* Licensed to GraphHopper GmbH under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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package com.graphhopper.routing;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntObjectMap;
import com.graphhopper.coll.GHIntObjectHashMap;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.TraversalMode;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting;
import com.graphhopper.storage.Graph;
import com.graphhopper.storage.SPTEntry;
import com.graphhopper.util.*;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
* Calculates best path in bidirectional way.
* <p>
* 'Ref' stands for reference implementation and is using the normal Java-'reference'-way.
* <p>
* @author Peter Karich
public class DijkstraBidirectionRef extends AbstractBidirAlgo {
protected IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> bestWeightMapFrom;
protected IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> bestWeightMapTo;
protected IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> bestWeightMapOther;
protected SPTEntry currFrom;
protected SPTEntry currTo;
protected PathBidirRef bestPath;
private PriorityQueue<SPTEntry> pqOpenSetFrom;
private PriorityQueue<SPTEntry> pqOpenSetTo;
private boolean updateBestPath = true;
public DijkstraBidirectionRef(Graph graph, Weighting weighting, TraversalMode tMode) {
super(graph, weighting, tMode);
int size = Math.min(Math.max(200, graph.getNodes() / 10), 150_000);
protected void initCollections(int size) {
pqOpenSetFrom = new PriorityQueue<SPTEntry>(size);
bestWeightMapFrom = new GHIntObjectHashMap<SPTEntry>(size);
pqOpenSetTo = new PriorityQueue<SPTEntry>(size);
bestWeightMapTo = new GHIntObjectHashMap<SPTEntry>(size);
public void initFrom(int from, double weight) {
currFrom = createSPTEntry(from, weight);
if (!traversalMode.isEdgeBased()) {
bestWeightMapFrom.put(from, currFrom);
if (currTo != null) {
bestWeightMapOther = bestWeightMapTo;
updateBestPath(GHUtility.getEdge(graph, from, currTo.adjNode), currTo, from);
} else if (currTo != null && currTo.adjNode == from) {
// special case of identical start and end
bestPath.sptEntry = currFrom;
bestPath.edgeTo = currTo;
finishedFrom = true;
finishedTo = true;
public void initTo(int to, double weight) {
currTo = createSPTEntry(to, weight);
if (!traversalMode.isEdgeBased()) {
bestWeightMapTo.put(to, currTo);
if (currFrom != null) {
bestWeightMapOther = bestWeightMapFrom;
updateBestPath(GHUtility.getEdge(graph, currFrom.adjNode, to), currFrom, to);
} else if (currFrom != null && currFrom.adjNode == to) {
// special case of identical start and end
bestPath.sptEntry = currFrom;
bestPath.edgeTo = currTo;
finishedFrom = true;
finishedTo = true;
protected Path createAndInitPath() {
bestPath = new PathBidirRef(graph, weighting);
return bestPath;
protected Path extractPath() {
if (finished())
return bestPath.extract();
return bestPath;
protected double getCurrentFromWeight() {
return currFrom.weight;
protected double getCurrentToWeight() {
return currTo.weight;
public boolean fillEdgesFrom() {
if (pqOpenSetFrom.isEmpty())
return false;
currFrom = pqOpenSetFrom.poll();
bestWeightMapOther = bestWeightMapTo;
fillEdges(currFrom, pqOpenSetFrom, bestWeightMapFrom, outEdgeExplorer, false);
return true;
public boolean fillEdgesTo() {
if (pqOpenSetTo.isEmpty())
return false;
currTo = pqOpenSetTo.poll();
bestWeightMapOther = bestWeightMapFrom;
fillEdges(currTo, pqOpenSetTo, bestWeightMapTo, inEdgeExplorer, true);
return true;
// http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr06/cos423/Handouts/EPP%20shortest%20path%20algorithms.pdf
// a node from overlap may not be on the best path!
// => when scanning an arc (v, w) in the forward search and w is scanned in the reverseOrder
// search, update extractPath = μ if df (v) + (v, w) + dr (w) < μ
public boolean finished() {
if (finishedFrom || finishedTo)
return true;
return currFrom.weight + currTo.weight >= bestPath.getWeight();
void fillEdges(SPTEntry currEdge, PriorityQueue<SPTEntry> prioQueue,
IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> bestWeightMap, EdgeExplorer explorer, boolean reverse) {
EdgeIterator iter = explorer.setBaseNode(currEdge.adjNode);
while (iter.next()) {
if (!accept(iter, currEdge.edge))
int traversalId = traversalMode.createTraversalId(iter, reverse);
double tmpWeight = weighting.calcWeight(iter, reverse, currEdge.edge) + currEdge.weight;
if (Double.isInfinite(tmpWeight))
SPTEntry ee = bestWeightMap.get(traversalId);
if (ee == null) {
ee = new SPTEntry(iter.getEdge(), iter.getAdjNode(), tmpWeight);
ee.parent = currEdge;
bestWeightMap.put(traversalId, ee);
} else if (ee.weight > tmpWeight) {
ee.edge = iter.getEdge();
ee.weight = tmpWeight;
ee.parent = currEdge;
} else
if (updateBestPath)
updateBestPath(iter, ee, traversalId);
protected void updateBestPath(EdgeIteratorState edgeState, SPTEntry entryCurrent, int traversalId) {
SPTEntry entryOther = bestWeightMapOther.get(traversalId);
if (entryOther == null)
boolean reverse = bestWeightMapFrom == bestWeightMapOther;
// update μ
double newWeight = entryCurrent.weight + entryOther.weight;
if (traversalMode.isEdgeBased()) {
if (entryOther.edge != entryCurrent.edge)
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot happen for edge based execution of " + getName());
if (entryOther.adjNode != entryCurrent.adjNode) {
// prevents the path to contain the edge at the meeting point twice and subtract the weight (excluding turn weight => no previous edge)
entryCurrent = entryCurrent.parent;
newWeight -= weighting.calcWeight(edgeState, reverse, EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE);
} else if (!traversalMode.hasUTurnSupport())
// we detected a u-turn at meeting point, skip if not supported
if (newWeight < bestPath.getWeight()) {
IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> getBestFromMap() {
return bestWeightMapFrom;
IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> getBestToMap() {
return bestWeightMapTo;
void setBestOtherMap(IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> other) {
bestWeightMapOther = other;
void setFromDataStructures(DijkstraBidirectionRef dijkstra) {
pqOpenSetFrom = dijkstra.pqOpenSetFrom;
bestWeightMapFrom = dijkstra.bestWeightMapFrom;
finishedFrom = dijkstra.finishedFrom;
currFrom = dijkstra.currFrom;
visitedCountFrom = dijkstra.visitedCountFrom;
// outEdgeExplorer
void setToDataStructures(DijkstraBidirectionRef dijkstra) {
pqOpenSetTo = dijkstra.pqOpenSetTo;
bestWeightMapTo = dijkstra.bestWeightMapTo;
finishedTo = dijkstra.finishedTo;
currTo = dijkstra.currTo;
visitedCountTo = dijkstra.visitedCountTo;
// inEdgeExplorer
protected void setUpdateBestPath(boolean b) {
updateBestPath = b;
void setBestPath(PathBidirRef bestPath) {
this.bestPath = bestPath;
public String getName() {
return Parameters.Algorithms.DIJKSTRA_BI;