package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import erebus.ModBlocks; import erebus.blocks.ErebusHugeMushroom; import erebus.core.helper.MathUtil; import; import; public class WorldGenGiantMushrooms extends WorldGenErebus { private static final int stalkMeta = 10; private static final int bulbFullMeta = 14; //private static final Block tempBlock = Blocks.BEDROCK; public static final int[] offsetX = new int[] {0, -1, 0, 1}; public static final int[] offsetZ = new int[] {1, 0, -1, 0}; public enum MushroomType { DARK_CAPPED(ModBlocks.DARK_CAPPED_MUSHROOM, ModBlocks.DARK_CAPPED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK), GRANDMAS_SHOES(ModBlocks.GRANDMAS_SHOES_MUSHROOM, ModBlocks.GRANDMAS_SHOES_MUSHROOM_BLOCK), SARCASTIC_CZECH(ModBlocks.SARCASTIC_CZECH_MUSHROOM, ModBlocks.SARCASTIC_CZECH_MUSHROOM_BLOCK), KAIZERS_FINGERS(ModBlocks.KAIZERS_FINGERS_MUSHROOM, ModBlocks.KAIZERS_FINGERS_MUSHROOM_BLOCK), DUTCH_CAP(ModBlocks.DUTCH_CAP_MUSHROOM, ModBlocks.DUTCH_CAP_MUSHROOM_BLOCK); public final Block mushroom, block; MushroomType(Block mushroom, Block log) { this.block = log; this.mushroom = mushroom; } public static MushroomType getFromShroom(Block block) { for (MushroomType type : values()) if (type.mushroom == block) return type; return null; } } private MushroomType mushroomType = MushroomType.DARK_CAPPED; private final List<BlockPos> bulbs = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); public void setMushroomType(MushroomType type) { mushroomType = type; } @Override protected boolean generate(BlockPos pos) { int x = pos.getX(); int y = pos.getY(); int z = pos.getZ(); bulbs.clear(); Block mushroom = mushroomType.block; boolean res = false; switch (mushroomType) { case DARK_CAPPED: res = genBulbCapped(x, y, z, mushroom); break; case KAIZERS_FINGERS: res = genKaizersFingers(x, y, z, mushroom); break; case DUTCH_CAP: res = genDutchCap(x - 1, y, z, mushroom); break; case GRANDMAS_SHOES: res = genGrandmasShoes(x - 1, y, z, mushroom); break; case SARCASTIC_CZECH: res = genSarcasticCzech(x - 1, y, z, mushroom); default: break; } if (res) { generateBulbs(x, z, mushroom); return true; } else return false; } /* * MUSHROOM TYPE - BULB CAPPED */ private boolean genBulbCapped(int x, int y, int z, Block mushroom) { int stalkHeight = 3 + rand.nextInt(3 + rand.nextInt(2)); int sideHeight = 1 + rand.nextInt(stalkHeight > 3 ? 3 : 2); if (!checkAirCube(x, y, z, x, y + stalkHeight - sideHeight, z) || !checkAirCube(x - 2, y + stalkHeight - sideHeight + 1, z - 2, x + 2, y + stalkHeight + 1, z + 2)) return false; setBlockPillar(x, z, y, y + stalkHeight, mushroom, stalkMeta); y += stalkHeight + 1; for (int px = -1; px <= 1; px++) for (int pz = -1; pz <= 1; pz++) bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x + px, y, z + pz)); for (int py = 1; py <= sideHeight; py++) for (int off = -1; off <= 1; off++) { bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x + 2, y - py, z + off)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x - 2, y - py, z + off)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x + off, y - py, z + 2)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x + off, y - py, z - 2)); } return true; } /* * MUSHROOM TYPE - KAIZERS FINGERS */ private boolean genKaizersFingers(int x, int y, int z, Block mushroom) { int mainShroomHeight = 4 + rand.nextInt(4); if (!checkAirCube(x - 1, y + 3, z - 1, x + 1, y + mainShroomHeight + 1, z + 1) || !checkAirCube(x - 4, y, z - 4, x + 4, y + 2, z + 4) || !checkSolidCube(x - 4, y - 1, z - 4, x + 4, y - 1, z + 4)) return false; for (int py = 0, sidesPlaced = 0; py <= mainShroomHeight; py++) { setBlock(x, y + py, z, mushroom, stalkMeta); if (py >= 2 && py < mainShroomHeight - 1 && rand.nextInt(4 + sidesPlaced * 2) == 0) { int dir = rand.nextInt(4); setBlock(x + offsetX[dir], y + py, z + offsetZ[dir], mushroom, bulbFullMeta); ++sidesPlaced; } } bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x, y + mainShroomHeight + 1, z)); for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x + offsetX[a], y + mainShroomHeight, z + offsetZ[a])); List<BlockPos> connectList = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); connectList.add(new BlockPos(x, y - 1, z)); for (int smallShroomAttempt = 0, xx, zz; smallShroomAttempt < 4 + rand.nextInt(7); smallShroomAttempt++) { xx = x + rand.nextInt(4) - rand.nextInt(4); zz = z + rand.nextInt(4) - rand.nextInt(4); if (!isAir(xx, y, zz) || !isAir(xx - 1, y, zz) || !isAir(xx + 1, y, zz) || !isAir(xx, y, zz - 1) || !isAir(xx, y, zz + 1)) continue; int smallShroomHeight = rand.nextBoolean() ? 1 : 1 + rand.nextInt(2); setBlockPillar(xx, zz, y, y + smallShroomHeight - 1, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlock(xx, y + smallShroomHeight, zz, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); connectList.add(new BlockPos(xx, y - 1, zz)); } int coordAmt = connectList.size(); for (int connectionAttempt = 0, dir, xx, zz; connectionAttempt < 48; connectionAttempt++) { BlockPos coords1 = connectList.get(rand.nextInt(coordAmt)); BlockPos coords2 = rand.nextInt(3) != 0 ? connectList.get(0) : connectList.get(rand.nextInt(coordAmt)); if (coords1 == coords2) continue; double dist = MathUtil.distance(coords1.getX() - coords2.getX(), coords1.getZ() - coords2.getZ()); if (dist < 1D) continue; dir = rand.nextInt(4); xx = coords1.getX() + offsetX[dir]; zz = coords1.getZ() + offsetZ[dir]; if (MathUtil.distance(xx - coords2.getX(), zz - coords2.getZ()) < dist) { setBlock(xx, y - 1, zz, mushroom, stalkMeta); if (rand.nextInt(16) == 0) setBlock(xx, y, zz, mushroom, stalkMeta); coords1.add(offsetX[dir], 0, offsetZ[dir]); } } return true; } /* * MUSHROOM TYPE - DUTCH CAP */ private boolean genDutchCap(int x, int y, int z, Block mushroom) { int height = 9 + rand.nextInt(8); if (!checkAirCube(x - 2, y, z - 2, x + 3, y + 4, z + 3) || !checkAirCube(x - 3, y + 5, z - 3, x + 5, y + height + 1, z + 5) || !checkAirCube(x - 4, y + height + 2, z - 4, x + 7, y + height + 4, z + 7) || !checkSolidCube(x - 2, y - 1, z - 2, x + 3, y - 1, z + 3)) return false; for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { setBlockPillar(x - 1 + 3 * a, z + b, y, y + 1, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlockPillar(x + b, z - 1 + 3 * a, y, y + 1, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlock(x - 1 + 3 * a, y, z - 1 + 3 * b, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlock(x - 2 + 5 * a, y, z + b, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlock(x + b, y, z - 2 + 5 * a, mushroom, stalkMeta); } setBlockCube(x, y, z, x + 1, y + height, z + 1, mushroom, stalkMeta); for (int py = 4; py <= height; py++) { boolean isTop = py >= height - 1; if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0 || isTop) for (int attempt = 0; attempt < (isTop ? 2 : 1); attempt++) { int branchAddX = 0, branchAddZ = 0; for (int branchAttempt = 0; branchAttempt < 12 && branchAddX == 0 && branchAddZ == 0; branchAttempt++) { branchAddX = rand.nextInt(3) != 0 ? 0 : rand.nextInt(3) - 1; branchAddZ = rand.nextInt(3) != 0 ? 0 : rand.nextInt(3) - 1; } if (branchAddX == 0 && branchAddZ == 0) continue; if (!checkAirCube(x + branchAddX * 2, y + py - 2, z + branchAddZ * 2, x + branchAddX * 2 + 1, y + py, z + branchAddZ * 2 + 1)) continue; int branchSize = isTop ? 3 + rand.nextInt(2) : 2 + rand.nextInt(2 + rand.nextInt(2)); for (int branch = 1; branch <= branchSize; branch++) { setBlockRect(x + branchAddX * branch, z + branchAddZ * branch, x + branchAddX * branch + 1, z + branchAddZ * branch + 1, y + py - 1 + branch, mushroom, stalkMeta); if (isTop) setBlockRect(x + branchAddX * branch, z + branchAddZ * branch, x + branchAddX * branch + 1, z + branchAddZ * branch + 1, y + py + branch, mushroom, stalkMeta); } int branchTopX = x + branchAddX * branchSize, branchTopY = y + py + branchSize, branchTopZ = z + branchAddZ * branchSize; if (isTop) { setBlockRect(branchTopX, branchTopZ, branchTopX + 1, branchTopZ + 1, branchTopY + 1, mushroom, stalkMeta); branchTopY += 2; for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { if (isAir(branchTopX + a, branchTopY, branchTopZ + b)) setBlock(branchTopX + a, branchTopY, branchTopZ + b, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); if (isAir(branchTopX - 1 + 3 * a, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ + b)) setBlock(branchTopX - 1 + 3 * a, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ + b, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); if (isAir(branchTopX + b, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ - 1 + 3 * a)) setBlock(branchTopX + b, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ - 1 + 3 * a, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); if (isAir(branchTopX - 1 + 3 * a, branchTopY - 2, branchTopZ - 1 + 3 * b)) setBlock(branchTopX - 1 + 3 * a, branchTopY - 2, branchTopZ - 1 + 3 * b, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); if (isAir(branchTopX - 2 + 5 * a, branchTopY - 2, branchTopZ + b)) setBlock(branchTopX - 2 + 5 * a, branchTopY - 2, branchTopZ + b, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); if (isAir(branchTopX + b, branchTopY - 2, branchTopZ - 2 + 5 * a)) setBlock(branchTopX + b, branchTopY - 2, branchTopZ - 2 + 5 * a, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); } } else for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { if (isAir(branchTopX + a, branchTopY, branchTopZ + b)) setBlock(branchTopX + a, branchTopY, branchTopZ + b, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); if (isAir(branchTopX - 1 + 3 * a, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ + b)) setBlock(branchTopX - 1 + 3 * a, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ + b, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); if (isAir(branchTopX + b, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ - 1 + 3 * a)) setBlock(branchTopX + b, branchTopY - 1, branchTopZ - 1 + 3 * a, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); } } } return true; } /* * MUSHROOM TYPE - GRANDMA'S SHOES */ private boolean genGrandmasShoes(int x, int y, int z, Block mushroom) { int height = 5 + rand.nextInt(8), splits = rand.nextInt(height > 8 ? 3 : 2), splitSize = splits == 0 ? height : (int) Math.ceil(height / (1F + splits)), splitDir = splits != 0 ? rand.nextInt(4) : -1; int splitOffX = splitDir == -1 ? 0 : offsetX[splitDir], splitOffZ = splitDir == -1 ? 0 : offsetZ[splitDir]; if (!checkAirCube(x - 1, y, z - 1, x + 2, y + height - 2, z + 2) || !checkAirCube(x - 3 + splitOffX, z - 3 + splitOffZ, y + height - 1, x + 3 + splitOffX, y + height + 1, z + 3 + splitOffZ) || !checkSolidCube(x - 1, y - 1, z - 1, x + 3, y - 1, z + 3)) return false; for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { setBlockRect(x - 1 + 3 * b, z, x - 1 + 3 * b, z + 1, y, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlockRect(x, z - 1 + 3 * b, x + 1, z - 1 + 3 * b, y, mushroom, stalkMeta); } for (int py = 0, split = splitSize; py <= height; py++) { setBlockRect(x, z, x + 1, z + 1, y + py, mushroom, stalkMeta); if (--split < 0 && py < height) { x += splitOffX; z += splitOffZ; split = splitSize - 1; } } for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x + a, y + height + 1, z + b)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x - 1 + 3 * a, y + height + 1, z + b)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x + b, y + height + 1, z - 1 + 3 * a)); setBlock(x - 1 + 3 * a, y + height, z - 1 + 3 * b, mushroom, 5); // top // only bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x - 2 + 5 * a, y + height - 1, z - 2 + 5 * b)); } for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x - 2 + 5 * a, y + height, z - 1 + b)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x - 1 + b, y + height, z - 2 + 5 * a)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x - 3 + 7 * a, y + height - 1, z - 1 + b)); bulbs.add(new BlockPos(x - 1 + b, y + height - 1, z - 3 + 7 * a)); } } return true; } /* * MUSHROOM TYPE - SARCASTIC CZECH */ private boolean genSarcasticCzech(int x, int y, int z, Block mushroom) { int height = 2 + rand.nextInt(3); int armLength = 4 + rand.nextInt(3); if (!checkAirCube(x, y, z, x, y + height, z) || !checkAirCube(x - armLength, y + height, z - armLength, x + armLength, y + height + 1, z + armLength)) return false; setBlockPillar(x, z, y, y + height, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlockPillar(x + 1, z, y, y + height, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlockPillar(x, z + 1, y, y + height, mushroom, stalkMeta); setBlockPillar(x + 1, z + 1, y, y + height, mushroom, stalkMeta); y += height; //temp fix until gany fixes (t)his shit :P for (OldForgeDirection[] dirs : new OldForgeDirection[][] { new OldForgeDirection[] { OldForgeDirection.EAST, OldForgeDirection.SOUTH }, new OldForgeDirection[] { OldForgeDirection.EAST, OldForgeDirection.NORTH }, new OldForgeDirection[] { OldForgeDirection.WEST, OldForgeDirection.SOUTH }, new OldForgeDirection[] { OldForgeDirection.WEST, OldForgeDirection.NORTH } }) { int xx = x + dirs[0].offsetX; int yy = y; int zz = z + dirs[0].offsetZ; for (int i = 0; i < armLength; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) yy++; else { OldForgeDirection dir = dirs[rand.nextInt(dirs.length)]; xx += dir.offsetX; zz += dir.offsetZ; } setBlock(xx, yy, zz, mushroom, stalkMeta); } setBlock(xx, yy + 1, zz, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) setBlock(xx + i, yy, zz + j, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); } setBlockRect(x, z, x + 1, z + 1, y + 1, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); setBlockRect(x - 1, z - 1, x + 2, z + 2, y, mushroom, bulbFullMeta); System.out.println("Did Gen"); return true; } /* * BULB METADATA */ private void generateBulbs(int centerX, int centerZ, Block mushroom) { for (BlockPos bulb : bulbs) setBlock(bulb.getX(), bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ(), mushroom); for (BlockPos bulb : bulbs) setMetadata(bulb.getX(), bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ(), getBulbMetadata(centerX, centerZ, bulb)); //for (BlockPos bulb : bulbs) { // int meta = getMetadata(bulb.getX(), bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ()); // System.out.println("Meta should ALSO not be 0 here: " + meta); // setBlock(bulb.getX(), bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ(), mushroom, getMetadata(bulb.getX(), bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ())); //} bulbs.clear(); } private int getBulbMetadata(int centerX, int centerZ, BlockPos bulb) { boolean posX = getBlock(bulb.getX() + 1, bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ()) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom, negX = getBlock(bulb.getX() - 1, bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ()) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom, posZ = getBlock(bulb.getX(), bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ() + 1) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom, negZ = getBlock(bulb.getX(), bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ() - 1) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom; if (posX && negX && posZ && negZ) return 5; // if surrounded, use top only if (posX && negX) if (bulb.getZ() > centerZ) return 8; // use top and south else return 2; // use top and north if (posZ && negZ) if (bulb.getX() > centerX) return 6; // use top and east else return 4; // use top and west if (posX && posZ) return 1; // use top, north and west if (negX && negZ) return 9; // use top, south and east if (negX && posZ) return 3; // use top, north and east if (posX && negZ) return 7; // use top, south and west int sides = (posX ? 1 : 0) + (negX ? 1 : 0) + (posZ ? 1 : 0) + (negZ ? 1 : 0); if (sides > 1) return 0; // go away, you're no longer needed here boolean posXposZ = getBlock(bulb.getX() + 1, bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ() + 1) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom, negXposZ = getBlock(bulb.getX() - 1, bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ() + 1) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom, posXnegZ = getBlock(bulb.getX() + 1, bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ() - 1) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom, negXnegZ = getBlock(bulb.getX() - 1, bulb.getY(), bulb.getZ() - 1) instanceof ErebusHugeMushroom; int corners = (posXposZ ? 1 : 0) + (negXposZ ? 1 : 0) + (posXnegZ ? 1 : 0) + (negXnegZ ? 1 : 0); if (sides == 0 && corners == 0) return 14; // use full cap for lonely shrooms if (posXposZ && negXposZ || negXnegZ && posXnegZ || posXposZ && posXnegZ || negXposZ && negXnegZ) return 14; // use full cap for + pattern if (sides == 0 && corners == 2) for (int dir = 0, meta; dir < 4; dir++) { meta = getMetadata(bulb.getX() + offsetX[dir], bulb.getY() - 1, bulb.getZ() + offsetZ[dir]); if (meta != 0) return meta; // use meta of cap above and to the side - either 2 side cap or full cap } if (sides == 1 && corners == 1 || sides == 0 && corners == 2) if (bulb.getX() > centerX) { if (bulb.getZ() > centerZ) return 9; // use top, south and east else return 3; // use top, north and east } else if (bulb.getZ() > centerZ) return 7; // use top, south and west else return 1; // use top, north and west return 0; } }