package org.oddjob.state; import static org.oddjob.state.ParentState.*; import org.oddjob.Structural; /** * Implementation of a {@link StateOperator} that provides a parent state * as follows: * <ul> * <li>If any child is ACTIVE/EXECUTING then evaluate to ACTIVE.</li> * <li>If any child is STARTED then evaluate to STARTED.</li> * <li>If any child is EXCEPTION then evaluate to EXCEPTION.</li> * <li>If any child is INCOMPLETE then evaluate to INCOMPLETE.</li> * <li>If any child is READY then evaluate to READY.</li> * <li>Evaluate to COMPLETE.</li> * </ul> * * This Operator is used in many {@link Structural} * jobs to calculate parent state. An ACTIVE or STARTED state is returned * even if a child has failed because this is necessary to keep Oddjob * alive if no other job has started a none daemon thread. * * @author rob * */ public class AnyActiveStateOp implements StateOperator { private static final ParentState[][] STATE_MATRIX = { { READY, null, ACTIVE, STARTED, INCOMPLETE, READY, EXCEPTION, null }, { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }, { ACTIVE, null, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, null }, { STARTED, null, ACTIVE, STARTED, STARTED, STARTED, STARTED, null }, { INCOMPLETE, null, ACTIVE, STARTED, INCOMPLETE, INCOMPLETE, EXCEPTION, null }, { READY, null, ACTIVE, STARTED, INCOMPLETE, COMPLETE, EXCEPTION, null }, { EXCEPTION, null, ACTIVE, STARTED, EXCEPTION, EXCEPTION, EXCEPTION, null }, { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }, }; private final ParentStateConverter parentStateConverter; public AnyActiveStateOp() { this(new StandardParentStateConverter()); } public AnyActiveStateOp(ParentStateConverter parentStateConverter) { this.parentStateConverter = parentStateConverter; } @Override public ParentState evaluate(State... states) { new AssertNonDestroyed().evaluate(states); ParentState state = ParentState.READY; if (states.length > 0) { state = parentStateConverter.toStructuralState(states[0]); for (int i = 1; i < states.length; ++i) { ParentState next = parentStateConverter.toStructuralState( states[i]); state = STATE_MATRIX[state.ordinal()][next.ordinal()]; } } return state; } public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } }