package fitnesse.junit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import fitnesse.reporting.BaseFormatter; import fitnesse.reporting.FormatterException; import fitnesse.testsystems.TestPage; import fitnesse.testsystems.TestSummary; import util.FileUtil; /** * Used to run tests from a JUnit test suite. * * @see fitnesse.junit.FitNesseRunner */ public class JavaFormatter extends BaseFormatter implements Closeable { private String mainPageName; private boolean isSuite = true; public interface ResultsRepository extends Closeable { void open(String string) throws IOException; void write(String content) throws IOException; } public static class FileCopier { public static void copy(String src, File dst) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = FileCopier.class.getResourceAsStream(src); out = new FileOutputStream(dst); // Transfer bytes from in to out byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } } finally { FileUtil.close(in); FileUtil.close(out); } } } public static class TestResultPage { private OutputStreamWriter currentWriter; public TestResultPage(String outputPath, String testName) throws IOException { File outputFile = new File(outputPath, testName + ".html"); currentWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFile), FileUtil.CHARENCODING); writeHeaderFor(testName); } public void appendResultChunk(String content) throws IOException { currentWriter.write(content.replace("src=\"/files/images/", "src=\"images/")); } private void writeHeaderFor(String testName) throws IOException { currentWriter.write("<html><head><title>"); currentWriter.write(testName); currentWriter .write("</title><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=" + FileUtil.CHARENCODING + "'/>" + "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/fitnesse.css'/>" + "<script src='javascript/jquery-1.11.3.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>" + "<script src='javascript/fitnesse.js' type='text/javascript'></script>" + "</head><body><header><h2>"); currentWriter.write(testName); currentWriter.write("</h2></header><article>"); } public void finish() throws IOException { if (currentWriter != null) { currentWriter.write("</article></body></html>"); currentWriter.close(); } } } public static class FolderResultsRepository implements ResultsRepository { private String outputPath; private TestResultPage testResultPage; public FolderResultsRepository(String outputPath) throws IOException { this.outputPath = outputPath; copyAssets(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { testResultPage.finish(); } @Override public void open(String testName) throws IOException { testResultPage = new TestResultPage(outputPath, testName); } @Override public void write(String content) throws IOException { testResultPage.appendResultChunk(content); } public void addFile(String resource, String relativeFilePath) throws IOException { File dst = new File(outputPath, relativeFilePath); dst.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileCopier.copy(resource, dst); } private void copyAssets() throws IOException { String base = "/fitnesse/resources/"; String cssDir = base + "css/"; addFile(cssDir + "fitnesse.css", "css/fitnesse.css"); addFile(cssDir + "fitnesse_wiki.css", "css/fitnesse_wiki.css"); addFile(cssDir + "fitnesse_pages.css", "css/fitnesse_pages.css"); addFile(cssDir + "fitnesse_straight.css", "css/fitnesse_straight.css"); String javascriptDir = base + "javascript/"; addFile(javascriptDir + "jquery-1.11.3.min.js", "javascript/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"); addFile(javascriptDir + "fitnesse.js", "javascript/fitnesse.js"); String imagesDir = base + "images/"; addFile(imagesDir + "collapsibleOpen.png", "images/collapsibleOpen.png"); addFile(imagesDir + "collapsibleClosed.png", "images/collapsibleClosed.png"); } } private TestSummary totalSummary = new TestSummary(); private List<String> visitedTestPages = new ArrayList<>(); private Map<String, TestSummary> testSummaries = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void testStarted(TestPage test) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { throw new FormatterException("Could not open new report file for " + test.getFullPath(), e); } } @Override public void testComplete(TestPage test, TestSummary testSummary) { String fullPath = test.getFullPath(); visitedTestPages.add(fullPath); totalSummary.add(testSummary); testSummaries.put(fullPath, new TestSummary(testSummary)); FileUtil.close(resultsRepository); isSuite = isSuite && (!mainPageName.equals(fullPath)); } TestSummary getTestSummary(String testPath) { return testSummaries.get(testPath); } @Override public void testOutputChunk(String output) { try { resultsRepository.write(output); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FormatterException("could not write output chunk", e); } } private ResultsRepository resultsRepository; public TestSummary getTotalSummary() { return totalSummary; } public void setTotalSummary(TestSummary testSummary) { totalSummary = testSummary; } public void setResultsRepository(ResultsRepository mockResultsRepository) { this.resultsRepository = mockResultsRepository; } /** * package-private to prevent instantiation apart from getInstance and tests */ JavaFormatter(String suiteName) { this.mainPageName = suiteName; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (isSuite) writeSummary(mainPageName); } public void writeSummary(String suiteName) throws IOException {; resultsRepository.write(new TestResultsSummaryTable(visitedTestPages, testSummaries).toString()); resultsRepository.close(); } public static class TestResultsSummaryTableRow { private String testName; private TestSummary testSummary; public TestResultsSummaryTableRow(String testName, TestSummary testSummary) { this.testName = testName; this.testSummary = testSummary; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<tr class=\"").append(getCssClass(testSummary)).append("\"><td>").append( "<a href=\"").append(testName).append(".html\">").append(testName).append("</a>").append( "</td><td>").append(testSummary.getRight()).append("</td><td>").append(testSummary.getWrong()) .append("</td><td>").append(testSummary.getExceptions()).append("</td></tr>"); return sb.toString(); } private String getCssClass(TestSummary ts) { if (ts.getExceptions() > 0) return "error"; if (ts.getWrong() > 0) return "fail"; if (ts.getRight() > 0) return "pass"; return "plain"; } } public static class TestResultsSummaryTable { public static final String SUMMARY_FOOTER = "</table>"; public static final String SUMMARY_HEADER = "<table><tr><td>Name</td><td>Right</td><td>Wrong</td><td>Exceptions</td></tr>"; private List<String> visitedTestPages; private Map<String, TestSummary> testSummaries; public TestResultsSummaryTable(List<String> visitedTestPages, Map<String, TestSummary> testSummaries) { this.visitedTestPages = visitedTestPages; this.testSummaries = testSummaries; } public String summaryRow(String testName, TestSummary testSummary) { return new TestResultsSummaryTableRow(testName, testSummary).toString(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(SUMMARY_HEADER); for (String s : visitedTestPages) { sb.append(summaryRow(s, testSummaries.get(s))); } sb.append(SUMMARY_FOOTER); return sb.toString(); } } }