* Licensed to GraphHopper GmbH under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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package com.graphhopper.gtfs.fare;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Fare;
import com.conveyal.gtfs.model.FareRule;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
public class Fares {
public static Optional<Amount> cheapestFare(Map<String, Fare> fares, Trip trip) {
return ticketsBruteForce(fares, trip)
.flatMap(tickets -> tickets.stream()
.map(ticket -> {
Fare fare = fares.get(ticket.getFare().fare_id);
final BigDecimal priceOfOneTicket = BigDecimal.valueOf(fare.fare_attribute.price);
return new Amount(priceOfOneTicket, fare.fare_attribute.currency_type);
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Amount::getCurrencyType, Collectors.mapping(Amount::getAmount, Collectors.reducing(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add))))
.findFirst() // TODO: Tickets in different currencies for one trip
.map(e -> new Amount(e.getValue(), e.getKey())));
private static Optional<List<Ticket>> ticketsBruteForce(Map<String, Fare> fares, Trip trip) {
// Recursively enumerate all packages of tickets with which the trip can be done.
// Take the cheapest.
TicketPurchaseScoreCalculator ticketPurchaseScoreCalculator = new TicketPurchaseScoreCalculator();
return allShoppingCarts(fares, trip)
private static Stream<TicketPurchase> allShoppingCarts(Map<String, Fare> fares, Trip trip) {
// Recursively enumerate all packages of tickets with which the trip can be done.
List<Trip.Segment> segments = trip.segments;
List<List<FareAssignment>> result = allFareAssignments(fares, segments);
return result.stream().map(TicketPurchase::new);
private static List<List<FareAssignment>> allFareAssignments(Map<String, Fare> fares, List<Trip.Segment> segments) {
// Recursively enumerate all possible ways of assigning trip segments to fares.
if (segments.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<List<FareAssignment>> emptyList = new ArrayList<>();
return emptyList;
} else {
List<List<FareAssignment>> result = new ArrayList<>();
Trip.Segment segment = segments.get(0);
List<List<FareAssignment>> tail = allFareAssignments(fares, segments.subList(1, segments.size()));
Collection<Fare> possibleFares = Fares.possibleFares(fares, segment);
for (Fare fare : possibleFares) {
for (List<FareAssignment> tailFareAssignments : tail) {
ArrayList<FareAssignment> fairAssignments = new ArrayList<>(tailFareAssignments);
FareAssignment fareAssignment = new FareAssignment(segment);
fairAssignments.add(0, fareAssignment);
return result;
static Collection<Fare> possibleFares(Map<String, Fare> fares, Trip.Segment segment) {
return fares.values().stream().filter(fare -> applies(fare, segment)).collect(toList());
private static boolean applies(Fare fare, Trip.Segment segment) {
return fare.fare_rules.isEmpty() || sanitizeFareRules(fare.fare_rules).stream().anyMatch(rule -> rule.appliesTo(segment));
private static List<SanitizedFareRule> sanitizeFareRules(List<FareRule> gtfsFareRules) {
// Make proper fare rule objects from the CSV-like FareRule
ArrayList<SanitizedFareRule> result = new ArrayList<>();
result.addAll(gtfsFareRules.stream().filter(rule -> rule.route_id != null).map(rule -> new RouteRule(rule.route_id)).collect(toList()));
result.addAll(gtfsFareRules.stream().filter(rule -> rule.origin_id != null && rule.destination_id != null).map(rule -> new OriginDestinationRule(rule.origin_id, rule.destination_id)).collect(toList()));
result.add(gtfsFareRules.stream().filter(rule -> rule.contains_id != null).map(rule -> rule.contains_id).collect(Collectors.collectingAndThen(toList(), ZoneRule::new)));
return result;