package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import erebus.ModBiomes; import erebus.ModBlocks; import; import; import; import; public abstract class BiomeBaseErebus extends Biome implements IWeightProvider { private final BiomeDecoratorBaseErebus decorator; private short biomeWeight; private int grassColor, foliageColor; private short[] fogColorRGB = new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }; public byte topBlockMeta; public byte fillerBlockMeta; protected final WeightedList<SpawnEntry> spawningGradual = new WeightedList<SpawnEntry>(); protected final WeightedList<SpawnEntry> spawningPopulate = new WeightedList<SpawnEntry>(); public BiomeBaseErebus(BiomeProperties properties, BiomeDecoratorBaseErebus decorator) { super(properties); this.decorator = decorator; spawnableMonsterList.clear(); spawnableCreatureList.clear(); spawnableWaterCreatureList.clear(); spawnableCaveCreatureList.clear(); topBlockMeta = 0; fillerBlockMeta = 0; } protected final BiomeBaseErebus setColors(int grassAndFoliage) { setColors(grassAndFoliage, grassAndFoliage); return this; } protected final BiomeBaseErebus setColors(int grass, int foliage) { grassColor = grass; foliageColor = foliage; return this; } protected final BiomeBaseErebus setFog(int red, int green, int blue) { fogColorRGB = new short[] { (short) red, (short) green, (short) blue }; return this; } protected final BiomeBaseErebus setWeight(int weight) { if (biomeWeight != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set biome weight twice!"); biomeWeight = (short) weight; if (getClass().getGenericSuperclass() == BiomeBaseErebus.class) ModBiomes.biomeList.add(this); // add to list once weight is known return this; } public SpawnEntry getRandomSpawnGradual(Random rand) { return spawningGradual.getRandomItem(rand); } public SpawnEntry getRandomSpawnPopulate(Random rand) { return spawningPopulate.getRandomItem(rand); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getModdedBiomeGrassColor(int original) { return grassColor; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getModdedBiomeFoliageColor(int original) { return foliageColor; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public final short[] getFogRGB() { return fogColorRGB; } @Override public final short getWeight() { return biomeWeight; } public void populate(World world, Random rand, int x, int z) { decorator.populate(world, rand, x, z); } public void decorate(World world, Random rand, int x, int z) { // TimeMeasurement.start(id); decorator.decorate(world, rand, x, z); // TimeMeasurement.finish(id); } public Block placeCaveBlock(Block block, int x, int y, int z, Random rand) { return block == ModBlocks.UMBERSTONE || block == topBlock || block == fillerBlock || block == Blocks.SANDSTONE ? Blocks.AIR : block; } /** * Every time a biome is generated, this method is called to specify sub biome to generate inside the biome. * * @param randomValue * value between 0 and 100 (both inclusive) generated by GenLayer * @return sub biome to generate, or null */ public BiomeBaseErebus getRandomSubBiome(int randomValue) { return null; } }