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* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
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package com.graphhopper.geohash;
import com.graphhopper.util.shapes.BBox;
import com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint;
* This class maps lat,lon to a (tile)number unlike SpatialKeyAlgo.
* <p>
* @author Peter Karich
// A 4*3 precision linear key will look like
// |----|----|----|----|
// | 0| 1| 2| 3|
// |----|----|----|----|
// lat | 4| 5| 6| 7|
// |----|----|----|----|
// | 8| 9| 10| 11|
// |----|----|----|----|
// lon
public class LinearKeyAlgo implements KeyAlgo {
private static final double C = 1 - 1e-15;
private final int latUnits, lonUnits;
private BBox bounds;
private double latDelta, lonDelta;
public LinearKeyAlgo(int latUnits, int lonUnits) {
this.latUnits = latUnits;
this.lonUnits = lonUnits;
public LinearKeyAlgo setBounds(double minLonInit, double maxLonInit, double minLatInit, double maxLatInit) {
bounds = new BBox(minLonInit, maxLonInit, minLatInit, maxLatInit);
latDelta = (bounds.maxLat - bounds.minLat) / latUnits;
lonDelta = (bounds.maxLon - bounds.minLon) / lonUnits;
return this;
public LinearKeyAlgo setBounds(BBox bounds) {
setBounds(bounds.minLon, bounds.maxLon, bounds.minLat, bounds.maxLat);
return this;
protected void setWorldBounds() {
setBounds(-180, 180, -90, 90);
public long encode(GHPoint coord) {
return encode(coord.lat, coord.lon);
* Take latitude and longitude as input.
* <p>
* @return the linear key
public final long encode(double lat, double lon) {
lat = Math.min(Math.max(lat, bounds.minLat), bounds.maxLat);
lon = Math.min(Math.max(lon, bounds.minLon), bounds.maxLon);
// introduce a minor correction to round to lower grid entry!
long latIndex = (long) ((lat - bounds.minLat) / latDelta * C);
long lonIndex = (long) ((lon - bounds.minLon) / lonDelta * C);
return latIndex * lonUnits + lonIndex;
* This method returns latitude and longitude via latLon - calculated from specified linearKey
* <p>
* @param linearKey is the input
public final void decode(long linearKey, GHPoint latLon) {
double lat = linearKey / lonUnits * latDelta + bounds.minLat;
double lon = linearKey % lonUnits * lonDelta + bounds.minLon;
latLon.lat = lat + latDelta / 2;
latLon.lon = lon + lonDelta / 2;
public double getLatDelta() {
return latDelta;
public double getLonDelta() {
return lonDelta;