package fitnesse.wikitext.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.junit.Test; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; /** * This is an example of how a custom lexer can be used in conjunction with the wiki parser. * * The interface is modeled after the IDEA Lexer class. */ public class CustomLexerTest { @Test public void testLexer() { String buffer = "This ''is'': a WikiWord"; assertEquals(asList("Text:This", "Whitespace: ", "Italic:''is''", "Colon::", "Whitespace: ", "Text:a", "Whitespace: ", "WikiWord:WikiWord"), lex(buffer)); } @Test public void shouldIdentifyVariables() { String buffer = "A ${VARIABLE} for the win"; assertEquals(asList("Text:A", "Whitespace: ", "Variable:${VARIABLE}", "Whitespace: ", "Text:for", "Whitespace: ", "Text:the", "Whitespace: ", "Text:win"), lex(buffer)); } @Test public void shouldInclude() { String buffer = "!include -seamless .WikiWord"; assertEquals(asList("Include:!include -seamless .WikiWord"), lex(buffer)); } @Test public void shouldTraverseCollapsedSections() { String buffer = "!** what about\n" + "me\n" + "*!"; assertEquals(asList("Collapsible:!** what about\n" + "me\n" + "*!", "SymbolList:what about\n", "Text:what", "Whitespace: ", "Text:about", "SymbolList:me\n*!", "Text:me", "Newline:\n"), lex(buffer)); } @Test public void shouldTraverseTables() { String buffer = "|script: table|\n|ensure|I'm there|\n"; assertEquals(asList("Table:|script: table|\n" + "|ensure|I'm there|\n", "TableRow:script: table|\n|", "TableCell:script: table|\n|", "Text:script", "Colon::", "Whitespace: ", "Text:table", "TableRow:ensure|I'm there|\n", "TableCell:ensure|", "Text:ensure", "TableCell:I'm there|\n", "Text:I'm", "Whitespace: ", "Text:there"), lex(buffer)); } public List<String> lex(CharSequence buffer) { Lexer lexer = new Lexer(buffer); List<String> lexedTokens = new ArrayList<>(); // lexer.start while (lexer.getTokenType() != null) { TokenType tokenType = lexer.getTokenType(); String tokenText = buffer.subSequence(lexer.getTokenStart(), lexer.getTokenEnd()).toString(); lexedTokens.add(tokenType.toString() + ":" + tokenText); lexer.advance(); } return lexedTokens; } private static class Lexer { private final ParseSpecification specification; private final Scanner scanner; private final Parser parser; private Iterator<Symbol> symbolIterator = emptyIterator(); private Symbol currentSymbol; public Lexer(CharSequence buffer) { this(buffer, 0, buffer.length()); } public Lexer(CharSequence buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset) { Parser.make(new LexerParsingPage(), buffer.subSequence(startOffset, endOffset)).parse(); ParsingPage currentPage = new LexerParsingPage(); CharSequence input = buffer.subSequence(startOffset, endOffset); specification = new ParseSpecification().provider(SymbolProvider.wikiParsingProvider); scanner = new Scanner(new TextMaker(currentPage, currentPage.getNamedPage()), input); parser = new Parser(null, currentPage, scanner, specification); advance(); } /** * Returns the token at the current position of the lexer or <code>null</code> if lexing is finished. * * @return the current token. */ public TokenType getTokenType() { return currentSymbol != null ? new TokenType(currentSymbol.getType()) : null; } /** * Returns the start offset of the current token. * * @return the current token start offset. */ public int getTokenStart() { return currentSymbol.getStartOffset(); } /** * Returns the end offset of the current token. * * @return the current token end offset. */ public int getTokenEnd() { return currentSymbol.getEndOffset(); } /** * Advances the lexer to the next token. */ public void advance() { if (symbolIterator.hasNext()) { currentSymbol =; if (!currentSymbol.hasOffset()) advance(); } else { Maybe<Symbol> parsedSymbol = specification.parseSymbol(parser, scanner); if (parsedSymbol.isNothing()) { currentSymbol = null; } else { currentSymbol = parsedSymbol.getValue(); if (shouldTraverse(currentSymbol)) { symbolIterator = new SymbolChildIterator(currentSymbol.getChildren()); } else { symbolIterator = emptyIterator(); } } } } private boolean shouldTraverse(Symbol symbol) { return "Table".equals(symbol.getType().toString()) || "Collapsible".equals(symbol.getType().toString()); } } public static class TokenType { private final SymbolType type; public TokenType(SymbolType type) { this.type = type; } @Override public String toString() { return type.toString(); } } public static class SymbolChildIterator implements Iterator<Symbol> { private final Iterator<Symbol> symbols; private Iterator<Symbol> childIterator = emptyIterator(); SymbolChildIterator(Collection<Symbol> symbols) { this.symbols = symbols.iterator(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return symbols.hasNext() || childIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public Symbol next() { if (!childIterator.hasNext()) { // initial call: Symbol next =; childIterator = new SymbolChildIterator(next.getChildren()); return next; } return; } @Override public void remove() { throw new IllegalStateException("Can not remove symbols from the tree"); } } public static class LexerParsingPage extends ParsingPage { public LexerParsingPage() { super(new LexerSourcePage()); } @Override public ParsingPage copyForNamedPage(SourcePage namedPage) { // Used in Include throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have been called in this context"); } @Override public void putVariable(String name, String value) { super.putVariable(name, value); } @Override public Maybe<String> findVariable(String name) { return super.findVariable(name); } } public static class LexerSourcePage implements SourcePage { @Override public String getName() { // Used in Contents and WikiWord return null; } @Override public String getFullName() { // Used in Contents return null; } @Override public String getPath() { // Used in ParsingPage throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have been called in this context"); } @Override public String getFullPath() { // Used in Help -- isn't getPath enough? throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have been called in this context"); } @Override public String getContent() { // Used in Include throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have been called in this context"); } @Override public boolean targetExists(String wikiWordPath) { return false; } @Override public String makeFullPathOfTarget(String wikiWordPath) { // Used in WikiWord return null; } @Override public String findParentPath(String targetName) { // Used in WikiWord return null; } @Override public Maybe<SourcePage> findIncludedPage(String pageName) { // Used in Include return Maybe.nothingBecause("not in this context"); } @Override public Collection<SourcePage> getChildren() { // Used in Contents return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public boolean hasProperty(String propertyKey) { return false; } @Override public String getProperty(String propertyKey) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have been called in this context"); } @Override public String makeUrl(String wikiWordPath) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have been called in this context"); } @Override public int compareTo(SourcePage o) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have been called in this context"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Iterator<T> emptyIterator() { return (Iterator<T>) EmptyIterator.EMPTY_ITERATOR; } private static class EmptyIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> { static final EmptyIterator<Object> EMPTY_ITERATOR = new EmptyIterator<>(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return false; } @Override public E next() { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } @Override public void remove() { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }