package org.oddjob.script; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.oddjob.FailedToStopException; import org.oddjob.Stoppable; import org.oddjob.arooa.ArooaValue; import org.oddjob.framework.SerializableJob; import org.oddjob.jmx.JMXServiceJob; /** * * @oddjob.description Invoke a java method or script snippet. * <p> * This is a wrapper for {@link InvokeType}. The result of the * invocation is placed in the <code>result</code> property. * <p> * Note that stopping this job will simply attempt to interrupt the * thread invoking the method. The outcome of this will obviously vary. * <p> * Oddjob will do it's best to convert arguments to the signature of * the method or operation. An exception will result if it can't achieve * this. * * @oddjob.example * * Invoking a method on a bean. * * {@oddjob.xml.resource org/oddjob/script/InvokeJobMethod.xml} * * Where <code>EchoService</code> is: * * { org/oddjob/script/} * * @oddjob.example * * Invoking a static method. Note that this uses args instead of parameters * for convenience. * * {@oddjob.xml.resource org/oddjob/script/InvokeJobStatic.xml} * * @oddjob.example * * Examples elsewhere. * <p> * See {@link InvokeType} for several more examples. Property configuration * is the same for the type and the job. * <p> * The {@link JMXServiceJob} job has an example of * invoking a JMX operation. * * @author rob * */ public class InvokeJob extends SerializableJob implements Stoppable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2012080600L; /** * * @oddjob.description The java object or script Invocable on * which to invoke the method/function. If the method is a Java static * method then this is the class on which to invoke the method. * @oddjob.required Yes. */ private transient Invoker source; /** * * @oddjob.description The function/method/operation name to call. Note * that for a Java static method the method name must be prefixed with * the word static (see InvokeType examples). * @oddjob.required Yes. */ private String function; /** * * @oddjob.description The values to use as arguments. Note that the * <code>args</code> property may be more convenient for simple arguments. * @oddjob.required Must match the expected arguments. */ private transient List<ArooaValue> parameters; /** * * @oddjob.description An alternative configuration for the values to use * as arguments. This was added for convenience as setting up a lot * of simple arguments can be tedious. If this property is provided then * parameters is ignored. * @oddjob.required Must match the expected arguments. */ private transient Object[] args; /** The result of the invocation. */ private transient Object result; private transient volatile Thread executingThread; /** * Constructor. */ public InvokeJob() { completeConstruction(); } private void completeConstruction() { parameters = new ArrayList<ArooaValue>(); } @Override protected int execute() throws Throwable { InvokeType delegate = new InvokeType(); delegate.setArooaSession(getArooaSession()); delegate.setFunction(function); delegate.setSource(source); delegate.setArgs(args); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i) { delegate.setParameters(i, parameters.get(i)); } executingThread = Thread.currentThread(); try { result = delegate.toValue(); } finally { executingThread = null; } return 0; } @Override protected void onReset() { result = null; } @Override protected void onStop() throws FailedToStopException { Thread thread = executingThread; if (thread != null) { logger().info("Interrupting Invoke operation."); thread.interrupt(); } } public Invoker getSource() { return source; } public void setSource(Invoker source) { this.source = source; } public String getFunction() { return function; } public void setFunction(String function) { this.function = function; } public ArooaValue getParameters(int index) { return parameters.get(index); } public void setParameters(int index, ArooaValue parameter) { if (parameter == null) { parameters.remove(index); } else { parameters.add(index, parameter); } } public Object[] getArgs() { return args; } public void setArgs(Object[] args) { this.args = args; } public Object getResult() { return result; } /** * Custom serialisation. */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); if (result instanceof Serializable) { s.writeObject(result); } else { s.writeObject(null); } } /** * Custom serialisation. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { s.defaultReadObject(); result = s.readObject(); completeConstruction(); } }