package; import erebus.ModBiomes; import erebus.ModBlocks; import erebus.ModItems; import erebus.entity.EntityAntlionBoss; import erebus.entity.EntityUmberGolemDungeonTypes; import erebus.item.ItemErebusFood.FoodType; import erebus.item.ItemFoodSmoothie.SmoothieType; import erebus.item.ItemMaterials; import erebus.item.ItemMaterials.DATA; import erebus.tileentity.TileEntityBones; import erebus.tileentity.TileEntityTempleTeleporter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentData; import net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.ItemSword; import net.minecraft.item.ItemTool; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityChest; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class AntlionMazeDungeon { private Block solid = ModBlocks.gneiss; public static final WeightedLootList chestLoot = new WeightedLootList(new LootItemStack[] { new LootItemStack(, 4).setWeight(18), new LootItemStack(Items.paper).setAmount(2, 6).setWeight(16), new LootItemStack(Blocks.web).setAmount(2, 7).setWeight(13), new LootItemStack(ModItems.materials).setAmount(1, 3).setDamage(DATA.jade.ordinal()).setWeight(10), new LootItemStack(ModItems.materials).setAmount(4, 8).setDamage(DATA.plateExo.ordinal()).setWeight(9), new LootItemStack(Items.enchanted_book).setWeight(8), new LootItemStack(ModBlocks.umberGolemStatue).setAmount(1).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.webSlinger).setAmount(1).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_pickaxe).setWeight(3), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_pickaxe).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadePickaxe).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_shovel).setWeight(3), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_shovel).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadeShovel).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_axe).setWeight(3), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_axe).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadeAxe).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_sword).setWeight(3), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_sword).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadeSword).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_chestplate).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadeBody).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_chestplate).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_helmet).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadeHelmet).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_helmet).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_leggings).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadeLegs).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_leggings).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.iron_boots).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.jadeBoots).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(Items.golden_boots).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.materials).setAmount(1).setDamage(DATA.altarFragment.ordinal()).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.materials).setAmount(1).setDamage(DATA.reinforcedPlateExo.ordinal()).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.materials).setAmount(1).setDamage(DATA.scorpionPincer.ordinal()).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.materials).setAmount(1, 3).setDamage(DATA.whetstonePowder.ordinal()).setWeight(3), new LootItemStack(ModItems.materials).setAmount(1).setDamage(DATA.plateExoRhino.ordinal()).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(, 3).setDamage(FoodType.honeySandwich.ordinal()).setWeight(3), new LootItemStack(ModItems.cabbageSeeds).setAmount(1, 3).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.whetstone).setAmount(1).setDamage(0).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.lifeBlood).setAmount(1, 2).setWeight(4), new LootItemStack(ModItems.rolledNewspaper).setAmount(1).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.waspDagger).setAmount(1, 3).setWeight(2), new LootItemStack(ModItems.bucketAntiVenom).setAmount(1).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.bucketBeetleJuice).setAmount(1).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.bucketHoney).setAmount(1).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModBlocks.glowGemBlock).setAmount(1, 3).setWeight(5), new LootItemStack(ModItems.homingBeecon).setAmount(1).setWeight(1), new LootItemStack(ModItems.smoothie).setAmount(1, 3).setDamage(SmoothieType.givinMeTheBlues.ordinal()).setWeight(3), new LootItemStack(ModItems.smoothie).setAmount(1).setDamage(SmoothieType.bryufsBrew.ordinal()).setWeight(1) }).setPostProcessor(new IPostProcess() { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public ItemStack postProcessItem(ItemStack is, Random rand) { if (is.getItem() == Items.enchanted_book || rand.nextBoolean() && (is.getItem() instanceof ItemTool || is.getItem() instanceof ItemArmor || is.getItem() instanceof ItemSword)) { boolean enchBook = is.getItem() == Items.enchanted_book; if (enchBook) is.func_150996_a(; List enchList = EnchantmentHelper.buildEnchantmentList(rand, is, 7 + rand.nextInt(10)); if (enchBook) is.func_150996_a(Items.enchanted_book); if (enchList != null && enchList.size() > 0) for (int a = 0; a < enchList.size(); ++a) { EnchantmentData data = (EnchantmentData) enchList.get(a); if (is.getItem() == Items.enchanted_book) Items.enchanted_book.addEnchantment(is, data); else is.addEnchantment(data.enchantmentobj, data.enchantmentLevel); } } return is; } }); public void generateSurface(World world, Random rand, int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ) { BiomeGenBase biomeBase = world.getBiomeGenForCoords(chunkX, chunkZ); if (biomeBase == ModBiomes.volcanicDesert) generate(world, rand, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ); } public void generate(World world, Random rand, int x, int y, int z) { int sizeX = 60; int sizeY = y + 4; int sizeZ = 60; int mazeWidth = sizeX / 2; int mazeHeight = sizeZ / 2; if (mazeWidth < 2 || mazeHeight < 2 || sizeY < 1) return; int[][] maze = null; MazeGenerator generator = new PerfectMazeGenerator(mazeWidth, mazeHeight); maze = generator.generateMaze(); for (int yy = y; yy < sizeY; yy++) switch ((yy - y) % 4) { case 0: buildFloor(world, x, yy - 4, z, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, rand); buildRoof(world, x, yy, z, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, rand); break; case 1: buildLevel(world, x, yy - 4, z, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze, solid, 2); buildLevel(world, x, yy - 3, z, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze, solid, 1); buildLevel(world, x, yy - 2, z, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze, solid, 2); createAir(world, x, yy - 4, z, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, rand); addFeature(world, x, yy - 3, z, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze, rand); break; } buildCourtyard(world, ModBlocks.templePillar, 0, x + sizeX, y - 4, z + sizeZ, 52, 4, 52); createPyramid(world, ModBlocks.templeBrickUnbreaking, 0, true, x + sizeX / 2 + 8, z + sizeZ / 2 + 8, 44, 44, y - 6); decoratePyramid(world, x + sizeX / 2 + 8, y - 6, z + sizeZ / 2 + 8); addTeleporters(world, x + sizeX / 2 + 8, y - 6, z + sizeZ / 2 + 8); addCapstones(world, x + sizeX - 1, y + 15, z + sizeZ - 1, ModBlocks.capstone); spawnIdolGuardians(world, x, y, z); // System.out.println("Generated Maze At: X: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z); } private void createAir(World world, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, Random rand) { for (int i = 0; i <= h * 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= w * 4; j++) for (int k = 0; k <= 2; k++) if (world.getBlock(x + j, y + k, z + i) != solid) world.setBlockToAir(x + j, y + k, z + i); } private void addTeleporters(World world, int x, int y, int z) { // room 1 world.setBlock(x + 13, y + 9, z + 13, ModBlocks.capstone, 0, 2); setFloorDecoStone(world, x + 14, y + 9, z + 14); setLockStone(world, x + 15, y + 9, z + 15, 2); setTeleporter(world, x + 16, y + 9, z + 16, 0, x + 30, y + 9, z + 13); setTeleporter(world, x + 19, y + 9, z + 19, 5, x + 19, y + 14, z + 19); // room 2 world.setBlock(x + 30, y + 9, z + 13, ModBlocks.capstone, 0, 2); setFloorDecoStone(world, x + 25, y + 9, z + 14); setLockStone(world, x + 26, y + 9, z + 15, 3); setTeleporter(world, x + 27, y + 9, z + 16, 0, x + 30, y + 9, z + 30); setTeleporter(world, x + 24, y + 9, z + 19, 5, x + 13, y + 9, z + 13); // room 3 world.setBlock(x + 30, y + 9, z + 30, ModBlocks.capstone, 0, 2); setFloorDecoStone(world, x + 25, y + 9, z + 25); setLockStone(world, x + 26, y + 9, z + 26, 4); setTeleporter(world, x + 27, y + 9, z + 27, 0, x + 13, y + 9, z + 30); setTeleporter(world, x + 24, y + 9, z + 24, 5, x + 30, y + 9, z + 13); // room 4 world.setBlock(x + 13, y + 9, z + 30, ModBlocks.capstone, 0, 2); setFloorDecoStone(world, x + 14, y + 9, z + 25); setLockStone(world, x + 15, y + 9, z + 26, 5); setTeleporter(world, x + 16, y + 9, z + 27, 0, x + 13, y + 9, z + 13); setTeleporter(world, x + 19, y + 9, z + 24, 5, x + 30, y + 9, z + 30); // centre of pyramid - these teleport you to the boss arena (1 of the 4 corners) setFloorMidDecoStone(world, x + 20, y + 9, z + 20); setTeleporter(world, x + 22, y + 9, z + 21, 6, x + 5, y + 1, z + 5); setTeleporter(world, x + 21, y + 9, z + 21, 7, x + 38, y + 1, z + 5); setTeleporter(world, x + 22, y + 9, z + 22, 8, x + 38, y + 1, z + 38); setTeleporter(world, x + 21, y + 9, z + 22, 9, x + 5, y + 1, z + 38); // Top level world.setBlock(x + 19, y + 14, z + 19, ModBlocks.capstone, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 19, y + 15, z + 25, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 0, 3); world.setBlock(x + 19, y + 16, z + 25, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 1, 3); world.setBlock(x + 25, y + 15, z + 19, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 0, 3); world.setBlock(x + 25, y + 16, z + 19, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 1, 3); setFloorDecoStone(world, x + 20, y + 14, z + 20); setLockStone(world, x + 21, y + 14, z + 21, 1); setTeleporter(world, x + 22, y + 14, z + 22, 0, x + 13, y + 9, z + 13); setTeleporter(world, x + 25, y + 14, z + 25, 5, x + 19, y + 14, z + 19); } private void setLockStone(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta) { for (int dx = x; dx < x + 3; dx++) for (int dz = z; dz < z + 3; dz++) world.setBlock(dx, y, dz, ModBlocks.templeBrickUnbreaking, meta, 2); } private void setFloorDecoStone(World world, int x, int y, int z) { for (int dx = x; dx < x + 5; dx++) for (int dz = z; dz < z + 5; dz++) world.setBlock(dx, y, dz, ModBlocks.capstone, 0, 2); } private static void setFloorMidDecoStone(World world, int x, int y, int z) { for (int dx = x; dx < x + 4; dx++) for (int dz = z; dz < z + 4; dz++) world.setBlock(dx, y, dz, ModBlocks.capstone, 0, 2); } private void decoratePyramid(World world, int x, int y, int z) { // create floors boolean forcefieldSet = false; boolean topchestSet = false; for (int yy = y; yy < y + 30; yy++) for (int xx = x; xx < x + 44; xx++) for (int zz = z; zz < z + 44; zz++) { if (yy == y) world.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, ModBlocks.templeBrickUnbreaking, 0, 2); if (yy == y + 1) { if (xx > x + 1 && xx < x + 42 && zz > z + 1 && zz < z + 42) world.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, Blocks.sand, 0, 2); if (xx > x + 4 && xx < x + 39 && zz > z + 4 && zz < z + 39) if ((xx - x) % 11 == 5 || (zz - z) % 11 == 5) world.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, ModBlocks.gneissVent, 0, 2); else world.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, Blocks.sand, 0, 2); } if (yy == y + 9) if (xx > x + 9 && xx < x + 34 && zz > z + 9 && zz < z + 34) world.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, ModBlocks.templeBrickUnbreaking, 0, 2); if (yy == y + 10 && !forcefieldSet) { for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) { for (int wx = 0 + d; wx < 9; wx++) { world.setBlock(x + 11 + wx, yy + d, z + 21, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 11 + wx, yy + d, z + 22, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 21, yy + d, z + 11 + wx, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 22, yy + d, z + 11 + wx, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 21, yy + d, z + 32 - wx, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 22, yy + d, z + 32 - wx, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 32 - wx, yy + d, z + 21, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); world.setBlock(x + 32 - wx, yy + d, z + 22, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); } for (int dx = x + 20; dx < x + 24; dx++) for (int dz = z + 20; dz < z + 24; dz++) world.setBlock(dx, yy + d, dz, ModBlocks.forceField, 0, 2); for (int dx1 = x + 21; dx1 < x + 23; dx1++) for (int dz1 = z + 21; dz1 < z + 23; dz1++) world.setBlockToAir(dx1, yy + d, dz1); } forcefieldSet = true; } if (yy == y + 14) if (xx > x + 14 && xx < x + 29 && zz > z + 14 && zz < z + 29) world.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, ModBlocks.templeBrickUnbreaking, 0, 2); if (yy == y + 15 && !topchestSet) { // contents is 8 pieces of jade world.setBlock(x + 19, yy, z + 22, Blocks.chest, 2, 2); TileEntityChest chest = (TileEntityChest) world.getTileEntity(x + 19, yy, z + 22); if (chest != null) chest.setInventorySlotContents(0, ItemMaterials.DATA.jade.createStack(8)); world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x + 19, yy, z + 22, 2, 3); } if (yy == y + 16) { // TODO Lighting? } } } public static void setTeleporter(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metaData, int targetX, int targetY, int targetZ) { world.setBlock(x, y, z, ModBlocks.templeTeleporter, metaData, 2); TileEntityTempleTeleporter teleporter = (TileEntityTempleTeleporter) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (teleporter != null) teleporter.setTargetDestination(targetX, targetY, targetZ); } private void addCapstones(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block capstone) { world.setBlock(x, y, z, capstone, 1, 3); world.setBlock(x + 1, y, z, capstone, 2, 3); world.setBlock(x, y, z + 1, capstone, 3, 3); world.setBlock(x + 1, y, z + 1, capstone, 4, 3); } private void createPyramid(World world, Block block, int metaData, boolean isHollow, int x, int z, int baseLengthX, int baseLengthZ, int yStart) { int yStop = Math.min((baseLengthZ - 1) / 2, (baseLengthX - 1) / 2) + yStart; for (int i = 0; i + yStart <= yStop - 1; i++) { int y = yStart + i; int maxX = x + baseLengthX - 1; int maxZ = z + baseLengthZ - 1; for (int ix = 0; x + ix + i <= maxX; ix++) for (int iz = 0; z + iz + i <= maxZ; iz++) if (ix == 0 || ix + i + 1 == baseLengthX || iz == 0 || iz + i + 1 == baseLengthZ) world.setBlock(ix + x + i, y, iz + z + i, block, metaData, 2); else if (isHollow) if (!world.isAirBlock(ix + x + i, y, iz + z + i)) world.setBlockToAir(ix + x + i, y, iz + z + i); baseLengthX--; baseLengthZ--; } } private void spawnIdolGuardians(World world, int x, int y, int z) { if (!world.isRemote) for (byte spawn = 0; spawn < 4; spawn++) { EntityUmberGolemDungeonTypes entityUmberGolem; entityUmberGolem = new EntityUmberGolemDungeonTypes(world); entityUmberGolem.setType(spawn); entityUmberGolem.setHealth(entityUmberGolem.getMaxHealth()); switch (spawn) { case 0: entityUmberGolem.setPosition(x + 2.5D, y - 3.0D, z + 2.5D); break; case 1: entityUmberGolem.setPosition(x + 118.5D, y - 3.0D, z + 2.5D); break; case 2: entityUmberGolem.setPosition(x + 118.5D, y - 3.0D, z + 118.5D); break; case 3: entityUmberGolem.setPosition(x + 2.5D, y - 3.0D, z + 118.5D); break; } world.spawnEntityInWorld(entityUmberGolem); } } private void buildCourtyard(World world, Block block, int metaData, int x, int y, int z, int baseLengthX, int heightY, int baseLengthZ) { for (int yy = y; yy <= heightY + y; yy++) for (int xx = x - baseLengthX / 2; xx < x + baseLengthX / 2; xx++) for (int zz = z - baseLengthZ / 2; zz < z + baseLengthZ / 2; zz++) if (yy > y) if (yy <= y + 4) { if (!world.isAirBlock(xx, yy, zz)) world.setBlockToAir(xx, yy, zz); if (xx == x - baseLengthX / 2 || xx == x + baseLengthX / 2 - 1) if (zz > z - baseLengthZ / 2 && zz < z + baseLengthZ / 2) { if (yy <= y + 3) for (int i = 3; i < 49; i += 5) world.setBlock(xx, yy, z - baseLengthZ / 2 + i, block, metaData, 2); if (yy == y + 4) for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) world.setBlock(xx, yy, z - baseLengthZ / 2 + i, ModBlocks.templeBrick, 0, 2); } if (zz == z - baseLengthZ / 2 || zz == z + baseLengthZ / 2 - 1) if (xx > x - baseLengthX / 2 && xx < x + baseLengthX / 2) { if (yy <= y + 3) for (int i = 3; i < 49; i += 5) world.setBlock(x - baseLengthZ / 2 + i, yy, zz, block, metaData, 2); if (yy == y + 4) for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) world.setBlock(x - baseLengthZ / 2 + i, yy, zz, ModBlocks.templeBrick, 0, 2); } } } private void buildRoof(World world, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, Random rand) { for (int i = 0; i <= h * 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= w * 4; j++) if (canPlaceFeatureAt(world, x, y, z, x + j, y, z + i)) world.setBlock(x + j, y, z + i, solid, 3, 2); } private void buildFloor(World world, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, Random rand) { createPyramid(world, Blocks.air, 0, true, x + 36, z + 36, 48, 48, y + 5); for (int i = 0; i <= h * 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= w * 4; j++) if (rand.nextInt(15) == 0) if (rand.nextBoolean() && rand.nextBoolean()) world.setBlock(x + j, y, z + i, Blocks.lava); else world.setBlock(x + j, y, z + i, ModBlocks.gneissVent); else world.setBlock(x + j, y, z + i, solid, 5, 2); } private void addFeature(World world, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int[][] maze, Random rand) { for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) if ((maze[j][i] & 1) == 0) if (rand.nextInt(25) == 0 && canPlaceFeatureAt(world, x, y, z, x + 1 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 1 + i * 4)) { world.setBlock(x + 1 + j * 4, y, z + 1 + i * 4, Blocks.torch, 3, 2); if (rand.nextInt(4) == 0) placeChest(world, x + 1 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 1 + i * 4, 3, rand); else if (rand.nextInt(6) == 0) placeBones(world, x + 1 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 1 + i * 4, 3, rand); } else if (rand.nextInt(10) == 0) if (rand.nextBoolean()) world.setBlock(x + 2 + j * 4, y - 2, z + 2 + i * 4, ModBlocks.antlionSpawner); else world.setBlock(x + 2 + j * 4, y + 2, z + 2 + i * 4, ModBlocks.magmaCrawlerSpawner); for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) if ((maze[j][i] & 8) == 0) if (rand.nextInt(25) == 0 && canPlaceFeatureAt(world, x, y, z, x + 1 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 2 + i * 4)) { world.setBlock(x + 1 + j * 4, y, z + 2 + i * 4, Blocks.torch, 1, 2); if (rand.nextInt(4) == 0) placeChest(world, x + 1 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 2 + i * 4, 1, rand); else if (rand.nextInt(6) == 0) placeBones(world, x + 1 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 2 + i * 4, 5, rand); } for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) if ((maze[j][i] & 4) == 0) if (rand.nextInt(25) == 0 && canPlaceFeatureAt(world, x, y, z, x + 3 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 2 + i * 4)) { world.setBlock(x + 3 + j * 4, y, z + 2 + i * 4, Blocks.torch, 2, 2); if (rand.nextInt(4) == 0) placeChest(world, x + 3 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 2 + i * 4, 2, rand); else if (rand.nextInt(6) == 0) placeBones(world, x + 3 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 2 + i * 4, 4, rand); } for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) if ((maze[j][i] & 2) == 0) if (rand.nextInt(25) == 0 && canPlaceFeatureAt(world, x, y, z, x + 2 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 3 + i * 4)) { world.setBlock(x + 2 + j * 4, y, z + 3 + i * 4, Blocks.torch, 4, 2); if (rand.nextInt(4) == 0) placeChest(world, x + 2 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 3 + i * 4, 4, rand); else if (rand.nextInt(6) == 0) placeBones(world, x + 2 + j * 4, y - 1, z + 3 + i * 4, 2, rand); } } } private void placeChest(World world, int x, int y, int z, int directionMeta, Random rand) { world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.chest, directionMeta, 2); TileEntityChest chest = (TileEntityChest) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (chest != null) LootUtil.generateLoot(chest, rand, chestLoot, 3, 10); } private void placeBones(World world, int x, int y, int z, int directionMeta, Random rand) { world.setBlock(x, y, z, ModBlocks.bones, directionMeta, 2); TileEntityBones bones = (TileEntityBones) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (bones != null) LootUtil.generateLoot(bones, rand, chestLoot, 3, 10); } private boolean canPlaceFeatureAt(World world, int x, int y, int z, int featureX, int featureY, int featureZ) { for (int xx = x + 34; xx < x + 86; xx++) for (int zz = z + 34; zz < z + 86; zz++) if (featureX == xx && featureZ == zz) return false; return true; } private void buildLevel(World world, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int[][] maze, Block blockType, int blockMeta) { for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { // draw the north edge for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) if ((maze[j][i] & 1) == 0) { world.setBlock(x + j * 4, y, z + i * 4, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + j * 4 + 1, y, z + i * 4, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + j * 4 + 2, y, z + i * 4, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + j * 4 + 3, y, z + i * 4, blockType, blockMeta, 2); } else world.setBlock(x + j * 4, y, z + i * 4, blockType, blockMeta, 2); // draw the west edge for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) if ((maze[j][i] & 8) == 0) { world.setBlock(x + j * 4, y, z + i * 4 + 1, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + j * 4, y, z + i * 4 + 2, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + j * 4, y, z + i * 4 + 3, blockType, blockMeta, 2); } world.setBlock(x + w * 4, y, z + i * 4, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + w * 4, y, z + i * 4 + 1, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + w * 4, y, z + i * 4 + 2, blockType, blockMeta, 2); world.setBlock(x + w * 4, y, z + i * 4 + 3, blockType, blockMeta, 2); } // draw the bottom line for (int j = 0; j <= w * 4; j++) world.setBlock(x + j, y, z + h * 4, blockType, blockMeta, 2); } public static void breakForceField(World world, int x, int y, int z) { for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) { for (int wx = 0 + d; wx < 9; wx++) { world.setBlockToAir(x + 11 + wx, y + d, z + 21); world.setBlockToAir(x + 11 + wx, y + d, z + 22); world.setBlockToAir(x + 21, y + d, z + 11 + wx); world.setBlockToAir(x + 22, y + d, z + 11 + wx); world.setBlockToAir(x + 21, y + d, z + 32 - wx); world.setBlockToAir(x + 22, y + d, z + 32 - wx); world.setBlockToAir(x + 32 - wx, y + d, z + 21); world.setBlockToAir(x + 32 - wx, y + d, z + 22); } for (int dx = x + 20; dx < x + 24; dx++) for (int dz = z + 20; dz < z + 24; dz++) if (!world.isAirBlock(dx, y + d, dz)) { world.playAuxSFXAtEntity(null, 2001, dx, y + d, dz, Block.getIdFromBlock(world.getBlock(dx, y + d, dz))); world.setBlockToAir(dx, y + d, dz); } } world.setBlock(x + 20, y, z + 20, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 0, 3); world.setBlock(x + 20, y + 1, z + 20, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 1, 3); world.setBlock(x + 20, y, z + 23, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 0, 3); world.setBlock(x + 20, y + 1, z + 23, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 1, 3); world.setBlock(x + 23, y, z + 23, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 0, 3); world.setBlock(x + 23, y + 1, z + 23, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 1, 3); world.setBlock(x + 23, y, z + 20, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 0, 3); world.setBlock(x + 23, y + 1, z + 20, ModBlocks.bambooTorch, 1, 3); EntityAntlionBoss antlionboss = new EntityAntlionBoss(world); antlionboss.setPosition(x + 21, y - 8, z + 21); antlionboss.setInPyramid((byte) 1); antlionboss.setSpawnPoint(x + 21, y - 8, z + 21); world.spawnEntityInWorld(antlionboss); } }