oddjob.sql; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.oddjob.Oddjob; import org.oddjob.OddjobLookup; import org.oddjob.arooa.convert.ArooaConversionException; import org.oddjob.arooa.reflect.ArooaPropertyException; import org.oddjob.arooa.standard.StandardArooaSession; import org.oddjob.arooa.types.ArooaObject; import org.oddjob.arooa.xml.XMLConfiguration; import org.oddjob.state.ParentState; public class SQLParametersTest extends TestCase { public void testSomeInserts() throws SQLException, ArooaPropertyException, ArooaConversionException { ConnectionType connection = new ConnectionType(); connection.setDriver("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver"); connection.setUrl("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb;shutdown=true"); connection.setUsername("sa"); Connection keepAlive = connection.toValue(); String xml = "<oddjob>" + " <job>" + " <sequential>" + " <jobs>" + " <sql>" + " <connection>" + " <value value='${c}'/>" + " </connection>" + " <input>" + " <buffer>" + "create table TEST (fruit varchar(20), quantity int)" + " </buffer>" + " </input>" + " </sql>" + " <sql id='first'>" + " <connection>" + " <value value='${c}'/>" + " </connection>" + " <parameters>" + " <value value='apples'/>" + " <value value='27'/>" + " </parameters>" + " <input>" + " <buffer>" + "${insert-sql}" + " </buffer>" + " </input>" + " </sql>" + " <sql>" + " <connection>" + " <value value='${c}'/>" + " </connection>" + " <parameters>" + " <value value='oranges'/>" + " <value value='52'/>" + " </parameters>" + " <input>" + " <buffer>" + "${insert-sql}" + " </buffer>" + " </input>" + " </sql>" + " <sql id='query'>" + " <connection>" + " <value value='${c}'/>" + " </connection>" + " <results>" + " <sql-results-bean/>" + " </results>" + " <input>" + " <buffer>" + "select count(*) as c from TEST" + " </buffer>" + " </input>" + " </sql>" + " </jobs>" + " </sequential>" + " </job>" + "</oddjob>"; Oddjob oddjob = new Oddjob(); oddjob.setConfiguration(new XMLConfiguration("TEST", xml)); oddjob.setExport("c", connection); oddjob.setExport("insert-sql", new ArooaObject("insert into TEST values (?, ?)"));; assertEquals(ParentState.COMPLETE, oddjob.lastStateEvent().getState()); int count = new OddjobLookup(oddjob).lookup("query.results.row.C", Integer.class); assertEquals(2, count); keepAlive.close(); oddjob.destroy(); } public void testInsertsMultipleStatements() throws SQLException, ArooaPropertyException, ArooaConversionException { ConnectionType connection = new ConnectionType(); connection.setDriver("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver"); connection.setUrl("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb"); connection.setUsername("sa"); String xml = "<oddjob>" + " <job>" + " <sequential>" + " <jobs>" + " <sql id='sql'>" + " <connection>" + " <value value='${c}'/>" + " </connection>" + " <parameters>" + " <value value='apples'/>" + " <value value='2'/>" + " </parameters>" + " <input>" + " <buffer>" + "create table TEST (id int, fruit varchar(20), quantity int);\n" + "insert into TEST values (1, ?, ?);\n" + "insert into TEST values (2, ?, ?);\n" + "insert into TEST values (3, ?, 4);\n" + "select count(*) as c, sum(quantity) as s from TEST;\n" + "shutdown" + " </buffer>" + " </input>" + " <results>" + " <sql-results-bean/>" + " </results>" + " </sql>" + " </jobs>" + " </sequential>" + " </job>" + "</oddjob>"; Oddjob oddjob = new Oddjob(); oddjob.setConfiguration(new XMLConfiguration("TEST", xml)); oddjob.setExport("c", connection);; assertEquals(ParentState.COMPLETE, oddjob.lastStateEvent().getState()); int count = new OddjobLookup(oddjob).lookup("sql.results.row.C", Integer.class); assertEquals(3, count); int sum = new OddjobLookup(oddjob).lookup("sql.results.row.S", Integer.class); assertEquals(8, sum); oddjob.destroy(); } /** * Test making things callable. It would be nice to test out params, but H2 doesn't * support that. * @throws SQLException * @throws ArooaPropertyException * @throws ArooaConversionException */ public void testCallable() throws SQLException, ArooaPropertyException, ArooaConversionException { Oddjob oddjob = new Oddjob(); oddjob.setConfiguration(new XMLConfiguration( "org/oddjob/sql/SQLCallableStatement.xml", getClass().getClassLoader()));; assertEquals(ParentState.COMPLETE, oddjob.lastStateEvent().getState()); OddjobLookup lookup = new OddjobLookup(oddjob); Integer a = lookup.lookup("a", Integer.class); Integer b = lookup.lookup("b", Integer.class); assertEquals(new Integer(2), a); assertEquals(new Integer(3), b); a = lookup.lookup("sql-call.parameters[0]", Integer.class); b = lookup.lookup("sql-call.parameters[1]", Integer.class); // Why - This is a bug in the RunnableWRapper! assertNull(a); assertNull(b); Connection connection = new OddjobLookup(oddjob).lookup( "vars.connection", Connection.class); SQLJob shutdown = new SQLJob(); shutdown.setArooaSession(new StandardArooaSession()); shutdown.setConnection(connection); shutdown.setInput(new ByteArrayInputStream("shutdown".getBytes()));; oddjob.destroy(); } // public void testHSQLAssumptionsReMultipleResultSets() throws ArooaConversionException, SQLException { // // ConnectionType connectionType = new ConnectionType(); // connectionType.setDriver("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver"); // connectionType.setUrl("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb;shutdown=true"); // connectionType.setUsername("sa"); // // Connection connection = connectionType.toValue(); // // Statement setupStmt = connection.createStatement(); // setupStmt.executeUpdate(""); // // TOOD: - finish. // // } }