* Licensed to GraphHopper GmbH under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.graphhopper.routing.ch;
import com.graphhopper.coll.GHTreeMapComposed;
import com.graphhopper.routing.*;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.*;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.AbstractWeighting;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting;
import com.graphhopper.storage.*;
import com.graphhopper.util.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import static com.graphhopper.util.Parameters.Algorithms.ASTAR_BI;
import static com.graphhopper.util.Parameters.Algorithms.DIJKSTRA_BI;
* This class prepares the graph for a bidirectional algorithm supporting contraction hierarchies
* ie. an algorithm returned by createAlgo.
* <p>
* There are several description of contraction hierarchies available. The following is one of the
* more detailed: http://web.cs.du.edu/~sturtevant/papers/highlevelpathfinding.pdf
* <p>
* The only difference is that we use two skipped edges instead of one skipped node for faster
* unpacking.
* <p>
* @author Peter Karich
public class PrepareContractionHierarchies extends AbstractAlgoPreparation implements RoutingAlgorithmFactory {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private final PreparationWeighting prepareWeighting;
private final TraversalMode traversalMode;
private final LevelEdgeFilter levelFilter;
private final GraphHopperStorage ghStorage;
private final CHGraphImpl prepareGraph;
private final DataAccess originalEdges;
private final Map<Shortcut, Shortcut> shortcuts = new HashMap<Shortcut, Shortcut>();
private final Random rand = new Random(123);
private final StopWatch allSW = new StopWatch();
AddShortcutHandler addScHandler = new AddShortcutHandler();
CalcShortcutHandler calcScHandler = new CalcShortcutHandler();
private CHEdgeExplorer vehicleInExplorer;
private CHEdgeExplorer vehicleOutExplorer;
private CHEdgeExplorer vehicleAllExplorer;
private CHEdgeExplorer vehicleAllTmpExplorer;
private CHEdgeExplorer calcPrioAllExplorer;
private int maxLevel;
// the most important nodes comes last
private GHTreeMapComposed sortedNodes;
private int oldPriorities[];
private IgnoreNodeFilter ignoreNodeFilter;
private DijkstraOneToMany prepareAlgo;
private long counter;
private int newShortcuts;
private long dijkstraCount;
private double meanDegree;
private StopWatch dijkstraSW = new StopWatch();
private int periodicUpdatesPercentage = 20;
private int lastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage = 10;
private int neighborUpdatePercentage = 20;
private double nodesContractedPercentage = 100;
private double logMessagesPercentage = 20;
private double dijkstraTime;
private double periodTime;
private double lazyTime;
private double neighborTime;
private int maxEdgesCount;
public PrepareContractionHierarchies(Directory dir, GraphHopperStorage ghStorage, CHGraph chGraph,
Weighting weighting, TraversalMode traversalMode) {
this.ghStorage = ghStorage;
this.prepareGraph = (CHGraphImpl) chGraph;
this.traversalMode = traversalMode;
levelFilter = new LevelEdgeFilter(prepareGraph);
prepareWeighting = new PreparationWeighting(weighting);
originalEdges = dir.find("original_edges_" + AbstractWeighting.weightingToFileName(weighting));
* The higher the values are the longer the preparation takes but the less shortcuts are
* produced.
* <p>
* @param periodicUpdates specifies how often periodic updates will happen. Use something less
* than 10.
public PrepareContractionHierarchies setPeriodicUpdates(int periodicUpdates) {
if (periodicUpdates < 0)
return this;
if (periodicUpdates > 100)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("periodicUpdates has to be in [0, 100], to disable it use 0");
this.periodicUpdatesPercentage = periodicUpdates;
return this;
* @param lazyUpdates specifies when lazy updates will happen, measured relative to all existing
* nodes. 100 means always.
public PrepareContractionHierarchies setLazyUpdates(int lazyUpdates) {
if (lazyUpdates < 0)
return this;
if (lazyUpdates > 100)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("lazyUpdates has to be in [0, 100], to disable it use 0");
this.lastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage = lazyUpdates;
return this;
* @param neighborUpdates specifies how often neighbor updates will happen. 100 means always.
public PrepareContractionHierarchies setNeighborUpdates(int neighborUpdates) {
if (neighborUpdates < 0)
return this;
if (neighborUpdates > 100)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("neighborUpdates has to be in [0, 100], to disable it use 0");
this.neighborUpdatePercentage = neighborUpdates;
return this;
* Specifies how often a log message should be printed. Specify something around 20 (20% of the
* start nodes).
public PrepareContractionHierarchies setLogMessages(double logMessages) {
if (logMessages >= 0)
this.logMessagesPercentage = logMessages;
return this;
* Define how many nodes (percentage) should be contracted. Less nodes means slower query but
* faster contraction duration.
public PrepareContractionHierarchies setContractedNodes(double nodesContracted) {
if (nodesContracted < 0)
return this;
if (nodesContracted > 100)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("setNodesContracted can be 100% maximum");
this.nodesContractedPercentage = nodesContracted;
return this;
public void doWork() {
if (prepareWeighting == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("No weight calculation set.");
if (!prepareNodes())
boolean prepareNodes() {
int nodes = prepareGraph.getNodes();
for (int node = 0; node < nodes; node++) {
prepareGraph.setLevel(node, maxLevel);
for (int node = 0; node < nodes; node++) {
int priority = oldPriorities[node] = calculatePriority(node);
sortedNodes.insert(node, priority);
if (sortedNodes.isEmpty())
return false;
return true;
void contractNodes() {
meanDegree = prepareGraph.getAllEdges().getMaxId() / prepareGraph.getNodes();
int level = 1;
counter = 0;
int initSize = sortedNodes.getSize();
long logSize = Math.round(Math.max(10, sortedNodes.getSize() / 100 * logMessagesPercentage));
if (logMessagesPercentage == 0)
logSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// preparation takes longer but queries are slightly faster with preparation
// => enable it but call not so often
boolean periodicUpdate = true;
StopWatch periodSW = new StopWatch();
int updateCounter = 0;
long periodicUpdatesCount = Math.round(Math.max(10, sortedNodes.getSize() / 100d * periodicUpdatesPercentage));
if (periodicUpdatesPercentage == 0)
periodicUpdate = false;
// disable lazy updates for last x percentage of nodes as preparation is then a lot slower
// and query time does not really benefit
long lastNodesLazyUpdates = Math.round(sortedNodes.getSize() / 100d * lastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage);
// according to paper "Polynomial-time Construction of Contraction Hierarchies for Multi-criteria Objectives" by Funke and Storandt
// we don't need to wait for all nodes to be contracted
long nodesToAvoidContract = Math.round((100 - nodesContractedPercentage) / 100 * sortedNodes.getSize());
StopWatch lazySW = new StopWatch();
// Recompute priority of uncontracted neighbors.
// Without neighbor updates preparation is faster but we need them
// to slightly improve query time. Also if not applied too often it decreases the shortcut number.
boolean neighborUpdate = true;
if (neighborUpdatePercentage == 0)
neighborUpdate = false;
StopWatch neighborSW = new StopWatch();
while (!sortedNodes.isEmpty()) {
// periodically update priorities of ALL nodes
if (periodicUpdate && counter > 0 && counter % periodicUpdatesCount == 0) {
int len = prepareGraph.getNodes();
for (int node = 0; node < len; node++) {
if (prepareGraph.getLevel(node) != maxLevel)
int priority = oldPriorities[node] = calculatePriority(node);
sortedNodes.insert(node, priority);
if (sortedNodes.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot prepare as no unprepared nodes where found. Called preparation twice?");
if (counter % logSize == 0) {
dijkstraTime += dijkstraSW.getSeconds();
periodTime += periodSW.getSeconds();
lazyTime += lazySW.getSeconds();
neighborTime += neighborSW.getSeconds();
logger.info(Helper.nf(counter) + ", updates:" + updateCounter
+ ", nodes: " + Helper.nf(sortedNodes.getSize())
+ ", shortcuts:" + Helper.nf(newShortcuts)
+ ", dijkstras:" + Helper.nf(dijkstraCount)
+ ", " + getTimesAsString()
+ ", meanDegree:" + (long) meanDegree
+ ", algo:" + prepareAlgo.getMemoryUsageAsString()
+ ", " + Helper.getMemInfo());
dijkstraSW = new StopWatch();
periodSW = new StopWatch();
lazySW = new StopWatch();
neighborSW = new StopWatch();
int polledNode = sortedNodes.pollKey();
if (!sortedNodes.isEmpty() && sortedNodes.getSize() < lastNodesLazyUpdates) {
int priority = oldPriorities[polledNode] = calculatePriority(polledNode);
if (priority > sortedNodes.peekValue()) {
// current node got more important => insert as new value and contract it later
sortedNodes.insert(polledNode, priority);
// contract node v!
newShortcuts += addShortcuts(shortcuts.keySet());
prepareGraph.setLevel(polledNode, level);
if (sortedNodes.getSize() < nodesToAvoidContract)
// skipped nodes are already set to maxLevel
CHEdgeIterator iter = vehicleAllExplorer.setBaseNode(polledNode);
while (iter.next()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Thread was interrupted");
int nn = iter.getAdjNode();
if (prepareGraph.getLevel(nn) != maxLevel)
if (neighborUpdate && rand.nextInt(100) < neighborUpdatePercentage) {
int oldPrio = oldPriorities[nn];
int priority = oldPriorities[nn] = calculatePriority(nn);
if (priority != oldPrio)
sortedNodes.update(nn, oldPrio, priority);
prepareGraph.disconnect(vehicleAllTmpExplorer, iter);
// Preparation works only once so we can release temporary data.
// The preparation object itself has to be intact to create the algorithm.
dijkstraTime += dijkstraSW.getSeconds();
periodTime += periodSW.getSeconds();
lazyTime += lazySW.getSeconds();
neighborTime += neighborSW.getSeconds();
logger.info("took:" + (int) allSW.stop().getSeconds()
+ ", new shortcuts: " + Helper.nf(newShortcuts)
+ ", " + prepareWeighting
+ ", dijkstras:" + dijkstraCount
+ ", " + getTimesAsString()
+ ", meanDegree:" + (long) meanDegree
+ ", initSize:" + initSize
+ ", periodic:" + periodicUpdatesPercentage
+ ", lazy:" + lastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage
+ ", neighbor:" + neighborUpdatePercentage
+ ", " + Helper.getMemInfo());
public long getDijkstraCount() {
return dijkstraCount;
public double getLazyTime() {
return lazyTime;
public double getPeriodTime() {
return periodTime;
public double getDijkstraTime() {
return dijkstraTime;
public double getNeighborTime() {
return neighborTime;
public Weighting getWeighting() {
return prepareGraph.getWeighting();
public void close() {
sortedNodes = null;
oldPriorities = null;
private String getTimesAsString() {
return "t(dijk):" + Helper.round2(dijkstraTime)
+ ", t(period):" + Helper.round2(periodTime)
+ ", t(lazy):" + Helper.round2(lazyTime)
+ ", t(neighbor):" + Helper.round2(neighborTime);
Set<Shortcut> testFindShortcuts(int node) {
return shortcuts.keySet();
* Calculates the priority of adjNode v without changing the graph. Warning: the calculated
* priority must NOT depend on priority(v) and therefor findShortcuts should also not depend on
* the priority(v). Otherwise updating the priority before contracting in contractNodes() could
* lead to a slowish or even endless loop.
int calculatePriority(int v) {
// set of shortcuts that would be added if adjNode v would be contracted next.
// System.out.println(v + "\t " + tmpShortcuts);
// # huge influence: the bigger the less shortcuts gets created and the faster is the preparation
// every adjNode has an 'original edge' number associated. initially it is r=1
// when a new shortcut is introduced then r of the associated edges is summed up:
// r(u,w)=r(u,v)+r(v,w) now we can define
// originalEdgesCount = σ(v) := sum_{ (u,w) ∈ shortcuts(v) } of r(u, w)
int originalEdgesCount = calcScHandler.originalEdgesCount;
// for (Shortcut sc : tmpShortcuts) {
// originalEdgesCount += sc.originalEdges;
// }
// # lowest influence on preparation speed or shortcut creation count
// (but according to paper should speed up queries)
// number of already contracted neighbors of v
int contractedNeighbors = 0;
int degree = 0;
CHEdgeIterator iter = calcPrioAllExplorer.setBaseNode(v);
while (iter.next()) {
if (iter.isShortcut())
// from shortcuts we can compute the edgeDifference
// # low influence: with it the shortcut creation is slightly faster
// |shortcuts(v)| − |{(u, v) | v uncontracted}| − |{(v, w) | v uncontracted}|
// meanDegree is used instead of outDegree+inDegree as if one adjNode is in both directions
// only one bucket memory is used. Additionally one shortcut could also stand for two directions.
int edgeDifference = calcScHandler.shortcuts - degree;
// according to the paper do a simple linear combination of the properties to get the priority.
// this is the current optimum for unterfranken:
return 10 * edgeDifference + originalEdgesCount + contractedNeighbors;
* Finds shortcuts, does not change the underlying graph.
void findShortcuts(ShortcutHandler sch) {
long tmpDegreeCounter = 0;
EdgeIterator incomingEdges = vehicleInExplorer.setBaseNode(sch.getNode());
// collect outgoing nodes (goal-nodes) only once
while (incomingEdges.next()) {
int u_fromNode = incomingEdges.getAdjNode();
// accept only uncontracted nodes
if (prepareGraph.getLevel(u_fromNode) != maxLevel)
double v_u_dist = incomingEdges.getDistance();
double v_u_weight = prepareWeighting.calcWeight(incomingEdges, true, EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE);
int skippedEdge1 = incomingEdges.getEdge();
int incomingEdgeOrigCount = getOrigEdgeCount(skippedEdge1);
// collect outgoing nodes (goal-nodes) only once
EdgeIterator outgoingEdges = vehicleOutExplorer.setBaseNode(sch.getNode());
// force fresh maps etc as this cannot be determined by from node alone (e.g. same from node but different avoidNode)
while (outgoingEdges.next()) {
int w_toNode = outgoingEdges.getAdjNode();
// add only uncontracted nodes
if (prepareGraph.getLevel(w_toNode) != maxLevel || u_fromNode == w_toNode)
// Limit weight as ferries or forbidden edges can increase local search too much.
// If we decrease the correct weight we only explore less and introduce more shortcuts.
// I.e. no change to accuracy is made.
double existingDirectWeight = v_u_weight + prepareWeighting.calcWeight(outgoingEdges, false, incomingEdges.getEdge());
if (Double.isNaN(existingDirectWeight))
throw new IllegalStateException("Weighting should never return NaN values"
+ ", in:" + getCoords(incomingEdges, prepareGraph) + ", out:" + getCoords(outgoingEdges, prepareGraph)
+ ", dist:" + outgoingEdges.getDistance());
if (Double.isInfinite(existingDirectWeight))
double existingDistSum = v_u_dist + outgoingEdges.getDistance();
prepareAlgo.setMaxVisitedNodes((int) meanDegree * 100);
int endNode = prepareAlgo.findEndNode(u_fromNode, w_toNode);
// compare end node as the limit could force dijkstra to finish earlier
if (endNode == w_toNode && prepareAlgo.getWeight(endNode) <= existingDirectWeight)
// FOUND witness path, so do not add shortcut
sch.foundShortcut(u_fromNode, w_toNode,
existingDirectWeight, existingDistSum,
skippedEdge1, incomingEdgeOrigCount);
if (sch instanceof AddShortcutHandler) {
// sliding mean value when using "*2" => slower changes
meanDegree = (meanDegree * 2 + tmpDegreeCounter) / 3;
// meanDegree = (meanDegree + tmpDegreeCounter) / 2;
* Introduces the necessary shortcuts for adjNode v in the graph.
int addShortcuts(Collection<Shortcut> tmpShortcuts) {
int tmpNewShortcuts = 0;
for (Shortcut sc : tmpShortcuts) {
boolean updatedInGraph = false;
// check if we need to update some existing shortcut in the graph
CHEdgeIterator iter = vehicleOutExplorer.setBaseNode(sc.from);
while (iter.next()) {
if (iter.isShortcut() && iter.getAdjNode() == sc.to) {
int status = iter.getMergeStatus(sc.flags);
if (status == 0)
if (sc.weight >= prepareWeighting.calcWeight(iter, false, EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE)) {
// special case if a bidirectional shortcut has worse weight and still has to be added as otherwise the opposite direction would be missing
// see testShortcutMergeBug
if (status == 2)
continue NEXT_SC;
if (iter.getEdge() == sc.skippedEdge1 || iter.getEdge() == sc.skippedEdge2) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Shortcut cannot update itself! " + iter.getEdge()
+ ", skipEdge1:" + sc.skippedEdge1 + ", skipEdge2:" + sc.skippedEdge2
+ ", edge " + iter + ":" + getCoords(iter, prepareGraph)
+ ", sc:" + sc
+ ", skippedEdge1: " + getCoords(prepareGraph.getEdgeIteratorState(sc.skippedEdge1, sc.from), prepareGraph)
+ ", skippedEdge2: " + getCoords(prepareGraph.getEdgeIteratorState(sc.skippedEdge2, sc.to), prepareGraph)
+ ", neighbors:" + GHUtility.getNeighbors(iter));
// note: flags overwrite weight => call first
iter.setSkippedEdges(sc.skippedEdge1, sc.skippedEdge2);
setOrigEdgeCount(iter.getEdge(), sc.originalEdges);
updatedInGraph = true;
if (!updatedInGraph) {
CHEdgeIteratorState edgeState = prepareGraph.shortcut(sc.from, sc.to);
// note: flags overwrite weight => call first
edgeState.setSkippedEdges(sc.skippedEdge1, sc.skippedEdge2);
setOrigEdgeCount(edgeState.getEdge(), sc.originalEdges);
return tmpNewShortcuts;
String getCoords(EdgeIteratorState e, Graph g) {
NodeAccess na = g.getNodeAccess();
int base = e.getBaseNode();
int adj = e.getAdjNode();
return base + "->" + adj + " (" + e.getEdge() + "); "
+ na.getLat(base) + "," + na.getLon(base) + " -> " + na.getLat(adj) + "," + na.getLon(adj);
PrepareContractionHierarchies initFromGraph() {
maxEdgesCount = ghStorage.getAllEdges().getMaxId();
FlagEncoder prepareFlagEncoder = prepareWeighting.getFlagEncoder();
vehicleInExplorer = prepareGraph.createEdgeExplorer(new DefaultEdgeFilter(prepareFlagEncoder, true, false));
vehicleOutExplorer = prepareGraph.createEdgeExplorer(new DefaultEdgeFilter(prepareFlagEncoder, false, true));
final EdgeFilter allFilter = new DefaultEdgeFilter(prepareFlagEncoder, true, true);
// filter by vehicle and level number
final EdgeFilter accessWithLevelFilter = new LevelEdgeFilter(prepareGraph) {
public final boolean accept(EdgeIteratorState edgeState) {
if (!super.accept(edgeState))
return false;
return allFilter.accept(edgeState);
maxLevel = prepareGraph.getNodes() + 1;
ignoreNodeFilter = new IgnoreNodeFilter(prepareGraph, maxLevel);
vehicleAllExplorer = prepareGraph.createEdgeExplorer(allFilter);
vehicleAllTmpExplorer = prepareGraph.createEdgeExplorer(allFilter);
calcPrioAllExplorer = prepareGraph.createEdgeExplorer(accessWithLevelFilter);
// Use an alternative to PriorityQueue as it has some advantages:
// 1. Gets automatically smaller if less entries are stored => less total RAM used.
// Important because Graph is increasing until the end.
// 2. is slightly faster
// but we need the additional oldPriorities array to keep the old value which is necessary for the update method
sortedNodes = new GHTreeMapComposed();
oldPriorities = new int[prepareGraph.getNodes()];
prepareAlgo = new DijkstraOneToMany(prepareGraph, prepareWeighting, traversalMode);
return this;
public int getShortcuts() {
return newShortcuts;
private void setOrigEdgeCount(int edgeId, int value) {
edgeId -= maxEdgesCount;
if (edgeId < 0) {
// ignore setting as every normal edge has original edge count of 1
if (value != 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to set original edge count for normal edge to a value = " + value
+ ", edge:" + (edgeId + maxEdgesCount) + ", max:" + maxEdgesCount + ", graph.max:" + ghStorage.getAllEdges().getMaxId());
long tmp = (long) edgeId * 4;
originalEdges.ensureCapacity(tmp + 4);
originalEdges.setInt(tmp, value);
private int getOrigEdgeCount(int edgeId) {
edgeId -= maxEdgesCount;
if (edgeId < 0)
return 1;
long tmp = (long) edgeId * 4;
originalEdges.ensureCapacity(tmp + 4);
return originalEdges.getInt(tmp);
public RoutingAlgorithm createAlgo(Graph graph, AlgorithmOptions opts) {
AbstractBidirAlgo algo;
if (ASTAR_BI.equals(opts.getAlgorithm())) {
AStarBidirection tmpAlgo = new AStarBidirectionCH(graph, prepareWeighting, traversalMode);
tmpAlgo.setApproximation(RoutingAlgorithmFactorySimple.getApproximation(ASTAR_BI, opts, graph.getNodeAccess()));
algo = tmpAlgo;
} else if (DIJKSTRA_BI.equals(opts.getAlgorithm())) {
algo = new DijkstraBidirectionCH(graph, prepareWeighting, traversalMode);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Algorithm " + opts.getAlgorithm() + " not supported for Contraction Hierarchies. Try with ch.disable=true");
return algo;
public static class AStarBidirectionCH extends AStarBidirection {
public AStarBidirectionCH(Graph graph, Weighting weighting, TraversalMode traversalMode) {
super(graph, weighting, traversalMode);
protected void initCollections(int size) {
super.initCollections(Math.min(size, 2000));
protected boolean finished() {
// we need to finish BOTH searches for CH!
if (finishedFrom && finishedTo)
return true;
// changed finish condition for CH
return currFrom.weight >= bestPath.getWeight() && currTo.weight >= bestPath.getWeight();
protected Path createAndInitPath() {
bestPath = new Path4CH(graph, graph.getBaseGraph(), weighting);
return bestPath;
public String getName() {
return "astarbi|ch";
public String toString() {
return getName() + "|" + weighting;
public static class DijkstraBidirectionCH extends DijkstraBidirectionRef {
public DijkstraBidirectionCH(Graph graph, Weighting weighting, TraversalMode traversalMode) {
super(graph, weighting, traversalMode);
protected void initCollections(int size) {
super.initCollections(Math.min(size, 2000));
public boolean finished() {
// we need to finish BOTH searches for CH!
if (finishedFrom && finishedTo)
return true;
// changed also the final finish condition for CH
return currFrom.weight >= bestPath.getWeight() && currTo.weight >= bestPath.getWeight();
protected Path createAndInitPath() {
bestPath = new Path4CH(graph, graph.getBaseGraph(), weighting);
return bestPath;
public String getName() {
return "dijkstrabi|ch";
public String toString() {
return getName() + "|" + weighting;
public String toString() {
return "prepare|dijkstrabi|ch";
interface ShortcutHandler {
void foundShortcut(int u_fromNode, int w_toNode,
double existingDirectWeight, double distance,
EdgeIterator outgoingEdges,
int skippedEdge1, int incomingEdgeOrigCount);
int getNode();
static class IgnoreNodeFilter implements EdgeFilter {
int avoidNode;
int maxLevel;
CHGraph graph;
public IgnoreNodeFilter(CHGraph g, int maxLevel) {
this.graph = g;
this.maxLevel = maxLevel;
public IgnoreNodeFilter setAvoidNode(int node) {
this.avoidNode = node;
return this;
public final boolean accept(EdgeIteratorState iter) {
// ignore if it is skipNode or adjNode is already contracted
int node = iter.getAdjNode();
return avoidNode != node && graph.getLevel(node) == maxLevel;
static class Shortcut {
int from;
int to;
int skippedEdge1;
int skippedEdge2;
double dist;
double weight;
int originalEdges;
long flags = PrepareEncoder.getScFwdDir();
public Shortcut(int from, int to, double weight, double dist) {
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
this.weight = weight;
this.dist = dist;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 5;
hash = 23 * hash + from;
hash = 23 * hash + to;
return 23 * hash
+ (int) (Double.doubleToLongBits(this.weight) ^ (Double.doubleToLongBits(this.weight) >>> 32));
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
final Shortcut other = (Shortcut) obj;
if (this.from != other.from || this.to != other.to)
return false;
return Double.doubleToLongBits(this.weight) == Double.doubleToLongBits(other.weight);
public String toString() {
String str;
if (flags == PrepareEncoder.getScDirMask())
str = from + "<->";
str = from + "->";
return str + to + ", weight:" + weight + " (" + skippedEdge1 + "," + skippedEdge2 + ")";
class CalcShortcutHandler implements ShortcutHandler {
int node;
int originalEdgesCount;
int shortcuts;
public int getNode() {
return node;
public CalcShortcutHandler setNode(int n) {
node = n;
originalEdgesCount = 0;
shortcuts = 0;
return this;
public void foundShortcut(int u_fromNode, int w_toNode,
double existingDirectWeight, double distance,
EdgeIterator outgoingEdges,
int skippedEdge1, int incomingEdgeOrigCount) {
originalEdgesCount += incomingEdgeOrigCount + getOrigEdgeCount(outgoingEdges.getEdge());
class AddShortcutHandler implements ShortcutHandler {
int node;
public AddShortcutHandler() {
public int getNode() {
return node;
public AddShortcutHandler setNode(int n) {
node = n;
return this;
public void foundShortcut(int u_fromNode, int w_toNode,
double existingDirectWeight, double existingDistSum,
EdgeIterator outgoingEdges,
int skippedEdge1, int incomingEdgeOrigCount) {
// FOUND shortcut
// but be sure that it is the only shortcut in the collection
// and also in the graph for u->w. If existing AND identical weight => update setProperties.
// Hint: shortcuts are always one-way due to distinct level of every node but we don't
// know yet the levels so we need to determine the correct direction or if both directions
Shortcut sc = new Shortcut(u_fromNode, w_toNode, existingDirectWeight, existingDistSum);
if (shortcuts.containsKey(sc))
Shortcut tmpSc = new Shortcut(w_toNode, u_fromNode, existingDirectWeight, existingDistSum);
Shortcut tmpRetSc = shortcuts.get(tmpSc);
if (tmpRetSc != null) {
// overwrite flags only if skipped edges are identical
if (tmpRetSc.skippedEdge2 == skippedEdge1 && tmpRetSc.skippedEdge1 == outgoingEdges.getEdge()) {
tmpRetSc.flags = PrepareEncoder.getScDirMask();
Shortcut old = shortcuts.put(sc, sc);
if (old != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Shortcut did not exist (" + sc + ") but was overwriting another one? " + old);
sc.skippedEdge1 = skippedEdge1;
sc.skippedEdge2 = outgoingEdges.getEdge();
sc.originalEdges = incomingEdgeOrigCount + getOrigEdgeCount(outgoingEdges.getEdge());