package org.oddjob.state; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.oddjob.Stateful; import org.oddjob.Structural; import org.oddjob.structural.StructuralEvent; import org.oddjob.structural.StructuralListener; /** * Track, and aggregate the states of child jobs. Aggregation is * achieved using the given {@link StateOperator}. * * @author rob * */ public class StructuralStateHelper implements Stateful { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( StructuralStateHelper.class); /** The structural we're helping. */ private final Structural structural; /** Used to capture state into. */ private final ParentStateHandler stateHandler = new ParentStateHandler(this); /** The states of the children. * * References are required because the position of the children * can move. The state listener uses a reference instead * of an index to insert state. */ private final List<AtomicReference<State>> states = new ArrayList<AtomicReference<State>>(); /** The listeners listening to the children. */ private final List<StateListener> listeners = new ArrayList<StateListener>(); /** The {@link StateOperator}. */ private volatile StateOperator stateOperator; /** * Listens to a single child's state. */ class ChildStateListener implements StateListener { private final AtomicReference<State> holder; public ChildStateListener(AtomicReference<State> holder) { this.holder = holder; } @Override public void jobStateChange(final StateEvent event) { stateHandler.callLocked(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { State previous = holder.getAndSet(event.getState()); // Don't check when listener initially added as this happens // in when child added. if (previous != null) { checkStates(); } return null; } }); }; @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + " for [" + structural + "]"; } }; /** * Create a new instance that will track state changes in the children * of the given {@link Structural}. States of the children will be * combined using the given {@link StateOperator}. * * @param structural The structural. Must not be null. * @param operator The operator that combines child state. Must not be * null. */ public StructuralStateHelper(Structural structural, StateOperator operator) { if (structural == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No Structural."); } if (operator == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No State Operator."); } this.structural = structural; setStateOperator(operator); // Add a listener that tracks child changes. structural.addStructuralListener( new StructuralListener() { @Override public void childAdded(final StructuralEvent event) { stateHandler.waitToWhen(new IsAnyState(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int index = event.getIndex(); Object child = event.getChild(); AtomicReference<State> stateHolder = new AtomicReference<State>(); ChildStateListener listener = new ChildStateListener(stateHolder); if (child instanceof Stateful) { ((Stateful) child).addStateListener(listener); } else { stateHolder.set(ParentState.COMPLETE); } listeners.add(index, listener); states.add(index, stateHolder); checkStates(); } }); } @Override public void childRemoved(final StructuralEvent event) { stateHandler.waitToWhen(new IsAnyState(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int index = event.getIndex(); Object child = event.getChild(); StateListener listener = listeners.remove(index); if (child instanceof Stateful) { ((Stateful) child).removeStateListener(listener); } states.remove(index); checkStates(); } }); } }); } public void addStateListener(StateListener listener) { stateHandler.addStateListener(listener); } public void removeStateListener(StateListener listener) { stateHandler.removeStateListener(listener); } private void checkStates() { stateHandler.waitToWhen(new IsAnyState(), new Runnable() { public void run() { State[] stateArgs = new State[states.size()]; int i = 0; for (AtomicReference<State> holder : states) { stateArgs[i++] = holder.get(); } ParentState state = stateOperator.evaluate(stateArgs); // don't fire a new state if it is the same as the last. if (state == stateHandler.getState()) { return; } stateHandler.setState(state); stateHandler.fireEvent(); } }); } @Override public StateEvent lastStateEvent() { return stateHandler.lastStateEvent(); } public State[] getChildStates() { return stateHandler.callLocked(new Callable<State[]>() { @Override public State[] call() throws Exception { State[] array = new State[states.size()]; int i = 0; for (AtomicReference<State> holder : states) { array[i++] = holder.get(); } return array; } }); } public StateOperator getStateOperator() { return stateOperator; } /** * Change the State Operator to be used to combine child state. * * @param stateOperator The State Operator. Must not be null. */ public void setStateOperator(StateOperator stateOperator) { if (stateOperator == null) { throw new NullPointerException("State Operator must not be null."); } if (stateOperator.equals(this.stateOperator)) { return; } if (this.stateOperator != null) {"Changing State Operator from " + this.stateOperator + " to " + stateOperator); } this.stateOperator = stateOperator; checkStates(); } }