// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by Object Mentor, Inc. All rights reserved. // Released under the terms of the CPL Common Public License version 1.0. package fitnesse.testutil; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import util.FileUtil; public class SampleFileUtility { public static File filesDir; public static File testDir; public static File testFile1; public static File testFile2; public static File testFile3; public static File testFile4; public static void makeSampleFiles(String rootPagePath) throws IOException { File dir = new File(FitNesseUtil.base); dir.mkdir(); filesDir = new File(dir, "files"); filesDir.mkdir(); testDir = new File(filesDir, "testDir"); testDir.mkdir(); testFile1 = FileUtil.createFile(rootPagePath + "/files/testFile1", "file1 content"); testFile2 = FileUtil.createFile(rootPagePath + "/files/testDir/testFile2", "file2 content"); testFile3 = FileUtil.createFile(rootPagePath + "/files/testDir/testFile3", "file3 content"); testFile4 = FileUtil.createFile(rootPagePath + "/files/file4 with spaces.txt", "file4 content"); } public static void deleteSampleFiles(String rootPagePath) throws IOException { FileUtil.deleteFileSystemDirectory(rootPagePath); } public static void addFile(String rootPagePath, String name, String content) throws IOException { FileUtil.createFile(rootPagePath + name, content); } }