* Licensed to GraphHopper GmbH under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.graphhopper.routing;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList;
import com.graphhopper.apache.commons.collections.IntDoubleBinaryHeap;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.TraversalMode;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting;
import com.graphhopper.storage.Graph;
import com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIterator;
import com.graphhopper.util.Helper;
import com.graphhopper.util.Parameters;
import java.util.Arrays;
* A simple dijkstra tuned to perform one to many queries more efficient than Dijkstra. Old data
* structures are cached between requests and potentially reused. Useful for CH preparation.
* <p>
* @author Peter Karich
public class DijkstraOneToMany extends AbstractRoutingAlgorithm {
private static final int EMPTY_PARENT = -1;
private static final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
private final IntArrayListWithCap changedNodes;
protected double[] weights;
private int[] parents;
private int[] edgeIds;
private IntDoubleBinaryHeap heap;
private int visitedNodes;
private boolean doClear = true;
private int endNode;
private int currNode, fromNode, to;
private double weightLimit = Double.MAX_VALUE;
public DijkstraOneToMany(Graph graph, Weighting weighting, TraversalMode tMode) {
super(graph, weighting, tMode);
parents = new int[graph.getNodes()];
Arrays.fill(parents, EMPTY_PARENT);
edgeIds = new int[graph.getNodes()];
Arrays.fill(edgeIds, EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE);
weights = new double[graph.getNodes()];
Arrays.fill(weights, Double.MAX_VALUE);
heap = new IntDoubleBinaryHeap(1000);
changedNodes = new IntArrayListWithCap();
public Path calcPath(int from, int to) {
fromNode = from;
endNode = findEndNode(from, to);
return extractPath();
public Path extractPath() {
PathNative p = new PathNative(graph, weighting, parents, edgeIds);
if (endNode >= 0)
// return 'not found' if invalid endNode or limit reached
if (endNode < 0 || isWeightLimitExceeded())
return p;
return p.setEndNode(endNode).extract();
* Call clear if you have a different start node and need to clear the cache.
public DijkstraOneToMany clear() {
doClear = true;
return this;
public double getWeight(int endNode) {
return weights[endNode];
public int findEndNode(int from, int to) {
if (weights.length < 2)
return NOT_FOUND;
this.to = to;
if (doClear) {
doClear = false;
int vn = changedNodes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < vn; i++) {
int n = changedNodes.get(i);
weights[n] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
parents[n] = EMPTY_PARENT;
edgeIds[n] = EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE;
// changedNodes.clear();
changedNodes.elementsCount = 0;
currNode = from;
if (!traversalMode.isEdgeBased()) {
weights[currNode] = 0;
} else {
// Cached! Re-use existing data structures
int parentNode = parents[to];
if (parentNode != EMPTY_PARENT && weights[to] <= weights[currNode])
return to;
if (heap.isEmpty() || isMaxVisitedNodesExceeded())
return NOT_FOUND;
currNode = heap.poll_element();
visitedNodes = 0;
// we call 'finished' before heap.peek_element but this would add unnecessary overhead for this special case so we do it outside of the loop
if (finished()) {
// then we need a small workaround for special cases see #707
if (heap.isEmpty())
doClear = true;
return currNode;
while (true) {
EdgeIterator iter = outEdgeExplorer.setBaseNode(currNode);
while (iter.next()) {
int adjNode = iter.getAdjNode();
int prevEdgeId = edgeIds[adjNode];
if (!accept(iter, prevEdgeId))
double tmpWeight = weighting.calcWeight(iter, false, prevEdgeId) + weights[currNode];
if (Double.isInfinite(tmpWeight))
double w = weights[adjNode];
if (w == Double.MAX_VALUE) {
parents[adjNode] = currNode;
weights[adjNode] = tmpWeight;
heap.insert_(tmpWeight, adjNode);
edgeIds[adjNode] = iter.getEdge();
} else if (w > tmpWeight) {
parents[adjNode] = currNode;
weights[adjNode] = tmpWeight;
heap.update_(tmpWeight, adjNode);
edgeIds[adjNode] = iter.getEdge();
if (heap.isEmpty() || isMaxVisitedNodesExceeded() || isWeightLimitExceeded())
return NOT_FOUND;
// calling just peek and not poll is important if the next query is cached
currNode = heap.peek_element();
if (finished())
return currNode;
public boolean finished() {
return currNode == to;
public void setWeightLimit(double weightLimit) {
this.weightLimit = weightLimit;
protected boolean isWeightLimitExceeded() {
return weights[currNode] > weightLimit;
public void close() {
weights = null;
parents = null;
edgeIds = null;
heap = null;
public int getVisitedNodes() {
return visitedNodes;
public String getName() {
return Parameters.Algorithms.DIJKSTRA_ONE_TO_MANY;
* List currently used memory in MB (approximately)
public String getMemoryUsageAsString() {
long len = weights.length;
return ((8L + 4L + 4L) * len
+ changedNodes.getCapacity() * 4L
+ heap.getCapacity() * (4L + 4L)) / Helper.MB
+ "MB";
private static class IntArrayListWithCap extends IntArrayList {
public IntArrayListWithCap() {
public int getCapacity() {
return buffer.length;