// Modified or written by Object Mentor, Inc. for inclusion with FitNesse. // Copyright (c) 2002 Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. // Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. package fit; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.junit.Test; public class FriendlyErrorTest { //Test the FitFailureException mechanism. If this works, then all of the FitFailureException derivatives ought //to be working too. @Test public void testCantFindFixture() throws Exception { String pageString = "<table><tr><td>NoSuchFixture</td></tr></table>"; Parse page = new Parse(pageString); Fixture fixture = new Fixture(); fixture.doTables(page); String fixtureName = page.at(0, 0, 0).body; assertTrue(fixtureName.contains("Could not find fixture: NoSuchFixture.")); } @Test public void testNoSuchMethod() throws Exception { final String[][] table = { {"fitnesse.fixtures.ColumnFixtureTestFixture"}, {"no such method?"} }; Parse page = FixtureTest.executeFixture(table); String columnHeader = page.at(0, 1, 0).body; assertTrue(columnHeader.contains("Could not find method: no such method?.")); } @Test public void testParseFailure() throws Exception { final String[][] table = { {"fitnesse.fixtures.ColumnFixtureTestFixture"}, {"input", "output?"}, {"1", "alpha"} }; Parse page = FixtureTest.executeFixture(table); String colTwoResult = page.at(0, 2, 1).body; assertTrue(colTwoResult.contains("Could not parse: alpha, expected type: int")); } @Test public void testExceptionInMethod() throws Exception { final String[][] table = { {"fitnesse.fixtures.ColumnFixtureTestFixture"}, {"input", "exception?"}, {"1", "true"} }; Parse page = FixtureTest.executeFixture(table); String colTwoResult = page.at(0, 2, 1).body; assertTrue(colTwoResult.contains("I thowed up")); } }