// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by Object Mentor, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Released under the terms of the CPL Common Public License version 1.0.
package fitnesse.slim.test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Bowling {
private Game g;
public List<?> doTable(List<List<String>> table) {
g = new Game();
List<?> rollResults = Arrays.asList("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
List<String> scoreResults = Arrays.asList("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
evaluateScores(g, table.get(1), scoreResults);
return Arrays.asList(rollResults, scoreResults);
private void evaluateScores(Game g, List<String> object, List<String> scoreResults) {
for (int frame = 0; frame < 10; frame++) {
int actualScore = g.score(frame + 1);
int expectedScore = Integer.parseInt(object.get(frameCoordinate(frame)));
if (expectedScore == actualScore)
scoreResults.set(frameCoordinate(frame), "pass");
scoreResults.set(frameCoordinate(frame), String.format("Was:%d, expected:%s.", actualScore, expectedScore));
private int frameCoordinate(int frame) {
return frame < 9 ? frame * 2 + 1 : frame * 2 + 2;
private void rollBalls(List<List<String>> table) {
List<String> rollRow = table.get(0);
for (int frame = 0; frame < 10; frame++) {
String firstRoll = rollRow.get(frame * 2);
String secondRoll = rollRow.get(frame * 2 + 1);
rollFrame(firstRoll, secondRoll);
private void rollFrame(String firstRoll, String secondRoll) {
if (firstRoll.equalsIgnoreCase("X"))
else {
int firstRollInt = parseFirstRoll(firstRoll);
parseSecondRoll(secondRoll, firstRollInt);
private void parseSecondRoll(String secondRoll, int firstRollInt) {
if (secondRoll.equals("/"))
g.roll(10 - firstRollInt);
else if (secondRoll.equals("-"))
private int parseFirstRoll(String firstRoll) {
int firstRollInt = 0;
if (firstRoll.equals("-"))
else {
firstRollInt = Integer.parseInt(firstRoll);
return firstRollInt;
private class Game {
int[] rolls = new int[21];
int currentRoll = 0;
public void roll(int pins) {
rolls[currentRoll++] = pins;
public int score(int frame) {
return new Scorer(frame).score();
private class Scorer {
private int frame;
private int score;
private int firstBall;
public Scorer(int frame) {
this.frame = frame;
score = 0;
firstBall = 0;
public int score() {
for (int f = 0; f < frame; f++)
return score;
private void scoreFrame() {
if (isStrike(firstBall)) {
} else if (isSpare(firstBall)) {
} else {
private void scoreNoMark() {
score += twoBallsInFrame(firstBall);
firstBall += 2;
private void scoreSpare() {
score += 10 + nextBallForSpare(firstBall);
firstBall += 2;
private void scoreStrike() {
score += 10 + nextTwoBallsForStrike(firstBall);
firstBall += 1;
private int twoBallsInFrame(int firstBall) {
return rolls[firstBall] + rolls[firstBall + 1];
private int nextBallForSpare(int firstBall) {
return rolls[firstBall + 2];
private int nextTwoBallsForStrike(int firstBall) {
return rolls[firstBall + 1] + rolls[firstBall + 2];
private boolean isSpare(int firstBall) {
return rolls[firstBall] + rolls[firstBall + 1] == 10;
private boolean isStrike(int firstBall) {
return rolls[firstBall] == 10;