package; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import org.oddjob.FailedToStopException; import org.oddjob.OddjobException; import org.oddjob.Stoppable; import org.oddjob.arooa.deploy.annotations.ArooaAttribute; import org.oddjob.framework.SerializableJob; import org.oddjob.state.State; import org.oddjob.state.StateConditions; import org.oddjob.state.StateEvent; import org.oddjob.state.StateListener; import org.oddjob.util.OddjobConfigException; /** * @oddjob.description This job requests a task be performed * with optional properties. * * * @oddjob.example * * {@oddjob.xml.resource org/oddjob/jobs/job/TaskRequestSimple.xml} * * @author Rob */ public class TaskRequest extends SerializableJob implements Stoppable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2015050500L; /** * * @oddjob.description The job to start * @oddjob.required Yes. */ private transient TaskExecutor taskExecutor; /** * * @oddjob.description Properties to execute the task with. * @oddjob.required No. */ private Properties properties; /** * * @oddjob.description Wait for the target job to finish executing. * @oddjob.required No, defaults to false. */ private volatile boolean join = true; private volatile Object response; private volatile transient Thread thread; /** * Set the stop node directly. * * @param node The job. */ @ArooaAttribute synchronized public void setTaskExecutor(TaskExecutor node) { this.taskExecutor = node; } /** * Get the job. * * @return The node. */ synchronized public TaskExecutor getTaskExecutor() { return this.taskExecutor; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ protected int execute() throws Exception { if (taskExecutor == null) { throw new OddjobConfigException("A job to start must be provided."); } TaskView taskView = taskExecutor.execute(new BasicTask(properties)); if (join) { final CountDownLatch countDown = new CountDownLatch(1); taskView.addStateListener(new StateListener() { @Override public void jobStateChange(StateEvent event) { logger().debug("Received State [" + event.getState() + "]"); if (StateConditions.FINISHED.test(event.getState())) { countDown.countDown(); } } }); thread = Thread.currentThread(); countDown.await(); thread = null; } response = taskView.getTaskResponse(); logger().debug("Set resonse to [" + response + "]"); State state = taskView.lastStateEvent().getState(); if (state.isException()) { throw new OddjobException("Exception in Task.", taskView.lastStateEvent().getException()); } if (state.isIncomplete()) { return 1; } return 0; } @Override protected void onStop() throws FailedToStopException { super.onStop(); Thread thread = this.thread; if (thread != null) { thread.interrupt(); } } public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } public void setProperties(Properties properties) { = properties; } public Object getResponse() { return response; } }